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OAQ General Source Data Application GSD-10 Insignificant Activities Form. This is a Indiana form and can be use in Department Of Enviromental Management Statewide.
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GSD-10 – Insignificant Activities – INSTRUCTIONS
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The purpose of GSD-10 (State Form 51596) is to identify all trivial and insignificant activities in operation at the source.
GSD-10 is required for all air permit applications submitted to IDEM, OAQ. For the purposes of this form, the term
“source” refers to the plant as a whole and NOT to the individual emissions units.
Indiana's Part 70 permit program regulations require that an applicant list insignificant activities in the application.
Insignificant activities are defined in 326 IAC 2-7-1(20).
The definition includes the exemption levels specified in 326 IAC 2-1-1 and the following:
< 0.6 ton/year or < 3.29 lb/day -- Lead (Pb)
< 25 lb/day -- Carbon Monoxide (CO)
The exemption levels under 326 IAC 2-1-1 are as follows:
< 5 lb/hour or < 25 lb/day -- Particulate Matter (PM)
< 10 lb/hour or < 50 lb/day -- Sulfur dioxide (SO2)
< 5 lb/hour or < 25 lb/day -- Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
< 3 lb/hour or < 15 lb/day -- Volatile organic compounds (VOC)
If you have any questions, contact the Air Permit Reviewer of the Day (PROD) at (317) 233-0178 or 1-800-451-6027
extension 3-0178 (toll free call within Indiana).
Part A: Trivial Activities
Part A identifies all trivial activities in operation at the source. Items 1 through 17 are defined as trivial activities in
paragraph 40 of Section 1 of Rule 7 from Article 2 of Title 326 of the Indiana Administrative Code (326 IAC 2-7-1(40)).
Detailed information concerning the emissions of these activities is not required; however, detailed emissions information
must be provided upon request by the department. Indicate which activities are present by checking the appropriate box.
Part B: Insignificant Activities
Part B identifies all insignificant activities in operation at the source. Items 18 through 47 are defined as insignificant
activities in 326 IAC 2-7-1(21). Detailed information concerning the emissions of these activities is not required; however,
detailed emissions information must be provided upon request by the department. Indicate which activities are present by
checking the appropriate box.
Part C: Insignificant Laboratory, Research, and Educational Activities
Part C identifies insignificant activities in operation at the source as defined in 326 IAC 2-7-1(21), paragraph (D), (E), or
(F). For items 48 through 50, identify any “other activities” in operation at the source, and provide a brief description.
Part D: Other Insignificant Activities
Part D identifies all other insignificant activities in operation at the source (as defined in 326 IAC 2-7-1(21), paragraphs (A)
and (B) as those activities with potential uncontrolled emissions equal to or less than the specified thresholds) that are not
identified above in Parts A, B, or C. For item 51, identify any “other activities” in operation at the source, and provide a
brief description.
Part E: Insignificant Activities with HAP Emissions
Part E identifies all trivial and insignificant activities in operation at the source that have the potential to emit hazardous air
pollutants (HAP). These activities may or may not be identified above in Parts A, B, or D. Activities listed in Part C
above, need not be listed in this section. For items 52 through 53, identify any “Insignificant HAP Activities” in operation
at the source, provide a description of the insignificant activity, including identification of the HAPs emitted and any
applicable requirements, and provide a brief description.
American LegalNet, Inc.
For a complete list of HAPs, please refer to the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (US EPA) Air Toxics
Website (ATW) original list of HAPs and list of modifications to the HAPs.
You may rely on MSDS sheets, product labels, other manufacturer’s information, or other technical and scientific
judgement for identification of HAPs. Insignificant activities that are part of a multi-step process line shall be reported as
such and the source shall include a description of the function and components of the process line.
Insignificant activities that perform equivalent functions shall be grouped and the function and number of the units shall be
included in the application.
An applicant may wish to provide the information above on a separate sheet(s) and label GSD-10(a), Insignificant
Activities, if additional space is needed.
Part F: Specifically Regulated Insignificant Activities
Part F identifies all specifically regulated insignificant activities. Examples of specifically regulated activities that may
have insignificant emissions include boilers, process heaters, any activity regulated under a federal rule such as MACT or
BACT, etc. If you are not sure if an emissions unit would be considered a specifically regulated insignificant activity,
contact the PROD for additional guidance.
54. Unit ID:
Provide the identification number for each emissions unit that qualifies as a specifically regulated insignificant activity.
The identification numbers listed on this form should correspond to the emissions unit identified on the Plant Layout
and Process Flow diagrams.
55. Stack / Vent ID:
Provide the identification number for each stack or vent that has the potential to emit air pollutants to the atmosphere.
The identification numbers listed on this form should correspond to the stacks and vents identified on the Plant Layout
and Process Flow diagrams.
56. Pollutant:
For each specifically regulated insignificant activity identified, list each criteria pollutant or hazardous air pollutant
emitted to the atmosphere during normal operation. If there are multiple pollutants for an activity, use a new row for
each pollutant.
57. Actual Emissions:
For each emissions unit specific pollutant identified, provide the actual emissions level based on normal operating
conditions (i.e., actual hours of operation, using control equipment, etc.) in standard units and also in tons per year
(tpy). Since the units will vary depending on the process, appropriate units must be included or the application
process may be stopped. The standard units used for this form should correspond to the units used on form CD-01,
Facility/Unit Compliance Status. The annual emissions level should be calculated using data from the previous year
of operation and should correspond to the emissions reported on the Annual Emission Statement (if required). It is
important to provide an estimate of actual emissions so we can compare this number to the potential to emit.
58. Potential Emissions:
For each emissions unit specific pollutant identified, provide the total potential to emit in standard units and also in
tons per year (tpy) based on the maximum design capacity of the emissions unit and operating at 8760 hours/year.
Since the units will vary depending on the process, appropriate units must be included or the application process may
be stopped. The standard units used for this form should correspond to the units used on form CD-01, Facility/Unit
Compliance Status.
NOTE: Indiana Law requires permit emission limits to be based on the potential to emit (PTE) air pollutants as if the
process was operating at full capacity 24 hours per day, seven (7) days per week and 365 days per year (i.e.,
8760 hours per year).
Some sources may opt to take a limit on the potential to emit for the entire source, or individual processes, in order to
better reflect the actual operating scenario. Limitations on operations (work practices) or emissions (control
equipment) may be included in the calculations only to the extent that the limitations are federally enforceable
(required by NSPS, NESHAP, approved SIP requirement, NSR/PSD permit condition, etc.). Limitations that are not
federally enforceable cannot be included (state only requirement, local agency permit condition, etc.).
59. Citation:
Provide the citation for each federal or state rule that applies to the specifically regulated insignificant activity.
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NOTE: Part 70 and FESOP applicants are not required to provide any emissions information unless an exemption
from requirements is being proposed. If you are proposing an exemption, then you must include all
requested information. The exclusion of emission information for insignificant activities only applies to the
application content requirements and not the determination or imposition of any applicable requirement or the
calculation of fees.
All information submitted to IDEM will be made available to the public unless it is submitted under a claim of
confidentiality. Claim of confidentiality must be made at the time the information is submitted to IDEM, and must follow
the requirements set out in 326 IAC 17.1-4-1. Failure to follow these requirements exactly will result in your confidential
information becoming a public record, available for public inspection. To ensure that your information remains
confidential, refer to the IDEM, OAQ information regarding submittal of confidential business information. For more
information on confidentiality for certain types of business information, please review IDEM’s Nonrule Policy Document
Air-031-NPD regarding Emission Data.
American LegalNet, Inc.
GSD-10: Insignificant Activities
State Form 51596 (R3 / 9-06)
IDEM - Office of Air Quality - Permits Branch
100 N. Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46204-2251
Telephone: (317) 233-0178 or
Toll Free: 1-800-451-6027 x30178 (within Indiana)
Facsimile Number: (317) 232-6749
The purpose of this form is to identify all trivial and insignificant activities in operation at the source. This form is
required for all air permit applications.
Detailed instructions for this form are available at
All information submitted to IDEM will be made available to the public unless it is submitted under a claim of
confidentiality. Claims of confidentiality must be made at the time the information is submitted to IDEM, and must
follow the requirements set out in 326 IAC 17.1-4-1. Failure to follow these requirements exactly will result in your
information becoming a public record, available for public inspection.
Part A: Trivial Activities (Optional)
Part A identifies all trivial activities in operation at the source as defined in 326 IAC 2-7-1(40). Please use this table as a
checklist. Check each item and sub-item that applies. If applicable, provide the Emissions Unit Identification number that
corresponds to the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams.
Unit ID
Description of Trivial Activity
(326 IAC)
Any activity or emission unit:
not regulated by a NESHAP, with potential uncontrolled emissions are equal to or less than one (1)
pound per day on an emission unit basis for any single HAP or combination of HAPs; and
for which the potential uncontrolled emissions meet the exemption levels specified in the following:
For lead and lead compounds measured as elemental lead (Pb), potential uncontrolled emissions that are equal
to or less than one (1) pound per day
For carbon monoxide (CO), potential uncontrolled emissions that are equal to or less than one (1) pound per
For sulfur dioxide (SO2), potential uncontrolled emissions that are equal to or less than one (1) pound per day
For volatile organic compounds (VOC), potential uncontrolled emissions that are equal to or less than one (1)
pound per day
For nitrogen oxides (NOX), potential uncontrolled emissions that are equal to or less than one (1) pound per day
For particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to ten (10) micrometers (PM10),
potential uncontrolled emissions that are equal to or less than one (1) pound per day
Water related activities including:
Production of hot water for on-site personal use not related to any industrial or production
Water treatment activities used to provide potable and process water for the plant,
excluding any activities associated with wastewater treatment
Steam traps, vents, leaks and safety relief valves
Cooling ponds
Laundry operations using only water solutions of bleach or detergents
Demineralized water tanks and demineralizer vents
Boiler water treatment operations, not including cooling towers
Oxygen scavenging (de-aeration) of water
Steam cleaning operations and steam sterilizers
Pressure washing of equipment
Water jet cutting operations
Continued on Next Page
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Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Air Quality
State Form 51596 (R3 / 9-06)
Air Permit Application
Page 2 of 13
Part A: Trivial Activities (continued)
Part A identifies all trivial activities in operation at the source as defined in 326 IAC 2-7-1(40). Please use this table as a
checklist. Check each item and sub-item that applies. If applicable, provide the Emissions Unit Identification number that
corresponds to the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams.
Unit ID
Description of Trivial Activity
(326 IAC)
Combustion activities including the following:
Portable electrical generators that can be moved by hand from one location to another. "Moved by hand" means that
it can be moved without the assistance of any motorized or non-motorized vehicle, conveyance, or device
Combustion emissions from propulsion of mobile sources
Fuel use related to food preparation for on-site consumption
Tobacco smoking rooms and areas
Blacksmith forges
Indoor and outdoor kerosene heaters
Activities related to ventilation, venting equipment and refrigeration, including the following:
Ventilation exhaust, central chiller water systems, refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, not
related to any industrial or production process, including natural draft hoods or ventilating systems that
do not remove air pollutants
Stack and vents from plumbing traps used to prevent the discharge of sewer gases, handling domestic
sewage only, excluding those at wastewater treatment plants or those handling any industrial waste
Vents from continuous emissions monitors and other analyzers
Natural gas pressure regulator vents, excluding venting at oil and gas production facilities
Air vents from air compressors
Vents for air cooling of electric motors provided the air does not commingle with regulated air pollutants
Vents from equipment used to air blow water from cooled plastics strands or sheets
Activities related to routine fabrication, maintenance and repair of buildings, structures,
equipment or vehicles at the source where air emissions from those activities would not be
associated with any commercial production process including the following:
Activities associated with the repair and maintenance of paved and unpaved roads, including paving or
sealing, or both, of parking lots and roadways
Painting, including interior and exterior painting of buildings, and solvent use, excluding degreasing
operations utilizing halogenated organic solvents
Brazing, soldering, or welding operations and associated equipment
Portable blast-cleaning equipment with enclosures
Blast-cleaning equipment using water as the suspension agent and associated equipment
Batteries and battery charging stations, except at battery manufacturing plants
Lubrication, including hand-held spray can lubrication, dipping metal parts into lubricating oil, and
manual or automated addition of cutting oil in machining operations
Non-asbestos insulation installation or removal
Tarring, retarring and repair of building roofs
Bead blasting of heater tubes
Instrument air dryer and filter maintenance
Manual tank gauging
Open tumblers associated with deburring operations in maintenance shops
Continued on Next Page
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Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Air Quality
State Form 51596 (R3 / 9-06)
Air Permit Application
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Part A: Trivial Activities (continued)
Part A is intended to identify all trivial activities in operation at the source as defined in 326 IAC 2-7-1(40). Please use this
table as a checklist. Check each item and sub-item that applies. If applicable, provide the Emissions Unit Identification
number that corresponds to the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams.
Unit ID
Description of Trivial Activity
(326 IAC)
Activities performed using hand-held equipment including the following:
Application of hot melt adhesives with no VOC in the adhesive formulation
Cutting, excluding cutting torches
Machining wood, metal, or plastic
Turning wood, metal, or plastic
Surface grinding
Housekeeping and janitorial activities and supplies including the following:
Vacuum cleaning systems used exclusively for housekeeping or custodial activities, or both
Steam cleaning activities
Rest rooms and associated cleanup operations and supplies
Alkaline or phosphate cleaners and associated equipment
Mobile floor sweepers and floor scrubbers
Pest control fumigation
Office related activities including the following:
Office supplies and equipment
Photocopying equipment and associated supplies
Paper shredding
Blueprint machines, photographic equipment, and associated supplies
Lawn care and landscape maintenance activities and equipment, including the storage,
spraying or application of insecticides, pesticides and herbicides
10. Storage equipment and activities including:
Pressurized storage tanks and associated piping for the following:
Inorganic compounds
Natural gas
Anhydrous ammonia
Liquid petroleum gas (LPG)
Nitrogen dioxide
Carbon Monoxide
Liquid natural gas (LNG) (propane)
Sulfur dioxide
Storage tanks, vessels, and containers holding or storing liquid substances that do not
contain any VOC or HAP
Storage tanks, reservoirs, and pumping and handling equipment of any size containing
soap, wax, vegetable oil, grease, animal fat, and nonvolatile aqueous salt solutions,
provided appropriate lids and covers are utilized
Storage of drums containing maintenance raw materials
Storage of the following:
Lance rods
Any non-HAP containing material in solid form stored in a sealed or covered container
Portable containers used for the collection, storage, or disposal of materials provided the
container capacity is equal to or less than forty-six hundredths (0.46) cubic meters and the
container is closed except when the material is added or removed
Continued on Next Page
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Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Air Quality
State Form 51596 (R3 / 9-06)
Air Permit Application
Page 4 of 13
Part A: Trivial Activities (continued)
Part A identifies to identify all trivial activities in operation at the source as defined in 326 IAC 2-7-1(40). Please use this
table as a checklist. Check each item and sub-item that applies. If applicable, provide the Emissions Unit Identification
number that corresponds to the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams.
Unit ID
Description of Trivial Activity
(326 IAC)
11. Emergency and standby equipment including:
Emergency (backup) electrical generators at residential locations, such as dormitories,
prisons and hospitals.
Safety and emergency equipment, except engine driven fire pumps, including fire
suppression systems and emergency road flares.
Process safety relief devices installed solely for the purpose of minimizing injury to persons
or damage to equipment which could result from abnormal process operating conditions,
including the following:
Explosion relief vents, diaphragms or panels
Rupture discs
Safety relief valves
Activities and equipment associated with on-site medical care not otherwise specifically
Vacuum producing devices for the purpose of removing potential accidental releases
12. Sampling and testing equipment and activities including the following:
Equipment used for quality control/assurance or inspection purposes, including sampling
equipment used to withdraw materials for analysis
Hydraulic and hydrostatic testing equipment
Ground water monitoring wells and associated sample collection equipment
Environmental chambers not using hazardous air pollutant (HAP) gases
Shock chambers
Humidity chambers
Solar simulators
Sampling activities including
Sampling of waste
Glove box sampling, charging, and packaging
Instrument air dryers and distribution
13. Use of consumer products and equipment where the product or equipment is used at a source
in the same manner as normal consumer use and is not associated with any production
14. Equipment and activities related to the handling, treating, and processing of animals including:
Equipment used exclusively to slaughter animals, but not including the following: Rendering
cookers, Boilers, Heating plants, Incinerators, and/or Electrical power generating equipment
Veterinary operating rooms
15. Activities generating limited amounts of fugitive dust including:
Fugitive emissions related to movement of passenger vehicles, provided the emissions are
not counted for applicability purposes under 326 IAC 2-7-1(22)(B), and any required
fugitive dust control plan or its equivalent is submitted
Soil boring
Road salting and sanding
Continued on Next Page
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Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Air Quality
State Form 51596 (R3 / 9-06)
Air Permit Application
Page 5 of 13
Part A: Trivial Activities (continued)
Part A identifies all trivial activities in operation at the source as defined in 326 IAC 2-7-1(40). Please use this table as a
checklist. Check each item and sub-item that applies. If applicable, provide the Emissions Unit Identification number that
corresponds to the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams.
Unit ID
Description of Trivial Activity
(326 IAC)
16. Activities associated with production including the following:
Closed, non-vented, tumblers used for cleaning or deburring metal products without
abrasive blasting
Electrical resistance welding
CO2 lasers, used only on metals and other materials which do not emit HAPs in the
Laser trimmers which do not produce fugitive emissions and are equipped with dust
collection devices such as bag filter, cyclone, or equivalent device
Application equipment for hot melt adhesives with no VOC in the adhesive formulation
Drop hammers or hydraulic presses for forging or metalworking
Air compressors and pneumatically operated equipment, including hand tools
Compressor or pump lubrication and seal oil systems
Equipment used to mix and package soaps, vegetable oil, grease, animal fat, and
nonvolatile aqueous salt solutions, provided appropriate lids and covers are utilized
Equipment for washing or drying fabricated glass or metal products, if no VOCs or HAPs
are used in the process, and no gas, oil or solid fuel is burned
Handling of solid steel, including coils and slabs, excluding scrap burning, scarfing, and
charging into steel making furnaces and vessels
17. Miscellaneous equipment, but not emissions associated with the process for which the
equipment is used, and activities including the following:
Equipment used for surface coating, painting, dipping or spraying operation, except
those that will emit VOCs or HAPs
Condensate drains for natural gas and landfill gas
Electric or steam heated drying ovens and autoclaves, including only the heating
emissions and not any associated process emissions
Salt baths using nonvolatile salts including caustic solutions that do not result in
emissions of any regulated air pollutants
Ozone generators
Portable dust collectors
Scrubber systems circulating water based solutions of inorganic salts or bases which are
installed to be available for response to emergency situations
Soil borrow pits
Manual loading and unloading operations
Purging of refrigeration devices using a combination of nitrogen and CFC-22 (R-22) as
pressure test media
Construction and demolition operations
Mechanical equipment gear boxes and vents which are isolated from process materials
Non-volatile mold release waxes and agents
Continued on Next Page
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Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Air Quality
State Form 51596 (R3 / 9-06)
Air Permit Application
Page 6 of 13
Part B: Insignificant Activities
Part B identifies all insignificant activities in operation at the source as defined in 326 IAC 2-7-1(21)(G). Please use this
table as a checklist. Indicate which activities are present by checking the appropriate box. If applicable, provide the
Emissions Unit Identification number that corresponds to the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams.
Unit ID
Description of Insignificant Activity
(326 IAC)
18. Combustion related activities, including the following:
Space heaters, process heaters, or boilers using the following fuels
Natural gas-fired combustion sources with heat input equal to or less than ten
million (10,000,000) Btu per hour
Propane or liquified petroleum gas, or butane-fired combustion sources with heat
input equal to or less than six million (6,000,000) Btu per hour
Fuel oil-fired combustion sources with heat input equal to or less than two million
(2,000,000) Btu per hour and firing fuel containing less than five-tenths percent
(0.5%) sulfur by weight
Wood-fired combustion sources with heat input equal to or less than one million
(1,000,000) Btu per hour and not burning wood refuse, treated wood or chemically
contaminated wood
Equipment powered by diesel fuel fired or natural gas fired internal combustion engines
of capacity equal to or less than five hundred thousand (500,000) Btu/hour, except
where total capacity of equipment operated by one stationary source exceeds two million
(2,000,000) Btu/hour
Combustion source flame safety purging on startup
19. Fuel dispensing activities, including the following:
A gasoline fuel transfer dispensing operation handling less than or equal to one thousand
three hundred (1,300) gallons per day and filling storage tanks having a capacity equal
to or less than ten thousand five hundred (10,500) gallons. Such storage tanks may be
in a fixed location or on mobile equipment
A petroleum fuel, other than gasoline, dispensing facility, having a storage tank capacity
less than or equal to ten thousand five hundred (10,500) gallons, and dispensing three
thousand five hundred (3,500) gallons per day or less
20. The following VOC and HAP storage containers:
Storage tanks with capacity less than or equal to one thousand (1,000) gallons and
annual throughputs less than twelve thousand (12,000) gallons
Vessels storing the following:
Hydraulic oils
Lubricating oils
Machining oils
Machining fluids
21. Refractory storage not requiring air pollution control equipment
22. Equipment used exclusively for the following
Packaging the following:
Filling drums, pails or other packaging containers with the following:
Lubricating oils
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Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Air Quality
State Form 51596 (R3 / 9-06)
Air Permit Application
Page 7 of 13
Part B: Insignificant Activities (continued)
Part B identifies all insignificant activities in operation at the source as defined in 326 IAC 2-7-1(21)(G). Please use this
table as a checklist. Indicate which activities are present by checking the appropriate box. If applicable, provide the
Emissions Unit Identification number that corresponds to the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams.
Unit ID
Description of Insignificant Activity
(326 IAC)
23. Production related activities, including the following:
Application of the following as temporary protective coatings:
Nonvolatile materials
Machining where an aqueous cutting coolant continuously floods the machining
Degreasing operations that do not exceed one hundred forty-five (145) gallons per
twelve (12) months, except if subject to 326 IAC 20-6
Cleaners and solvents characterized as follows where the use of which, for all cleaners
and solvents combined, does not exceed one hundred forty-five (145) gallons per
twelve (12) months
Having a vapor pressure equal to or less than two kilo Pascals (2.0 kPa) (fifteen
millimeters of mercury (15 mm Hg) or three-tenths pound per square inch (0.3
psi)) measured at thirty-eight degrees Centigrade (38°C) (one hundred degrees
Fahrenheit (100°F))
Having a vapor pressure equal to or less than seven-tenths kilo Pascals (0.7 kPa)
(five millimeters of mercury (5 mm Hg) or one-tenth pound per square inch (0.1
psi)) measured at twenty degrees Centigrade (20°C) (sixty-eight degrees
Fahrenheit (68°F))
The following equipment related to manufacturing activities not resulting in the
emission of HAPs:
Brazing equipment
Cutting torches
Soldering equipment
Welding equipment
Closed loop heating and cooling systems
Infared cure equipment
Exposure chambers (towers or columns) for curing of ultraviolet inks and ultra-violet
coatings where heat is the intended discharge
Any of the following structural steel and bridge fabrication activities:
Cutting two hundred thousand (200,000) linear feet or less of one (1) inch plate or
Using eighty (80) tons or less of welding consumables
24. Activities associated with the following recovery systems:
Rolling oil recovery systems
Groundwater oil recovery wells
25. Solvent recycling systems with batch capacity less than or equal to one hundred (100)
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Continued on Next Page
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Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Air Quality
State Form 51596 (R3 / 9-06)
Air Permit Application
Page 8 of 13
Part B: Insignificant Activities (continued)
Part B is intended to identify all insignificant activities in operation at the source as defined in 326 IAC 2-7-1(21)(G). Please
use this table as a checklist. Indicate which activities are present by checking the appropriate box. If applicable, provide
the Emissions Unit Identification number that corresponds to the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams.
Unit ID
Description of Insignificant Activity
(326 IAC)
26. Water-based activities, including the following:
Activities associated with the treatment of wastewater streams with an oil and grease
content less than or equal to one percent (1%) by volume
Water runoff ponds for petroleum coke-cutting and coke storage piles
Activities associated with the transportation and treatment of sanitary sewage, provided
discharge to the treatment plant is under the control of the owner/operator, that is, an onsite sewage treatment facility
Any operation using aqueous solutions containing less than one percent (1%) by weight of
VOCs excluding HAPs
Water based adhesives that are less than or equal to five percent (5%) by volume of VOCs
excluding HAPs
Noncontact cooling tower systems with either of the following:
Natural draft cooling towers not regulated under a NESHAP
Forced and induced draft cooling tower systems not regulated under a NESHAP
Quenching operations used with heat treating processes
27. Repair activities, including the following:
Replacement or repair of electrostatic precipitators, bags in baghouses and filters in
other air filtration equipment
Heat exchanger cleaning and repair
Process vessel degassing and cleaning to prepare for internal repairs
28. Trimmers that do not produce fugitive emissions and that are equipped with a dust
collection or trim material recovery device, such as a bag filter or cyclone
29. Stockpiled soils from soil remediation activities that are covered and waiting transport for
30. Paved and unpaved roads and parking lots with public access
31. Conveyors as follows:
Covered conveyors for solid raw material, including the following:
Coal or coke conveying of less than or equal to three hundred sixty (360) tons per day
Limestone conveying of less than or equal to seven thousand two hundred (7,200) tons per
day for sources other than mineral processing plants constructed after August 31, 1983
Uncovered coal or coke conveying of less than or equal to one hundred twenty (120)
tons per day
Underground conveyors
Enclosed systems for conveying plastic raw materials and plastic finished goods
32. Coal bunker and coal scale exhausts and associated dust collector vents
33. Asbestos abatement projects regulated by 326 IAC 14-10
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Continued on Next Page
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Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Air Quality
State Form 51596 (R3 / 9-06)
Air Permit Application
Page 9 of 13
Part B: Insignificant Activities (continued)
Part B is intended to identify all insignificant activities in operation at the source as defined in 326 IAC 2-7-1(21)(G). Please
use this table as a checklist. Indicate which activities are present by checking the appropriate box. If applicable, provide
the Emissions Unit Identification number that corresponds to the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams.
Unit ID
Description of Insignificant Activity
(326 IAC)
34. Routine maintenance and repair of buildings, structures, or vehicles at the source where
air emissions from those activities would not be associated with any production process,
including the following:
Purging of gas lines
Purging of vessels
35. Flue gas conditioning systems and associated chemicals such as the following:
Sodium sulfate
Temporary liquid separators
Fluid handling equipment
37. Blowdown for the following:
Sight glass
Sulfur trioxide.
36. Equipment used to collect any material that might be released during a malfunction,
process upset, or spill cleanup, including the following:
Catch tanks
Cooling tower
38. Furnaces used for melting metals other than beryllium with a brim full capacity of less than
or equal to four hundred fifty (450) cubic inches by volume
39. Activities associated with emergencies, including the following:
On-site fire training approved by the IDEM
Emergency generators as follows:
Gasoline generators not exceeding one hundred ten (110) horsepower
Diesel generators not exceeding one thousand six hundred (1,600) horsepower
Natural gas turbines or reciprocating engines not exceeding sixteen thousand
(16,000) horsepower
Stationary fire pump engines
40. Grinding and machining operations controlled with fabric filters, scrubbers, mist collectors,
wet collectors and electrostatic precipitators with a design grain loading of less than or
equal to three one-hundredths grains per actual cubic foot (0.03 gr/acf) and a gas flow rate
less than or equal to four thousand actual cubic feet per minute (4,000 acf/min), including
the following:
Pneumatic conveying
Abrasive blasting
Woodworking operations
41. Purge double block and bleed valves
42. Filter or coalescer media changeout
43. Vents from ash transport systems not operated at positive pressure
44. Mold release agents using low volatile products (vapor pressure less than or equal to two
kilo Pascals (2kPa) measured at thirty-eight degrees Centigrade (38°C)
45. Farm operations
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Continued on Next Page
American LegalNet, Inc.
Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Air Quality
State Form 51596 (R3 / 9-06)
Air Permit Application
Page 10 of 13
Part B: Insignificant Activities (continued)
Part B identifies all insignificant activities in operation at the source as defined in 326 IAC 2-7-1(21)(G). Please use this
table as a checklist. Indicate which activities are present by checking the appropriate box. If applicable, provide the
Emissions Unit Identification number that corresponds to the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams.
Unit ID
Description of Insignificant Activity
(326 IAC)
46. Woodworking equipment controlled by a baghouse provided that the following criteria are
The baghouse does not exhaust to the atmosphere greater than one hundred twenty-five thousand
(125,000) cubic feet per minute
The baghouse does not emit particulate matter with a diameter less than ten (10) microns in excess of
three-thousandths grains per dry standard cubic feet (0.003 gr/dscf) of outlet air
Opacity from the baghouse does not exceed ten percent (10%)
The baghouse is in operation at all times the woodworking equipment is in use
Visible emissions from the baghouse are observed daily using procedures in accordance with 40 CFR
60, Appendix A, Method 22 and normal or abnormal emissions are recorded. In the event abnormal
emissions are observed for greater than six (6) minutes in duration, the following shall occur:
The baghouse shall be inspected
Corrective actions, such as replacing or reseating bags, are initiated, when necessary
The baghouse is inspected quarterly when vented to the atmosphere
The owner or operator keeps the following records:
Records documenting the date when the baghouse redirected indoors or to the atmosphere
Quarterly inspection reports, when vented to the atmosphere
Visible observation reports
Records of corrective actions
47. Woodworking equipment controlled by a baghouse provided that the following criteria are
The baghouse does not exhaust to the atmosphere greater than forty thousand (40,000) cubic feet per
The baghouse does not emit particulate matter with a diameter less than ten (10) microns in excess of
one-hundredth grains per dry standard cubic feet (0.01 gr/dscf) of outlet air
Opacity from the baghouse does not exceed ten percent (10%)
The baghouse is in operation at all times the woodworking equipment is in use
Visible emissions from the baghouse are observed daily using procedures in accordance with 40 CFR
60, Appendix A, Method 22 and normal or abnormal emissions are recorded. In the event abnormal
emissions are observed for greater than six (6) minutes in duration, the following shall occur:
The baghouse shall be inspected
Corrective actions, such as replacing or reseating bags, are initiated, when necessary
The baghouse is inspected quarterly when vented to the atmosphere
The owner or operator keeps the following records:
Records documenting the date when the baghouse redirected indoors or to the atmosphere
Quarterly inspection reports, when vented to the atmosphere
Visible observation reports
Records of corrective actions
Continued on Next Page
American LegalNet, Inc.
Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Air Quality
State Form 51596 (R3 / 9-06)
Air Permit Application
Page 11 of 13
Part C: Insignificant Laboratory, Research, and Educational Activities
Part C identifies insignificant activities in operation at the source as defined in 326 IAC 2-7-1(21), paragraph (D), (E), or (F).
Please use this table as a checklist. Indicate which activities are present by checking the appropriate box. If applicable,
provide the Emissions Unit Identification number that corresponds to the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams.
Unit ID
Description of Insignificant Activity
Emissions from a laboratory as defined in 2-7-1(21)(D).
Emissions from research and development activities as defined in 2-7-1(21)(E).
Emissions from educational and teaching activities as defined in 2-7-1(21)(F).
Part D: Other Insignificant Activities
Part D identifies all other insignificant activities in operation at the source (as defined in 326 IAC 2-7-1(21), paragraphs (A)
and (B) as those activities with potential uncontrolled emissions equal to or less than the thresholds listed below) that are
not identified above in Parts A, B, or C. If applicable, provide the Emissions Unit Identification number that corresponds to
the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams.
Carbon Monoxide (CO) ≤ 25 lb/day
Particulate Matter with aerodynamic diameter ≤ 10μm (PM10) ≤ 5 lbs/hr or 25 lb/day
Lead (Pb) ≤ 0.6 ton/yr or 3.29 lb/day
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) ≤ 5 lbs/hr or 25 lb/day
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) ≤ 5 lbs/hr or 25 lb/day
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) ≤ 3 lbs/hr or 15 lb/day
51. Other Insignificant Activities: Identify any “other activities”, and provide a brief description.
Unit ID
Description of Other Activity
Continued on Next Page
American LegalNet, Inc.
Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Air Quality
State Form 51596 (R3 / 9-06)
Air Permit Application
Page 12 of 13
Part E: Insignificant Activities with HAP Emissions
Part D identifies all insignificant activities in operation at the source (as defined in 326 IAC 2-7-1(21)(C)) that have the
potential to emit hazardous air pollutants (HAP). These activities may or may not be identified above in Parts A, B, or D.
Activities listed in Part C above, need not be listed in this section. Indicate which type of “Insignificant HAP Activities”
are present by checking the appropriate box, and provide a brief description.
52. Individual HAP Emissions:
Identify any emissions unit, not regulated by a NESHAP, emitting greater than 1 pound per day but less than 5 pounds
per day or 1 ton per year of a single HAP.
Emissions Unit
Brief Description
Applicable Requirements
53. Combination HAP Emissions:
Identify any emissions unit, not regulated by a NESHAP, emitting greater than 1 pound per day but less than 12.5
pounds per day or 2.5 ton per year of a combination of HAPs.
Emissions Unit
Brief Description
Continued on Next Page
Applicable Requirements
American LegalNet, Inc.
Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Air Quality
State Form 51596 (R3 / 9-06)
Air Permit Application
Page 13 of 13
Part E: Specifically Regulated Insignificant Activities
Part E identifies all specifically regulated insignificant activities. Examples of specifically regulated activities that may have insignificant emissions include boilers,
process heaters, any activity regulated under a federal rule such as MACT or BACT, etc. If you are not sure if an emissions unit would be considered a specifically
regulated insignificant activity, contact the Air Permit Reviewer of the Day for additional guidance.
54. Unit ID
55. Stack /
Vent ID
56. Pollutant
57. Actual Emissions
58. Potential to Emit
Standard Units
Standard Units
Tons Per Year
59. Citation
Tons Per Year
American LegalNet, Inc.