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OAQ Process Information Application PI-11 Foundry Smelting And Die Cast Operations Form. This is a Indiana form and can be use in Department Of Enviromental Management Statewide.
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Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Air Quality
Air Permit Application
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PI-11 Instructions
PROCESS INFORMATION: Foundry, Smelting & Die Cast Operations –
Microsoft Word version of PI-11
Adobe PDF version of PI-11
The purpose of PI-11 (state form 52551) is to obtain detailed information about foundry, smelting, and die cast operations.
Complete one form for each process (or group of identical processes). PI-11 is a required form for all air permit
applications submitted to IDEM, OAQ. For the purposes of this form, the term “source” refers to the plant as a whole and
NOT to the individual emissions units. If you do not provide the enough information to adequately describe the process,
the application process may be stopped.
If you have any questions, contact the Air Permit Reviewer of the Day (PROD) at (317) 233-0178 or 1-800-451-6027
extension 3-0178 (toll free call within Indiana).
Part A: Elements of Foundry, Smelting & Die Cast Operations
Part A identifies the processes related to foundries, smelting, and die cast operations and additional forms that may be
needed. For each process listed, specify the form(s) attached. If a listed process is not applicable to the process, choose
“N/A”. If there is another process applicable beyond the listed items, specify the process under the “other” option, and
identify any additional forms used to describe the process.
1. Process:
a. Raw Material Storage and Handling: Use the PI-03 form to describe all storage and handling activities.
b. Non-Metallic Mineral Processing (crushing and sizing of raw materials): Use the PI-18 form to describe the
mineral processing activities.
c. Ground Material Storage and Handling: Use the PI-03 form to describe all storage and handling activities.
d. Pre-heater / Pre-calciner: To adequately describe the pre-heater or pre-calciner, complete the PI-02A to
summarize the combustion units, Complete the PI-02B to describe each pre-heater or pre-calciner, complete the
PI-02G to identify all the emission factors applicable to the process, and complete PI-02H to identify any federal
rules that apply to the combustion unit.
e. Fuel Type for Pre-heater / Pre-calciner: Complete the PI-02F form is a fuel other than natural gas is used.
Furnace: To adequately describe the furnace, complete the PI-02A to summarize the combustion units, Complete
the PI-02B to describe each furnace, complete the PI-02G to identify all the emission factors applicable to the
process, and complete PI-02H to identify any federal rules that apply to the combustion unit.
g. Fuel Type for Kiln: Complete the PI-02F form is a fuel other than natural gas is used.
h. Non-Metallic Mineral Processing (crushing and sizing of clinker): Use the PI-18 form to describe the mineral
processing activities.
Shot Blasting: Use the PI-17 form to describe all blasting operations.
Grinding: Use the PI-18 form to describe the mineral processing activities.
k. Painting: Use the PI-19 form to describe all surface coating activities.
Sand Reclamation: Most sand reclamation is achieved through an incineration process. To adequately describe
the incineration process, complete the PI-02A to summarize the combustion units, Complete the PI-02B to
describe each furnace, complete the PI-02G to identify all the emission factors applicable to the process, and
complete PI-02H to identify any federal rules that apply to the combustion unit.
If sand reclamation does not employ an incineration process, provide an explanation of the reclamation process.
A PI-01 form may be needed to describe the process.
2. Form:
PI-03: Storage and Handling of Bulk Material
PI-02A: Combustion Unit Summary
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Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Air Quality
Air Permit Application
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PI-11 Instructions
PI-02B: Combustion – Boilers, Process Heaters, and Furnaces
PI-02D: Combustion – Incinerators and Combustors
PI-02F: Combustion – Fuel Use
PI-02G: Combustion – Emission Factors
PI-02H: Combustion – Federal Rule Applicability
PI-17: Blasting Operations
PI-18: Mineral Processing
PI-19: Surface Coating and Printing Operations
Part B: Operation Details
Part B identifies the overall foundry process.
3. Final Products:
Identify all final products of the foundry.
4. Type of Process:
Specify the foundry process. If none of the listed categories or subcategories is applicable, specify the combustions
type under the “other” option.
Part C: Charge Handling Process
Part C identifies the components associated with the charge handling process. Use additional forms as necessary
5. Unit ID:
For each equipment or component type listed, provide the identification number(s) for the process unit(s). Please list
each emission unit on a separate row, unless they are identical. Identical units must be of the same type, capacity,
and installation date. The identification numbers listed on this form should correspond to the emissions unit identified
on the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams.
6. Installation Date:
For each emission unit listed, provide the date on which the unit was installed. If the exact date is not known, provide
the month and year of the installation. If the unit has not yet been installed, provide the anticipated installation date.
If the unit has been modified since the original installation, include the most recent modification date.
7. Material Handled:
For each equipment or component type listed, identify the materials handled.
8. Maximum Charge Rate:
Specify the maximum charge rate in tons per hour (ton/hr).
9. Is the Process Totally Enclosed in a building?
Specify whether the process is totally enclosed in a building.
10. Air Pollutant:
For each process identified, list each air pollutant emitted to the atmosphere during normal operation. If there are
multiple pollutants for an process, use a new row for each pollutant.
11. Emission Factor:
Provide the relevant emission factor including the appropriate units (e.g., lb/units, lbs/ton, lbs/gal, lbs/cf, etc.).
12. Source of Emission Factor:
Provide the source of the emission factors. Common sources include AP-42, stack test data, engineering analysis.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) has developed a Clearinghouse for Inventories &
Emission Factors containing AP-42 and other emission factors. Appendix A of AP-42 lists several common
conversion factors that may be needed to calculate potential to emit.
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Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Air Quality
Air Permit Application
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PI-11 Instructions
13. Add-On Control Technology:
Identify all control technologies used for this process, if applicable. A Control Equipment (CE) application form will
need to be completed for each control device used, and a summary of control equipment should be submitted using
form CE-01.
14. Control Techniques:
Identify all control techniques used for this process.
15. Process Limitations / Additional Information:
Use the space provided to identify any acceptable process limitations or to provide additional information. An
example of an acceptable process limitation would be taking a limit on raw material usage. Such a limit would require
an additional record keeping and reporting requirements to be enforceable. For some limitations, performance testing
may also be required. Any future change to the established limit will require a permit modification.
Part D: Sand Handling Information
Part D identifies the components associated with sand handling. Use additional forms as necessary.
16. Does your process include sand handling?
Specify whether the process includes sand handling. If yes, complete the remainder of this table. If no, skip this
section and proceed to the next section.
17. Unit ID:
For each equipment or component type listed, provide the identification number(s) for the process unit(s). Please list
each emission unit on a separate row, unless they are identical. Identical units must be of the same type, capacity,
and installation date. The identification numbers listed on this form should correspond to the emissions unit identified
on the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams.
18. Installation Date:
For each emission unit listed, provide the date on which the unit was installed. If the exact date is not known, provide
the month and year of the installation. If the unit has not yet been installed, provide the anticipated installation date.
If the unit has been modified since the original installation, include the most recent modification date.
19. Sand Throughput Rate:
Specify the sand throughput rate in tons of sand per hour (tons sand/hr).
20. Air Pollutant:
For each process identified, list each air pollutant emitted to the atmosphere during normal operation. If there are
multiple pollutants for an process, use a new row for each pollutant.
21. Emission Factor:
Provide the relevant emission factor including the appropriate units (e.g., lb/units, lbs/ton, lbs/gal, lbs/cf, etc.).
22. Source of Emission Factor:
Provide the source of the emission factors. Common sources include AP-42, stack test data, engineering analysis.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) has developed a Clearinghouse for Inventories &
Emission Factors containing AP-42 and other emission factors. Appendix A of AP-42 lists several common
conversion factors that may be needed to calculate potential to emit.
23. Add-On Control Technology:
Identify all control technologies used for this process, if applicable. A Control Equipment (CE) application form will
need to be completed for each control device used, and a summary of control equipment should be submitted using
form CE-01.
24. Control Techniques:
Identify all control techniques used for this process.
25. Process Limitations / Additional Information:
Use the space provided to identify any acceptable process limitations or to provide additional information. An
example of an acceptable process limitation would be taking a limit on raw material usage. Such a limit would require
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Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Air Quality
Air Permit Application
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PI-11 Instructions
an additional record keeping and reporting requirements to be enforceable. For some limitations, performance testing
may also be required. Any future change to the established limit will require a permit modification.
Part E: Mold Making Process Information
Part E identifies the components associated with the mold making process. Use additional forms as necessary.
26. Does your production process include a process for making sand molds?
Specify whether the production process includes a process for making sand molds. If yes, complete the remainder of
this table. If no, skip this section and proceed to the next section.
27. Number of Mold Making Process Lines:
Specify the total number of mold making process lines.
28. Unit ID:
For each equipment or component type listed, provide the identification number(s) for the process unit(s). Please list
each emission unit on a separate row, unless they are identical. Identical units must be of the same type, capacity,
and installation date. The identification numbers listed on this form should correspond to the emissions unit identified
on the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams.
29. Installation Date:
For each emission unit listed, provide the date on which the unit was installed. If the exact date is not known, provide
the month and year of the installation. If the unit has not yet been installed, provide the anticipated installation date.
If the unit has been modified since the original installation, include the most recent modification date.
30. Capacity:
Specify the maximum mold making capacity in tons of sand per hour (tons sand/hr).
31. Type of Binder:
Specify the type of binder used for mold making.
32. Amount of Binder Used:
Specify the amount of binder used in pounds of binder per pounds of sand (lb binder/lb sand).
33. Percent VOC in Binder:
Specify the amount of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in the binder as a percent (%). Attach a Material Safety
Data Sheet (MSDS) for each binder used.
34. Air Pollutant:
For each process identified, list each air pollutant emitted to the atmosphere during normal operation. If there are
multiple pollutants for an process, use a new row for each pollutant.
35. Emission Factor:
Provide the relevant emission factor including the appropriate units (e.g., lb/units, lbs/ton, lbs/gal, lbs/cf, etc.).
36. Source of Emission Factor:
Provide the source of the emission factors. Common sources include AP-42, stack test data, engineering analysis.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) has developed a Clearinghouse for Inventories &
Emission Factors containing AP-42 and other emission factors. Appendix A of AP-42 lists several common
conversion factors that may be needed to calculate potential to emit.
37. Add-On Control Technology:
Identify all control technologies used for this process, if applicable. A Control Equipment (CE) application form will
need to be completed for each control device used, and a summary of control equipment should be submitted using
form CE-01.
38. Control Techniques:
Identify all control techniques used for this process.
39. Process Limitations / Additional Information:
Use the space provided to identify any acceptable process limitations or to provide additional information. An
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Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Air Quality
Air Permit Application
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PI-11 Instructions
example of an acceptable process limitation would be taking a limit on raw material usage. Such a limit would require
an additional record keeping and reporting requirements to be enforceable. For some limitations, performance testing
may also be required. Any future change to the established limit will require a permit modification.
Part F: Core Mixing Process Information
Part F identifies the components associated with core mixing. Use additional forms as necessary.
40. Does your production process include a core mixing process?
Specify whether the production process includes a core mixing process. If yes, complete the remainder of this table.
If no, skip this section and proceed to the next section.
41. Number of Core Mixing Process Lines:
Specify the total number of core mixing process lines.
42. Unit ID:
For each equipment or component type listed, provide the identification number(s) for the process unit(s). Please list
each emission unit on a separate row, unless they are identical. Identical units must be of the same type, capacity,
and installation date. The identification numbers listed on this form should correspond to the emissions unit identified
on the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams.
43. Installation Date:
For each emission unit listed, provide the date on which the unit was installed. If the exact date is not known, provide
the month and year of the installation. If the unit has not yet been installed, provide the anticipated installation date.
If the unit has been modified since the original installation, include the most recent modification date.
44. Core Mixer Capacity:
Specify the maximum core mixer capacity in tons of sand per hour (tons sand/hr).
45. Type of Binder:
Specify the type of binder used for core mixing.
46. Amount of Binder Used:
Specify the amount of binder used in pounds of binder per pounds of sand (lb binder/lb sand).
47. Percent VOC in Binder:
Specify the amount of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in the binder as a percent (%). Attach a Material Safety
Data Sheet (MSDS) for each binder used.
48. Air Pollutant:
For each process identified, list each air pollutant emitted to the atmosphere during normal operation. If there are
multiple pollutants for an process, use a new row for each pollutant.
49. Emission Factor:
Provide the relevant emission factor including the appropriate units (e.g., lb/units, lbs/ton, lbs/gal, lbs/cf, etc.).
50. Source of Emission Factor:
Provide the source of the emission factors. Common sources include AP-42, stack test data, engineering analysis.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) has developed a Clearinghouse for Inventories &
Emission Factors containing AP-42 and other emission factors. Appendix A of AP-42 lists several common
conversion factors that may be needed to calculate potential to emit.
51. Add-On Control Technology:
Identify all control technologies used for this process, if applicable. A Control Equipment (CE) application form will
need to be completed for each control device used, and a summary of control equipment should be submitted using
form CE-01.
52. Control Techniques:
Identify all control techniques used for this process.
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Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Air Quality
Air Permit Application
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PI-11 Instructions
53. Process Limitations / Additional Information:
Use the space provided to identify any acceptable process limitations or to provide additional information. An
example of an acceptable process limitation would be taking a limit on raw material usage. Such a limit would require
an additional record keeping and reporting requirements to be enforceable. For some limitations, performance testing
may also be required. Any future change to the established limit will require a permit modification.
Part G: Core Machine Process Information
Part G identifies the components associated with the core machine. Use additional forms as necessary.
54. Does your production process include a core making process?
Specify whether the production process includes a core making process. If yes, complete the remainder of this table.
If no, skip this section and proceed to the next section.
55. Core Machine Unit ID:
For each equipment or component type listed, provide the identification number(s) for the process unit(s). Please list
each emission unit on a separate row, unless they are identical. Identical units must be of the same type, capacity,
and installation date. The identification numbers listed on this form should correspond to the emissions unit identified
on the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams.
56. Installation Date:
For each emission unit listed, provide the date on which the unit was installed. If the exact date is not known, provide
the month and year of the installation. If the unit has not yet been installed, provide the anticipated installation date.
If the unit has been modified since the original installation, include the most recent modification date.
57. Type of Core Making Process:
Specify the type of core making process.
58. Core Making Capacity:
Specify the maximum core making capacity in tons of cores per hour (tons cores/hr).
59. Type of Catalyst:
Specify the type of catalyst used for core making.
60. Amount of Catalyst Used:
Specify the amount of catalyst used in pounds of catalyst per pounds of sand (lb catalyst/lb sand).
61. Percent VOC in Catalyst:
Specify the amount of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in the catalyst as a percent (%). Attach a Material Safety
Data Sheet (MSDS) for each catalyst used.
62. Air Pollutant:
For each process identified, list each air pollutant emitted to the atmosphere during normal operation. If there are
multiple pollutants for an process, use a new row for each pollutant.
63. Emission Factor:
Provide the relevant emission factor including the appropriate units (e.g., lb/units, lbs/ton, lbs/gal, lbs/cf, etc.).
64. Source of Emission Factor:
Provide the source of the emission factors. Common sources include AP-42, stack test data, engineering analysis.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) has developed a Clearinghouse for Inventories &
Emission Factors containing AP-42 and other emission factors. Appendix A of AP-42 lists several common
conversion factors that may be needed to calculate potential to emit.
65. Add-On Control Technology:
Identify all control technologies used for this process, if applicable. A Control Equipment (CE) application form will
need to be completed for each control device used, and a summary of control equipment should be submitted using
form CE-01.
66. Control Techniques:
Identify all control techniques used for this process.
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Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Air Quality
Air Permit Application
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PI-11 Instructions
67. Process Limitations / Additional Information:
Use the space provided to identify any acceptable process limitations or to provide additional information. An
example of an acceptable process limitation would be taking a limit on raw material usage. Such a limit would require
an additional record keeping and reporting requirements to be enforceable. For some limitations, performance testing
may also be required. Any future change to the established limit will require a permit modification.
Part H: Core Dip Tank Information
Part H identifies the components associated with the core dip tank. Use additional forms as necessary.
68. Does your production process include a core dip tank?
Specify whether the production process includes a core making process. If yes, complete the remainder of this table.
If no, skip this section and proceed to the next section.
69. Dip Tank Unit ID:
For each equipment or component type listed, provide the identification number(s) for the process unit(s). Please list
each emission unit on a separate row, unless they are identical. Identical units must be of the same type, capacity,
and installation date. The identification numbers listed on this form should correspond to the emissions unit identified
on the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams.
70. Installation Date:
For each emission unit listed, provide the date on which the unit was installed. If the exact date is not known, provide
the month and year of the installation. If the unit has not yet been installed, provide the anticipated installation date.
If the unit has been modified since the original installation, include the most recent modification date.
71. Dip Tank Capacity:
Specify the maximum core dip tank capacity, and include appropriate units of measure.
72. Amount of Core Wash Used:
Specify the amount of core wash used in pounds of core wash per pounds of sand (lb core wash/lb sand).
73. Percent VOC in Core Wash:
Specify the amount of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in the core wash as a percent (%). Attach a Material
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each core wash used.
74. Core Oven ID:
For each equipment or component type listed, provide the identification number(s) for the process unit(s). Please list
each emission unit on a separate row, unless they are identical. Identical units must be of the same type, capacity,
and installation date. The identification numbers listed on this form should correspond to the emissions unit identified
on the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams.
75. Air Pollutant:
For each process identified, list each air pollutant emitted to the atmosphere during normal operation. If there are
multiple pollutants for an process, use a new row for each pollutant.
76. Emission Factor:
Provide the relevant emission factor including the appropriate units (e.g., lb/units, lbs/ton, lbs/gal, lbs/cf, etc.).
77. Source of Emission Factor:
Provide the source of the emission factors. Common sources include AP-42, stack test data, engineering analysis.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) has developed a Clearinghouse for Inventories &
Emission Factors containing AP-42 and other emission factors. Appendix A of AP-42 lists several common
conversion factors that may be needed to calculate potential to emit.
78. Add-On Control Technology:
Identify all control technologies used for this process, if applicable. A Control Equipment (CE) application form will
need to be completed for each control device used, and a summary of control equipment should be submitted using
form CE-01.
79. Control Techniques:
Identify all control techniques used for this process.
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Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Air Quality
Air Permit Application
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PI-11 Instructions
80. Process Limitations / Additional Information:
Use the space provided to identify any acceptable process limitations or to provide additional information. An
example of an acceptable process limitation would be taking a limit on raw material usage. Such a limit would require
an additional record keeping and reporting requirements to be enforceable. For some limitations, performance testing
may also be required. Any future change to the established limit will require a permit modification.
Part I: Refining, Inoculation & Magnesium Treatment, & Alloying Information
Part I identifies any additives to the process to change the properties of the metals. Use additional forms as necessary.
81. Does your production process use a refining procedure?
Specify whether the production process uses a refining procedure. If yes, provide the information about flux. If no,
skip this section and proceed to the section about inoculation.
82. Flux Type:
Specify the type of flux used in the refining procedure.
83. Flux Amount:
Specify the amount of flux used in the refining process in pounds of flux per pound of metal (lb flux/lb metal).
84. Frequency of Process:
Specify the amount of time refining is used in the process as a percent (%) of the total process time.
85. Does your production process use an inoculation procedure?
Specify whether the production process uses a refining procedure. If yes, provide the information about the
inoculants. If no, skip this section and proceed to the section about magnesium treatment.
86. Inoculant Type:
Specify the type of inoculant used in the inoculation procedure.
87. Inoculant Amount:
Specify the amount of inoculant used in the inoculation procedure in pounds of inoculant per pound of metal (lb
inoculant/lb metal).
88. Frequency of Process:
Specify the amount of time inoculation is used in the process as a percent (%) of the total process time.
89. Does your production process use a Magnesium Treatment procedure?
Specify whether the production process uses a magnesium (Mg) treatment procedure. If yes, provide the information
about magnesium treatment. If no, skip this section and proceed to the section about dross cooling.
90. Location of Magnesium Treatment Process:
Specify the whether the magnesium treatment occurs in the furnace. If the treatment occurs elsewhere, specify the
general location of the magnesium treatment process.
91. Unit Where Magnesium Process Occurs:
Specify the unit or process identification for where the magnesium treatment process occurs. Please list each
emission unit on a separate row, unless they are identical. Identical units must be of the same type, capacity, and
installation date. The identification numbers listed on this form should correspond to the emissions unit identified on
the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams.
92. Unit ID:
Provide the identification number(s) for the process unit(s). Please list each emission unit on a separate row, unless
they are identical. Identical units must be of the same type, capacity, and installation date. The identification
numbers listed on this form should correspond to the emissions unit identified on the Plant Layout and Process Flow
93. Installation Date:
For each emission unit listed, provide the date on which the unit was installed. If the exact date is not known, provide
the month and year of the installation. If the unit has not yet been installed, provide the anticipated installation date.
If the unit has been modified since the original installation, include the most recent modification date.
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Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Air Quality
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PI-11 Instructions
94. Magnesium Amount:
Specify the amount of magnesium used in the treatment process in pounds of magnesium per pound of metal (lb
Mg/lb metal).
95. Does your production process use dross cooling?
Specify whether the production process uses dross cooling. If yes, complete the rest of this section. If no, skip this
section and proceed to the next section.
96. Type of Dross Cooling:
Specify the type of dross cooling used.
97. Dross Usage:
Specify the amount of dross used in the process in tons of dross per hour (tons dross/hr).
98. Unit ID:
For each equipment or component type listed, provide the identification number(s) for the process unit(s). Please list
each emission unit on a separate row, unless they are identical. Identical units must be of the same type, capacity,
and installation date. The identification numbers listed on this form should correspond to the emissions unit identified
on the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams.
99. Installation Date:
For each emission unit listed, provide the date on which the unit was installed. If the exact date is not known, provide
the month and year of the installation. If the unit has not yet been installed, provide the anticipated installation date.
If the unit has been modified since the original installation, include the most recent modification date.
Number of Coolers / Vats:
Specify the number of dross coolers or open vats per emission unit.
Volume of Each Coolers / Vats:
Specify the volume of each of dross cooler or open vat and include appropriate units of measure.
Part J: Pouring/Casting, Cooling and Shakeout Details
Part J identifies the components associated with the pouring/casting, cooling, and shakeout process lines. Use additional
forms as necessary.
Line / Unit ID:
For each equipment or component type listed, provide the identification number(s) for the process unit(s). Please list
each emission unit on a separate row, unless they are identical. Identical units must be of the same type, capacity,
and installation date. The identification numbers listed on this form should correspond to the emissions unit identified
on the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams.
Installation Date:
For each emission unit listed, provide the date on which the unit was installed. If the exact date is not known, provide
the month and year of the installation. If the unit has not yet been installed, provide the anticipated installation date.
If the unit has been modified since the original installation, include the most recent modification date.
Specify the maximum capacity in tons of metal per hour (tons metal/hr) and tons of sand per hour (tons sand/hr).
VOC Emitted:
Specify the amount of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) emitted in pounds per hour (lb/hr) and pounds per cast
PM Emitted:
Specify the amount of Particulate Matter (PM) emitted in pounds per hour (lb/hr) and pounds per cast (lb/cast).
HAP Emitted:
Specify the amount of Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAP) emitted in pounds per hour (lb/hr) and pounds per cast
American LegalNet, Inc.
Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Air Quality
Air Permit Application
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PI-11 Instructions
Air Pollutant:
For each process identified, list each air pollutant emitted to the atmosphere during normal operation. If there are
multiple pollutants for an process, use a new row for each pollutant.
Emission Factor:
Provide the relevant emission factor including the appropriate units (e.g., lb/units, lbs/ton, lbs/gal, lbs/cf, etc.).
Source of Emission Factor:
Provide the source of the emission factors. Common sources include AP-42, stack test data, engineering analysis.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) has developed a Clearinghouse for Inventories &
Emission Factors containing AP-42 and other emission factors. Appendix A of AP-42 lists several common
conversion factors that may be needed to calculate potential to emit.
Add-On Control Technology:
Identify all control technologies used for this process, if applicable. A Control Equipment (CE) application form will
need to be completed for each control device used, and a summary of control equipment should be submitted using
form CE-01.
Control Techniques:
Identify all control techniques used for this process.
Process Limitations / Additional Information:
Use the space provided to identify any acceptable process limitations or to provide additional information. An
example of an acceptable process limitation would be taking a limit on raw material usage. Such a limit would require
an additional record keeping and reporting requirements to be enforceable. For some limitations, performance testing
may also be required. Any future change to the established limit will require a permit modification.
Part K: Federal Rule Applicability
Part K identifies any federal rules that apply to the process.
Is a New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) applicable to this source?
Specify whether a New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) is applicable to the process unit(s). If a New Source
Performance Standard (NSPS) applies, list the rule citation and title in the space provided and submit a FED-01 form
to identify the applicable portions of the rule.
Unit IDs:
Provide the identification numbers for the process units that are subject to an NSPS. The identification numbers listed
on this form should correspond to the emissions unit identified on the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams.
Is a National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) applicable to this source?
Specify whether a National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) is applicable to the process
unit(s). If a National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) applies, list the rule citation and title
in the space provided and submit a FED-01 form to identify the applicable portions of the rule. The United States
Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) provides lists of NESHAP on the Rules and Implementation section of
the Air Toxics Website.
Unit IDs:
Provide the identification numbers for the process units that are subject to a NESHAP. The identification numbers
listed on this form should correspond to the emissions unit identified on the Plant Layout and Process Flow diagrams.
Non-Applicability Determination:
Provide an explanation of non-applicability if the process unit would appear to be subject to a rule (based on the rule
title of affected source category), but the rule will not apply to the process. For example, if the process unit is part of
the source category subject to a rule, but the process unit in question is not subject to the rule, state the reason why
the unit is not subject.
All information submitted to IDEM will be made available to the public unless it is submitted under a claim of
confidentiality. Claim of confidentiality must be made at the time the information is submitted to IDEM, and must follow
the requirements set out in 326 IAC 17.1-4-1. Failure to follow these requirements exactly will result in your confidential
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Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Air Quality
Air Permit Application
Page 11 of 11
PI-11 Instructions
information becoming a public record, available for public inspection. To ensure that your information remains
confidential, refer to the IDEM, OAQ information regarding submittal of confidential business information. For more
information on confidentiality for certain types of business information, please review IDEM’s Nonrule Policy Document
Air-031-NPD regarding Emission Data.
Summary of Websites
1. Microsoft Word version of form PI-11:
2. Adobe PDF version of form PI-11:
3. Air Permit Reviewer of the Day (PROD) online form:
4. Plant Layout Diagram:
5. Example Process Flow Diagram:
6. PI-03 Form: Storage and Handling of Bulk Material:
7. PI-02A Form: Combustion Unit Summary:
8. PI-02B Form: Combustion – Boilers, Process Heaters, and Furnaces:
9. PI-02D Form: Combustion – Incinerators and Combustors:
10. PI-02F Form: Combustion – Fuel Use:
11. PI-02G Form: Combustion – Emission Factors:
12. PI-02H Form: Combustion – Federal Rule Applicability:
13. PI-17 Form: Blasting Operations:
14. PI-18 Form: Mineral Processing:
15. PI-19 Form: Surface Coating and Printing Operations:
16. U.S. EPA’s Clearinghouse for Inventories & Emission Factors:
17. Appendix A of AP-42:
18. United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA):
19. Rules and Implementation section of U.S. EPA’s Air Toxics Website:
20. Article 17.1, Rule 4, Section 1 of the Indiana Administrative Code (326 IAC 17.1-4-1):
21. IDEM, OAQ’s information regarding submittal of confidential business information:
22. IDEM’s Nonrule Policy Document regarding Emission Data (Air-031-NPD):
American LegalNet, Inc.
PI-11: Foundry, Smelting & Die Cast Operations
State Form 52551 (R / 1-07)
IDEM – Office of Air Quality – Permits Branch
100 N. Senate Ave., MC 61-53
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2251
Telephone: (317) 233-0178, or
Toll Free: 1-800-451-6027 x30178 (within Indiana)
Facsimile Number: (317) 232-6749
The purpose of this form is to obtain detailed information about foundry, smelting and die cast operations. Complete one form for
each process unit (or group of identical units).
Detailed instructions for this form are available online at .
All information submitted to IDEM will be made available to the public unless it is submitted under a claim of confidentiality.
Claims of confidentiality must be made at the time the information is submitted to IDEM, and must follow the requirements set out
in 326 IAC 17.1-4-1. Failure to follow these requirements exactly will result in your information becoming a public record,
available for anyone to inspect and photocopy.
PART A: Foundry, Smelting & Die Cast Processes
Part A identifies processes that are related foundries, smelting, and die casting and additional forms that may be
1. Process
Use the form listed for the specified processes. Check all that apply.
a. Raw Material Storage
and Handling
This form is included for raw materials unloading / storage:
b. Non-Metallic Mineral
Processing (crushing and
sizing of raw materials)
This form is included for the raw materials processing:
c. Ground Material Storage
and Handling
This form is included for the raw mills storage / handling:
d. Pre-heater / Pre-calciner
This form is included for the pre-heater:
e. Fuel Type for pre-heater
/ pre-calciner (If other than
Natural Gas)
Submit form if fuel other than Natural Gas used in the preheater:
These forms are included for the furnace:
g. Fuel Type for Kiln (If other
than Natural Gas)
Submit form if fuel other than Natural Gas used in the kiln:
h. Non-Metallic Mineral
Processing (crushing and
sizing of clinker)
This form is included for processing:
Shot Blasting
This form is included for shot blasting:
This form is included for grinding:
k. Painting
This form is included for painting:
This form is included for the incineration process:
If the sand reclamation is not an incineration process, explain the process:
This form is included for (specify process):
Sand Reclamation
m. Other process(es)
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Indiana Department Of Environmental Management
Office Of Air Quality
State Form 52551 (R / 1-07)
Process Information – Foundry, Die Casting, and Smelter Operations
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PART B: Operation Details
Part B identifies the overall foundry process.
2. Final Products:
(check all that apply)
Molten Metal
Other (specify)
3. Type of Process: Check all that apply.
Other (specify)
Gray Iron
Ductile Iron
Other (specify)
Aluminum Die Casting
PART C – Charge Handling Process
Part B identifies the components associated with the charge handling process. Use additional forms as necessary.
4. Unit ID
5. Installation
6. Material Handled
7. Maximum Charge
Rate (tons/hr)
8. Is the Process Totally
Enclosed in a Building?
This following section identifies all emission factors used to calculate air emissions from sand handling.
9. Air Pollutant:
10. Emission Factor
11. Source of Emission Factor
(If not using AP-42, include calculations)
Particulate Matter (PM)
Particulate Matter less than 10μm (PM10)
Particulate Matter less than 2.5μm (PM2.5)
Other (specify):
12. Add-On Control Technology: Identify all control technologies used for this unit, and attach completed CE-01 (unless “none”).
Baghouse / Fabric Filter – Attach CE-02.
Cyclone – Attach CE-03.
Electrostatic Precipitator – Attach CE-04.
Absorption / Wet Collector / Scrubber – Attach CE-05.
Reduction – Attach CE-09
Other (specify):
– Attach CE-10.
13. Control Techniques: Identify all control techniques used for this unit.
14. Process Limitations / Additional Information: Identify any acceptable process limitations. Attach additional
information if necessary.
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Indiana Department Of Environmental Management
Office Of Air Quality
State Form 52551 (R / 1-07)
Process Information – Foundry, Die Casting, and Smelter Operations
Page 3 of 10
PART D – Sand Handling Information
Part D identifies all the components associated with the sand handling. Use additional forms as necessary.
16. Unit ID
17. Installation Date
If yes, complete the rest of this section.
15. Does your process include sand handling?
If no, proceed to the next section.
18. Sand Throughput Rate (tons of sand per hour)
This following section identifies all emission factors used to calculate air emissions from sand handling.
19. Air Pollutant:
20. Emission Factor
21. Source of Emission Factor
(If not using AP-42, include calculations)
Particulate Matter (PM)
Particulate Matter less than 10μm (PM10)
Particulate Matter less than 2.5μm (PM2.5)
Other (specify):
22. Add-On Control Technology: Identify all control technologies used for this unit, and attach completed CE-01 (unless “none”).
Baghouse / Fabric Filter – Attach CE-02.
Cyclone – Attach CE-03.
Electrostatic Precipitator – Attach CE-04.
Absorption / Wet Collector / Scrubber – Attach CE-05.
Reduction – Attach CE-09
Other (specify):
– Attach CE-10.
23. Control Techniques: Identify all control techniques used for this unit.
24. Process Limitations / Additional Information: Identify any acceptable process limitations. Attach additional
information if necessary.
This space is intentionally left blank.
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Indiana Department Of Environmental Management
Office Of Air Quality
State Form 52551 (R / 1-07)
Process Information – Foundry, Die Casting, and Smelter Operations
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PART E – Mold Making Process Information
Part E identifies all process components associated with Mold Making. Use additional sheets as necessary.
25. Does your production process include a process
for making sand molds?
If yes, complete the rest of this section.
If no, proceed to the next section.
26. Number of Mold Making Process Lines:
27. Unit ID
28. Installation
29. Capacity
(tons sand per hr)
30. Type of Binder
31. Amount of Binder Used
(for mold making)
(lb of binder per lb of sand)
32. % VOC in
(include MSDS)
This following section identifies all emission factors used to calculate air emissions from Mold Making.
33. Air Pollutant:
34. Emission
35. Source of Emission Factor
(If not using AP-42, include calculations)
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Lead (Pb)
Nitrogen Oxides (NOX)
Particulate Matter (PM)
Particulate Matter less than 10μm (PM10)
Particulate Matter less than 2.5μm (PM2.5)
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAP) (specify):
Other (specify):
36. Add-On Control Technology: Identify all control technologies used for this unit, and attach completed CE-01 (unless “none”).
Baghouse / Fabric Filter – Attach CE-02.
Cyclone – Attach CE-03.
Electrostatic Precipitator – Attach CE-04.
Absorption / Wet Collector / Scrubber – Attach CE-05.
Oxidizer / Incinerator – Attach CE-06.
Adsorber – Attach CE-07.
Condenser – Attach CE-08.
Reduction – Attach CE-09.
Other (specify):
– Attach CE-10.
37. Control Techniques: Identify all control techniques used for this unit.
38. Process Limitations / Additional Information: Identify any acceptable process limitations. Attach additional
information if necessary.
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Indiana Department Of Environmental Management
Office Of Air Quality
State Form 52551 (R / 1-07)
Process Information – Foundry, Die Casting, and Smelter Operations
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PART F – Core Mixing Process Information
Part F identifies the process components associated with Core Mixing. Use additional sheets as necessary.
39. Does your production process include
a core-mixing process?
If yes, complete the rest of this section.
If no, proceed to the next section.
40. Number of Core Mixing Process Lines:
41. Core
42. Installation
Unit ID
43. Core Mixer
44. Type of Binder
(for core making)
45. Amount of Binder Used
(lb of binder per lb of sand)
(tons sand per hour)
46. % VOC in
(include MSDS)
This following section identifies all emission factors used to calculate air emissions from the Core Mixer.
47. Air Pollutant:
48. Emission Factor
49. Source of Emission Factor
(If not using AP-42, include calculations)
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Lead (Pb)
Nitrogen Oxides (NOX)
Particulate Matter (PM)
Particulate Matter less than 10μm (PM10)
Particulate Matter less than 2.5μm (PM2.5)
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
Worst Case HAP (specify):
Other (specify):
50. Add-On Control Technology: Identify all control technologies used for this unit, and attach completed CE-01 (unless “none”).
Baghouse / Fabric Filter – Attach CE-02.
Cyclone – Attach CE-03.
Electrostatic Precipitator – Attach CE-04.
Absorption / Wet Collector / Scrubber – Attach CE-05.
Oxidizer / Incinerator – Attach CE-06.
Adsorber – Attach CE-07.
Condenser – Attach CE-08.
Reduction – Attach CE-09.
Other (specify):
– Attach CE-10.
51. Control Techniques: Identify all control techniques used for this unit.
52. Process Limitations / Additional Information: Identify any acceptable process limitations. Attach additional
information if necessary.
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Indiana Department Of Environmental Management
Office Of Air Quality
State Form 52551 (R / 1-07)
Process Information – Foundry, Die Casting, and Smelter Operations
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PART G – Core Making Process Information
Part G identifies the process components associated with the Core Machine. Use additional sheets as necessary.
53. Does your production process include a
core-making process?
54. Core
55. Installation
Unit ID
56. Type of
If yes, complete the rest of this section.
If no, proceed to the next section.
57. Core Making
58. Type of
59. Amount of
60. % VOC in
(for core
(tons of cores per
Catalyst Used
(lb of catalyst per
lb of sand)
This following section identifies all emission factors used to calculate air emissions from the Core Machine.
61. Air Pollutant:
62. Emission Factor
63. Source of Emission Factor
(If not using AP-42, include calculations)
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Lead (Pb)
Nitrogen Oxides (NOX)
Particulate Matter (PM)
Particulate Matter less than 10μm (PM10)
Particulate Matter less than 2.5μm (PM2.5)
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
Worst Case HAP (specify):
Other (specify):
64. Add-On Control Technology: Identify all control technologies used for this unit, and attach completed CE-01 (unless “none”).
Baghouse / Fabric Filter – Attach CE-02.
Cyclone – Attach CE-03.
Electrostatic Precipitator – Attach CE-04.
Absorption / Wet Collector / Scrubber – Attach CE-05.
Oxidizer / Incinerator – Attach CE-06.
Adsorber – Attach CE-07.
Condenser – Attach CE-08.
Reduction – Attach CE-09.
Other (specify):
– Attach CE-10.
65. Control Techniques: Identify all control techniques used for this unit.
66. Process Limitations / Additional Information: Identify any acceptable process limitations. Attach additional
information if necessary.
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Indiana Department Of Environmental Management
Office Of Air Quality
State Form 52551 (R / 1-07)
Process Information – Foundry, Die Casting, and Smelter Operations
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PART H – Core Dip Tank Information
Part H identifies the process components associated with the Core Dip Tank. Use additional sheets as necessary.
67. Does your production process include a
core-dip tank?
68. Dip Tank
69. Installation
Unit ID
70. Dip Tank
(specify units)
If yes, complete the rest of this section.
If no, proceed to the next section.
71. Amount of Core
72. % VOC in Core
Wash Used
(lb of core wash
per lb of sand)
(include MSDS)
73. Core Oven ID
(use Form PI-02 to
describe this unit)
This following section identifies all emission factors used to calculate air emissions from the Core Dip Tank.
74. Air Pollutant:
75. Emission Factor
76. Source of Emission Factor
(If not using AP-42, include calculations)
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Lead (Pb)
Nitrogen Oxides (NOX)
Particulate Matter (PM)
Particulate Matter less than 10μm (PM10)
Particulate Matter less than 2.5μm (PM2.5)
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
Worst Case HAP (specify):
Other (specify):
77. Add-On Control Technology: Identify all control technologies used for this unit, and attach completed CE-01 (unless “none”).
Baghouse / Fabric Filter – Attach CE-02.
Cyclone – Attach CE-03.
Electrostatic Precipitator – Attach CE-04.
Absorption / Wet Collector / Scrubber – Attach CE-05.
Oxidizer / Incinerator – Attach CE-06.
Adsorber – Attach CE-07.
Condenser – Attach CE-08.
Reduction – Attach CE-09.
Other (specify):
– Attach CE-10.
78. Control Techniques: Identify all control techniques used for this unit.
79. Process Limitations / Additional Information: Identify any acceptable process limitations. Attach additional
information if necessary.
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Indiana Department Of Environmental Management
Office Of Air Quality
State Form 52551 (R / 1-07)
Process Information – Foundry, Die Casting, and Smelter Operations
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PART I – Refining, Inoculation & Magnesium Treatment & Alloying Information
Part I identifies any additives to the process to change the properties of the metals. Use additional sheets as
80. Does your production process use a REFINING
81. Flux type
82. Flux amount
(lb flux per lb metal)
86. Inoculant amount
88. Does your production process use a MAGNESIUM
(Mg) TREATMENT procedure?
91. Unit ID
83. Frequency of process
(% of time refining is used)
If yes, provide the information about the inoculants.
If no, proceed to the section about magnesium
87. Frequency of process
(% of time inoculant is used)
If yes, provide the information about magnesium
If no, proceed to the section about Dross Cooling.
92. Installation
Other (specify):
93. Magnesium amount
(lb Mg per lb metal)
97. Unit
If yes, complete the rest of this section.
94. Does your production process use DROSS
96. Dross
If no, proceed to the section about inoculation.
89. Location of Magnesium Treatment Process
95. Type of Dross
(lb inoculant per lb metal)
90. Unit Where Magnesium
Process Occurs
If yes, provide the information about flux.
84. Does your production process use an
INOCULATION procedure?
85. Inoculant type
If no, proceed to the next section.
98. Installation
(tons dross/hr)
99. Number of
Coolers /
100. Volume of
each Cooler
/ Vat
Dross Coolers
Open Vats
Dross Coolers
Open Vats
Dross Coolers
Open Vats
Dross Coolers
Open Vats
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Indiana Department Of Environmental Management
Office Of Air Quality
State Form 52551 (R / 1-07)
Process Information – Foundry, Die Casting, and Smelter Operations
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PART J – Pouring/Casting, Cooling and Shakeout Details
Part J identifies the Pouring/Casting, Cooling, and Shakeout process lines. Use additional sheets as necessary.
101. Line /
Unit ID
102. Installation
103. Capacity
104. VOC emitted
105. PM emitted
(tons of
metal per hr)
(lb per hour, lb per cast)
(lb per hour, lb per cast) (lb per hour, lb per cast)
107. Air Pollutant:
(tons of sand
per hour)
108. Emission Factor
106. HAP emitted
109. Source of Emission Factor
(If not using AP-42, include calculations)
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Lead (Pb)
Nitrogen Oxides (NOX)
Particulate Matter (PM)
Particulate Matter less than 10μm (PM10)
Particulate Matter less than 2.5μm (PM2.5)
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
Worst Case HAP (specify):
Other (specify):
110. Add-On Control Technology: Identify all control technologies used for this unit, and attach completed CE-01 (unless “none”).
Baghouse / Fabric Filter – Attach CE-02.
Cyclone – Attach CE-03.
Electrostatic Precipitator – Attach CE-04.
Absorption / Wet Collector / Scrubber – Attach CE-05.
Oxidizer / Incinerator – Attach CE-06.
Adsorber – Attach CE-07.
Condenser – Attach CE-08.
Reduction – Attach CE-09.
Other (specify):
– Attach CE-10.
111. Control Techniques: Identify all control techniques used for this unit.
112. Process Limitations / Additional Information: Identify any acceptable process limitations. Attach additional
information if necessary.
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Indiana Department Of Environmental Management
Office Of Air Quality
State Form 52551 (R / 1-07)
Process Information – Foundry, Die Casting, and Smelter Operations
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PART K: Federal Rule Applicability
Part K identifies any federal rules that apply to the process.
113. Is a New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) applicable to this source?
If yes, identify the affected emission units and attach a completed FED-01 for each rule
that applies.
114. Unit ID
40 CFR Part 60, Subpart L
Secondary Lead Smelters
40 CFR Part 60, Subpart M
Brass and Bronze Production Plants
40 CFR Part 60, Subpart LL
Metallic Mineral Processing Plants
40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOO
Non-Metallic Mineral Processing Plants
40 CFR Part 60, Subpart UUU
Calciners and Dryers in Mineral Industries
115. Is a National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP)
applicable to this source? If yes, identify the affected emission units and attach a
116. Unit ID
completed FED-01 for each rule that applies.
40 CFR Part 63, Subpart EEEE
Iron and Steel Foundries
40 CFR Part 63, Subpart MMMM
Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products
40 CFR Part 63, Subpart RRR
Secondary Aluminum
40 CFR Part 63, Subpart X
Secondary Lead Smelter
117. Non-Applicability Determination: Provide an explanation If the process unit appears subject to a rule (based on
the rule title or the source category), but the rule will not apply.
American LegalNet, Inc.