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Transfer Station Annual Report Form. This is a Indiana form and can be use in Department Of Enviromental Management Statewide.
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Tags: Transfer Station Annual Report, 51885, Indiana Statewide, Department Of Enviromental Management
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State Form 51885 (R/5-06)
Indiana Department of Environmental Management
A – General Information
Questions? Call:
(317) 308-3040
Permit No.:
Facility Name:
Facility Location:
Facility Telephone Number
Name of Person Filling Out Form:
Office Telephone Number
Office Mailing Address of
Person Filling Out Form
Year Being Reported:
B – Inspection Report
-Complete the information below to the best of your knowledge
Name of Person Who
Conducted Inspection:
Type of Waste Found: (circle one)
special / infectious / hazardous
Explain how the Suspect Waste was handled:
(for example, include how waste was isolated, contained, stored, shipped, etc.)
-Use supplemental pages as necessary
Generator of Suspect Waste:
Hauler of Suspect Waste:
Place of Final Disposal:
Name of Facility
Name of Person Who
Conducted Inspection:
Type of Waste Found: (circle one)
special / infectious / hazardous
Explain how the Suspect Waste was handled:
(for example, include how waste was isolated, contained, stored, shipped, etc.)
Generator of Suspect Waste:
Hauler of Suspect Waste:
Place of Final Disposal:
Name of Facility
Number of supplemental pages attached:
C – Certification
This is to certify that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information in this and any attached documents. I am aware
of the Department of Environmental Management’s requirements for this report. To the best of my knowledge, and belief, the
submitted information is true, accurate, and complete.
Name of Operator
(please print or type)
Signature of Operator
(original required)
American LegalNet, Inc.
All Solid Waste Transfer Stations (located both within and outside of Indiana) that transport and dispose of waste at solid waste disposal
facilities in Indiana must submit this annual report to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management by January 31 of each year.
Directions for Completing the Annual Report Form
Section A – General Information
Provide the name of the transfer station, the operating permit number (may vary for transfer station located outside Indiana), and
the location and telephone number of the transfer station.
The person completing the annual report form needs to include his/her name and office telephone number. In addition, provide a
mailing address for the person completing the form.
Indicate the year being reported. Remember, the annual report forms are due on January 31 of each year and they document the
previous year’s activities (for example, the form is due on January 31, 1995 and year being reported is 1994).
Section B – Inspection Report
This section is to be completed for each incident that suspect hazardous, special, and/or infectious waste was detected at the transfer
station during the year being reported. If more than two incidents occurred, use the supplemental page (make copies of the
supplemental page as needed). Mark the appropriate box under the right side of Section B, just above Section C, regarding us of
supplemental pages. Be sure to complete the top portion of the supplemental pages(s).
If a transfer station does not have an incident of suspect hazardous, special, or infectious waste during the year being reported, mark
Section B “NA” (not applicable) and move to Section C.
Complete section B for each incident that suspect hazardous, special, and/or infectious waste was detected at the transfer station
during the year being reported.
Provide the inspection date (the transfer station monitoring inspection date) that the incident occurred. The transfer station should
have all of this information on the “Random Inspection/Overview Incident Report” forms. Indicate the name of the person
conducting the random or overview inspection at the time the suspect waste was detected. Circle the type of waste found (either
special, infectious, or hazardous waste) and note a description of the waste. For example, if asbestos was detected at the site, circle
special waste and note the description as asbestos material.
Provide a brief narrative description on how the suspect waste was handled, once it was detected. Also, complete the information
on the final destination of the suspect waste, including the name and address of the final disposal facility.
If the transfer station can determine the hauler of the suspect waste, the hauler should be asked who the generator of the suspect
waste was. If the hauler can provide information on the generator or if the transfer station has other knowledge of the generator,
that information should be supplied in the portion of Section B title “Generator of Suspect Waste”. If the transfer station does not
have any information on the generator, write “unknown” in this space.
If the transfer station is able to determine the hauler of the suspect waste, the portion of Section B titled “Hauler of Suspect Waste”
should be completed. If the transfer station does not have any information of the hauler, write “unknown” in this space.
Remember to check the appropriate box regarding use of supplemental pages.
Section C – Certification
Please print or type the name of the transfer station’s operator, and have the operator sign and date the report form.
The annual report, with original operator signature, should be sent to the following address:
Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Land Quality
Agricultural & Solid Waste
100 N. Senate Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2251
American LegalNet, Inc.