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National Pollutant Discharge Eliminations System (NPDES) Permit Application Package Form 2D Form. This is a Indiana form and can be use in Department Of Enviromental Management Statewide.
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Tags: National Pollutant Discharge Eliminations System (NPDES) Permit Application Package Form 2D, 51957, Indiana Statewide, Department Of Enviromental Management
State Form 51957 (10-04)
Page 2
Application Requirements
Page 2
Water Treatment Additives Information
Page 3
Identification of Potentially Affected Persons (AOPA)
Page 3
Fee Information for NPDES Permit Applications
Page 3
Application for Approval to use Water Treatment Additives
Page 5
Identification of Potentially Affected Persons Form (AOPA)
Page 9
Request For Information Form
Page 11
Owner/Operator Affidavit to Determine the Appropriate NPDES Permittee(s)
Page 12
General Information Form Instructions
Page 13
General Information Form
Page 15
Page 18
Industrial NPDES 2C Permit Application Review Checklist
Page 28
Instructions Form 2C
Page 29
Table 2D-1 (Codes for Treatment Units)
Page 36
Table 2D-2 (Pollutant Listing)
Page 37
Table 2D-3 (Toxic Pollutants and Hazardous Substances Required To Be Identified)
Page 40
Table 2D-4 (Hazardous Substances)
Page 41
Figure 2D-1 (Line Drawing)
Page 43
Application Form 2D
Page 44
American LegalNet, Inc.
In order to avoid unnecessary effort, please read all instructions carefully before completing the
applications. In addition, you may disregard all reference to the EPA ID number when completing
these forms unless an ID number has already been obtained from EPA.
Form 2D is to completed for proposed new sources or new dischargers of process wastewater.
Additionally, a General Information Form must be completed and submitted with Form 2D. Other
forms are available for existing facilities of process wastewater (Form 2C) and for proposed new and
existing facilities which do not discharge process wastewater (Form 2E). Public Water Supplies with a
direct discharge of filter backwash or lime softener wastewater should complete and submit a Public
Water Supply Permit Application Package. These application forms may be obtained by calling
In addition to the above, an "Application for Permit to Discharge Storm Water Associated With
Industrial Activity" (Form 2F) may need to be submitted. The facilities covered by this requirement
are included in the Federal Regulation 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14). Form 2F must be submitted if the
industry is included in the definition and there are point source discharges which are composed
entirely of storm water and/or if storm water is combined with either process or non-process
wastewater. For further information and to request the 2F form, call 317/233-6725 and ask for the
Storm Water Desk.
For the purpose of completing this application, this Agency shall consider the following waters to be
non-process wastewaters: (1) sanitary wastewater (including restaurant or cafeteria wastes); (2) once
through non-contact cooling waters; (3) cooling tower blowdown (except from those industries for
which cooling tower blowdown is considered a process wastewater, i.e. steam electric power plants);
(4) water from stone, sand, and gravel quarries; and (5) water used solely for intake screen
backwash. If the above wastewaters are the sole contributors to a discharge, please complete Form
2E; otherwise complete Form 2D.
Special care should be taken by all industries when determining whether a pollutant may be present
in a discharge. All water additives used at your facility should be examined with respect to their active
ingredients. Specifically, this Agency requests that the information listed on the Application for
Approval to Use Water Treatment Additives concerning the usage of any water conditioning or
biofouling control agents be submitted as a supplement to your application. If no additives are used,
please make a statement to that effect in your transmittal letter.
American LegalNet, Inc.
A flow diagram must be included in accordance with Form 2D Instructions, Item III-B. In addition, a
separate narrative description of your manufacturing or materials processing operation should be
included to aid the permit writer in preparing the permit. The manufacturing description may be
included as a part of Item 13 of the General Information Form. If EPA effluent limitation guidelines
are based on production, it is most important to give the production figures asked for in Item IV of
Form 2D. Also include when applicable, the particular EPA effluent limitation guidelines subcategory
or subcategories in which the manufacturing operation lies, and the production figures for each
subcategory. Except for the Petroleum Refining Category, the production figures are to be
representative of actual production rather than a design rate or capacity.
The enclosed form “Application for Approval to use Water Treatment Additives” State Form 50000.
Dischargers utilizing water treatment additives in their treatment systems must include the
requested information in the Application for Approval to use Water Treatment Additives. This
information must also be provided any time that water treatment additives are changed during the
term of the NPDES permit. Approval from the IDEM is required prior to the use of any water
treatment additive.
Please see the enclosed form, "Identification of Potentially Affected Persons". Include with the
completed application the attached form to fully identify all persons, by name and mailing address,
who may be affected by the issuance of this permit (i.e. the discharge from the facility). These
parties may include but not necessarily be limited to adjoining landowners, persons with a
proprietary interest, or the first downstream non-adjacent property owner. Also, include the name of
any fish and wildlife or conservation groups, downstream marinas, etc., which may be potentially
affected, and/or persons who may have expressed concern regarding the discharge. Failure to fully
identify a potentially affected person may result in any issued permit being challenged and rendered
null and void.
The following revised fees were established, pursuant to IC 13-18-20-12, effective
March 18, 1994 to defray the costs of processing the permit applications for the NPDES permit
program from all NPDES permit applicants:
(1) When an application is filed with the Indiana Department of Environmental
Management (IDEM), concerning a NPDES Permit action a fifty dollar ($50)
application fee must be remitted. A permit action includes an application for an initial
permit, the renewal of a permit, the modification of a permit, or a variance of a permit or
permit limitation. If the application fee is not remitted the IDEM shall deny the permit
(2) The permittee will remit the fee at the time the application, or a request for modification
is filed with the IDEM. No fee will be assessed for permit modifications initiated by
the IDEM.
American LegalNet, Inc.
(3) For construction activity subject to 327 IAC 15-5, a fee of one hundred dollars ($100)
shall be submitted with a Notice of Intent (NOI) letter.
The fees specified above will be payable to the Indiana Department of
Environmental Management. Any fee submitted will not be refundable once
substantive processing of the permit application has commenced.
Additionally the issuance of (or existence of) a NPDES Permit will require the permittee to pay an
annual fee for which billing will be made by the IDEM, all in accordance with Senate Enrolled Act
417, which was signed into law on March 18, 1994. This new schedule supersedes the fee schedule
established in 327 IAC 5, 6, and 8. If there are any questions pertaining to the annual fee schedule
contained in the regulation, they should be directed to the Program Management Section at
Please send the completed forms and appropriate fee together with a cover letter to:
Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Water Quality, NPDES Permits Section
100 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
American LegalNet, Inc.
State Form 50000 (R2 / 10-04)
This form must be submitted to the IDEM, Office of
Water Quality, Industrial NPDES Permits Section when
applying for a new or renewal NPDES permit or permit
Indiana Dept. of Environmental Management
Office of Water Quality - Permits Section
100 N. Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: (317) 234-0864 or
1-800-451-6027 (Indiana Residents Only)
The information required by this form must be
submitted for each additive submitted for review.
All dischargers are required to disclose information on the water treatment additives in use and to demonstrate that
such additives will not be harmful to aquatic life.
To assure that all discharges from treatment systems using water treatment chemicals meet Indiana Water Quality
Standards, when applying for a new or renewal NPDES permit or permit modification. During the preparation of the
NPDES permit or modification, this information may be used to establish permit limitations which comply with all
Indiana Water Quality Standards. Additionally, if a permittee changes water treatment additives during the term of
their NPDES permit, the following information must be submitted to the Industrial NPDES Permits Section, and
approval of the change must be received prior to use of the new product(s).
The information required by this form must be submitted for each additive submitted for review. Some of this
information may come from the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the additive and should be included with this
application. It should also be noted that biomonitoring of the effluent for the affected outfall(s) may be required.
Please provide the following information for each additive. The following information must be submitted to the
IDEM, Office of Water Quality, Industrial NPDES Permits Section
Name of authorized official (first, last):
Name of facility:
Mailing address:
ZIP Code:
Name of primary contact person (first, last):
Phone number:
E-mail address (optional):
Facility address:
Phone number:
ZIP Code:
E-mail address (optional):
10. NPDES Permit Number(if facility has an existing permit):
American LegalNet, Inc.
Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Water Quality
NPDES -Application for Approval to Use Water Treatment Additives
State Form 50000 (R2 / 10-04)
11. Name of water treatment additive
Previously Approved
12. Chemical composition of the water treatment additive1 :
13. What is the feed or dosage rate in grams/24 hr.
period. (This may be provided in fluid ounces):
14. If more than one Outfall is covered by this permit, which Outfall does the use of this water treatment additive affect? A separate form
is required per additive for each affected outfall:
15. Name any ingredient(s) that may be present and may cause toxicity at the proposed Outfall. If known, provide the discharge
concentration of the ingredients (mg/I):
16. Provide the location where the additive is put into use 2 :
17. Provide the duration of use for the additive (hours per day and days per year):
18. Concentration (mg/l) of the water treatment additive
used in the treatment system:
19. The concentration (mg/l) of the water treatment additive
used in the final discharge (if known):
20. Discharge concentration of the water treatment additive
21. Please explain how the final discharge concentration stated for item # 20 was arrived at 2 :
22. Provide a description and method used to control the use of the water treatment additive. What are the procedures on how to maintain
this concentration within the system ?:
Proprietary information may be submitted separately by the manufacturer or distributor and will be kept confidential.
If necessary, this information may be provided on supplementary attachments.
American LegalNet, Inc.
Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Water Quality
NPDES — Application for Approval to Use Water Treatment Additives
State Form 50000 (R2 / 10-04)
23. Provide the hardness of the discharge water:
24. The temperature of the treatment system using the water treatment
additive (specify ºF or ºC):
25. The Blowdown Rate (MGD) from the treatment
system using the water treatment additive:
26. The average flow (MGD) of all waste streams being
discharged through the affected Outfall:
27. The pH of the treatment system using the water
treatment additive:
For determining safe concentrations of the water treatment additives, the following information should also be
submitted or addressed. Submit the supporting documentation (i.e., Material Safety Data Sheets) as attachments to
this application.
28. Toxicity (LC50) of the additive3 :
29. Test species 4 :
30. Please explain, or provide attachments to explain, the relation of toxicity to pH:
31. Please explain, or provide attachments to explain the relationship of toxicity to water hardness:
As determined by 96-hour flow through bioassays for fish (preferably fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) or bluegill (Lepomis
macrochirus) for warmwater species or rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) for coldwater species) and a 48-hour static renewal for
invertebrates (preferably of the genera Daphnia or Ceriodaphnia). Testing procedures to determine LC50 values should follow U.S. EPA
Guidelines. Static bioassays are acceptable only if the treatment chemical is persistent. The test temperature should be maintained at 20º
Celsius (68º Fahrenheit) for coldwater species and at 30º Celsius (86º Fahrenheit) for warmwater species (higher test temperatures are
chosen in order to simulate worst case conditions. Lower test temperatures may be used only if the thermal tolerance of the chosen
representative aquatic species is below the recommended test temperatures).
The test species selected should be characteristic of the more sensitive representative aquatic species in the receiving stream.
American LegalNet, Inc.
Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Water Quality
NPDES — Application for Approval to Use Water Treatment Additives
State Form 50000 (R2 / 10-04)
Product persistence in the environment and N Octanol-Water Partition Coefficient and Bioconcentration Factor
(BCF) (if available).
32. Provide the decay rate of the product, if known. This should be stated at a pH level within ½ pH standard unit within the handling
system 5. (Please provide copies of the sources of this data as attachments to this application.):
33. Provide any additional information or attach any additional documentation to help in evaluating the use of this water treatment
This information will be reviewed and permission to use the water treatment additive may be granted either by letter,
permit limitations, or permit modification, if the discharger has supplied the requested product information and
toxicity data that will enable IDEM to establish permissible concentrations in each individual case. If the initial
information is not sufficient to allow for the establishment of a safe concentration, additional information will be
Proprietary information regarding the chemical composition of any water treatment additive will be kept confidential
in accordance with the terms of 327 IAC 12.1. Claims of confidentiality must be made at the time of submittal; the
information must be properly marked, segregated and secured at the time of submittal; and the person or company
requesting confidentiality must provide justification as to why the information meets the criteria for it to be
maintained as a trade secret, privileged information or confidential in accordance with 327 IAC 12.1
This application should include the following and must be signed by a person in responsible charge to be valid. This
signature attests to the following:
“I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or
supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and
evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or
those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my
knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for
submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing
(Printed Name)
(Date Signed (mm/dd/yyyy))
The half life is the time required for the initial product to degrade to half of its original concentration.
American LegalNet, Inc.
The Administrative Orders and Procedures Act (AOPA) IC 4-21.5, requires that the Department of
Environmental Management (IDEM) give notice of its decision on your application to the following persons:
each person to whom the decision is specifically directed;
each person to whom a law requires notice be given;
each competitor who has applied to the IDEM for a mutually exclusive license, if issuance is
the subject of the decision and the competitor's application has not been denied in an order for
which all rights to judicial review have been waived or exhausted;
each person who has provided the IDEM with a written request for notification of the decision;
each person who has a substantial and direct proprietary interest in the issuance the (permit)
each person whose absence as a party in the proceeding concerning the (permit) (variance)
decision would deny another party complete relief in the proceeding or who claims an interest
related to the issuance of the (permit) (variance) and is so situated that the disposition of the
matter, in the person's absence may:
as a practical matter impair or impede the person's ability to protect that interest, or
leave any other person who is a party to a proceeding concerning the permit subject to a
substantial risk of incurring multiple or otherwise inconsistent obligations by reason of
the person's claim interest.
IC 1-21.5-3-5(f) provided that we may request your assistance in identifying these people. Our failure to
properly identify and notify these people of the decision could have the result of voiding any decision which
is made.
Additionally, IC 13-15-3-1 requires IDEM to send notice that the permit application has been received by
the department to the following:
the board of county commissioners of a county affected by the permit application and
the mayor of a city that is affected by the permit application, or
the president of a town council of a town affected by the permit application.
Please provide on the attached form the names of those persons affected by these statutes, and include
mailing labels with your application. These mailing labels should have the names and addresses of the
affected parties along with our mailing code (65-42PS) listed above each affected party listing.
Jon Doe
111 Circle Drive
City, State, ZIP Code
American LegalNet, Inc.
Please list here any and all persons whom you have reason to believe have a substantial or proprietary interest in
this matter, or could otherwise be considered to be potentially affected under the law. Failure to notify any
person who is later determined to be potentially affected could result in voiding our decision on procedural
grounds. To ensure conformance with AOPA and to avoid reversal of a decision, please list all such parties. The
letter attached to this form will further explain the requirements under the AOPA. Attach additional names and
addresses on a separate sheet of paper, as needed. Please indicate below the type of action you are requesting.
City State ZIP
City State ZIP
City State ZIP
City State ZIP
City State ZIP
City State ZIP
City State ZIP
City State ZIP
Please complete this form by signing the following statement:
I Certify that to the best of my knowledge I have listed all potentially affected parties, as defined by IC
Printed Name
Facility Name
Type of Action: (check one)
NPDES Permit-327 IAC 5
Land Application Permit-327 IAC 6
Confined Feeding Approval-IC 13-18-10
Return To:
Office of Water Quality, NPDES Permits Section
100 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Sewer Ban Waiver Request-327 IAC 4
Operator Certification-327 IAC 4
Pretreatment Permit-327 IAC 5
Construction Permit-327 IAC 3
American LegalNet, Inc.
We request that you fill in the blanks on this form and return it along with your NPDES
PERMIT application. The information provided will be helpful in our personal contact with
officials of your municipality, industry or other facility in assuring prompt delivery of
correspondence, etc. Thank you for your cooperation.
Current NPDES Permit No.
(New applicants will be assigned a number later)
Facility Name:
Cognizant Official (Representative responsible for completing DMR):
Owner Name:
Operator Name:
Telephone: Work:
Certificate No.
American LegalNet, Inc.
327 IAC 5-2-3(c) requires the operator to apply for and obtain the NPDES permit for the NPDES discharge, unless the
operator is an employee of the owner of the facility (in which case it is the owner’s responsibility to apply for and obtain
the NPDES permit). This is consistent with the federal regulations at 40 CFR 122.21(b). Additionally, pursuant to 327
IAC 5-2-6(c), the permittee is required to notify IDEM if there is a change in either the ownership or the operation of the
wastewater treatment plant.
When an NPDES permittee contracts with a private firm to operate its wastewater treatment plant, and the contractual
agreement is one in which the private entity is not an employee of the owner, the permit should be issued to the private
firm. Some contractual arrangements may have been made without knowledge of this rule requirement, and the contract
may not have been adequately set up to reflect the private firm as the sole permittee. Or the private contractor may not
want to be the sole permittee. Therefore, in such instances EPA has suggested that the permit be issued to both the owner
and to the private contractor, as co-permittees.
In order to help us to determine who should be listed on the NPDES permit as the permittee(s), please complete the
following information:
Facility Name:
NPDES Permit No.
Owner’s Name:
(individual or legal business name)
Owner’s Mailing Address:
Operator’s Name:
(individual or legal business name)
Operator’s Mailing Address:
Is the operator an employee of the owner?
If the answer to #5 is “No”, is the operator willing to be the sole permittee?
If the answer to #6 is “No”, the NPDES permit will be issued to both the owner and operator as co-permittees.
“I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in
accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information
submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for
gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and
complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine
and imprisonment for knowing violations."
(Operator’s signature)
(Owner’s signature)
Please complete this form and return it to IDEM, Office of Water Quality, Municipal NPDES Permits Section,
100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46204.
American LegalNet, Inc.
(Replaces EPA General Form 1 Instructions)
Item 1-Facility Name:
Provide the facility's official or legal name as it is to appear on the permit.
Item 2-Facility Contact:
Give the name, title, and work telephone number of a person who is thoroughly familiar with the
operation of the facility and with the facts reported in this application and who can be contacted by
the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.
Item 3-Certified Operator:
Give the name, Address, and Certification information, for the operator of the facility being
permitted. Information concerning operator certification should be directed to this office at
Item 4-Facility Mailing Address:
Give the complete mailing address of the office where correspondence should be sent. This
often is not the address used to designate the location of the facility or activity.
Item 5-Facility Location:
Give the address or location of the facility identified in Item 1 of this form. If the facility lacks a
street name or route number, give the most accurate alternative geographic information (i.e.,
section number or quarter section number from county records or at an intersection of Streets or
County Roads.)
Item 6-Type of Permit Action:
Specify the type of application. If the facility has never had an NPDES permit mark new. If it is to
renew or modify the existing permit mark accordingly.
Item 7-EPA I.D. Number:
Give the EPA I.D. number if one has been obtained from the EPA. If an I.D. number has not been
obtained from EPA, you may disregard this section.
Items 8, 9 and 10-Applicable Permit Applications:
Answer each question to determine which form you need to fill out. If you answer yes to any of
thesequestions, you must fill out and submit the appropriate form.
Item 11-SIC Code(s):
List, in descending order of significance, the four 4-digit standard industrial classification (SIC)
codes which best describe your facility in terms of the principal products or services you produce
or provide. Also, specify each classification in words. These classifications may differ from the
SIC codes describing the operation generating the discharge, air emissions, or hazardous
wastes. SIC code numbers are descriptions which may be found in the "Standard Industrial
Classification Manual" prepared by the Executive Office of the President, Office of Management
and Budget, which is available from the Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Use the
current edition of the manual.
American LegalNet, Inc.
Item 12-Existing Environmental Permits:
Give the number of each presently effective permit issued to the facility for each program or, if
you have previously filed an application but have not yet received a permit, give the number of
the application, if any.
Item 13-Nature of Business:
Briefly describe the nature of your business (e.g., products produced or services provided).
Item 14-Map:
Provide a topographic map or maps as explained in the application.
Item 15-Signature Block:
The General Information Form must be signed by a person legally responsible for the facility.
American LegalNet, Inc.
(Replaces EPA General Form 1)
1. Name of Facility:
2. Facility Contact
City or Town:
Telephone: Work:
3. Certified Operator
Certification #:
City or Town:
Telephone: Work:
4. Facility Mailing Address:
Street or P.O. Box
City or Town:
5. Facility Location:
Street, Route No. or Other Specific Identifier:
6. Type of Permit Action:
7. EPA I.D. Number:
American LegalNet, Inc.
Does or will this facility (either existing or proposed) include a concentrated animal feeding operation or aquatic
animal production facility which results in a discharge to waters of the state? (Form 2B)
Form Attached
Is this a facility which currently results in discharges to waters of the state other than described in 8?
(Form 2C-Process Wastewater or Form 2E-Nonprocess Wastewater)
Form Attached
10. Is this a proposed facility (other than described in 8) which will result in a discharge to waters of the state?
(Form 2D)
Form Attached
11. SIC Codes (4-digit, in order of priority)
12. Existing Environmental Permits (Identification #)
NPDES (Discharges to Surface Waters):
UIC (Underground Injection of Fluids):
RCRA (Hazardous Wastes):
PSD (Air Emissions from Proposed Sources):
13. Nature of Business (Provide a Brief Description)
14. Map
Attach to this application a topographic map of the area extending to at least one mile beyond property boundaries.
The map must show the outline of the facility, the location of each of its existing and proposed intake and discharge
structures, each of its hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facilities, and each well where it injects fluid
underground. Include all springs, rivers and other surface water bodies in the map area.
American LegalNet, Inc.
15. Signature Block:
This application must be signed by a person in responsible charge to be valid. This signature attests to the
"I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared
under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that
qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on
my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly
responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my
knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant
penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and
imprisonment for knowing violations".
(Printed Name)
(Date Signed)
Return Completed Application and Associated Materials to:
Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Water Quality, NPDES Permits Section
100 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
American LegalNet, Inc.
NOTE: This Glossary includes terms used in the instructions and in Forms 2B, 2C, 2D and 2E. Additional terms will be
included in the future when other forms are developed to reflect the requirements of other parts of the Consolidated Permits
ALIQUOT means a sample of specified volume used to make up a total composite sample.
ANIMAL FEEDING OPERATION means a lot or facility (other than an aquatic animal production facility) where the
following conditions are met:
A. Animals (other than aquatic animals) have been, are, or will be stabled or confined and fed or maintained for a
total of 45 days or more in any 12 month period; and
B. Crops, vegetation, forage growth, or post-harvest residues are not sustained in the normal growing season over
any portion of the lot or facility.
Two or more animal feeding operations under common ownership are a single animal feeding operation if they adjoin each
other or if they use a common area or system for the disposal of wastes.
ANIMAL UNIT means a unit of measurement for any animal feeding operation calculated by adding the following
numbers: The number of slaughter and feeder cattle multiplied by 1.0; Plus the number of mature dairy cattle multiplied by
1.4; Plus the number of swine weighing over 25 kilograms (approximately 55 pounds) multiplied by 0.4; Plus the number
of sheep multiplied by 0.1; Plus the number of horses multiplied by 2.0.
APPLICATION means the EPA standard national forms for applying for a permit, including any additions, revisions, or
modifications to the forms; or forms approved by EPA for use in approved States, including any approved modifications or
revisions. For RCRA, "application" also means "Application, Part B."
APPLICATION, PART A means that part of the Consolidated Permit Application forms which a RCRA permit applicant
must complete to qualify for interim status under Section 3005(e) of RCRA and for consideration for a permit. Part A
consists of Form 1 (General Information) and Form 3 (Hazardous Waste Application Form).
APPLICATION, PART B means that part of the application which a RCRA permit applicant must complete to be issued a
permit. (NOTE: EPA is not developing a specific form for Part B of the permit application, but an instruction booklet
explaining what information must be supplied is available from the EPA Regional office.)
APPROVED PROGRAM or APPROVED STATE means a Sate program which has been approved or authorized by EPA
under 40 CFR Part 123.
AQUACULTURE PROJECT means a defined managed water area which uses discharges of pollutants into that designated
area for the maintenance or production of harvestable freshwater, estuarine, or marine plants or animals. "Designated area"
means the portions of the waters of the United States within which the applicant plans to confine the cultivated species,
using a method of plan or operation (including, but not limited to, physical confinement) which, on the basis of reliable
scientific evidence, is expected to ensure the specific individual organisms comprising an aquaculture crop will enjoy
increased growth attributable to the discharge of pollutants and be harvested within a defined geographic area.
AQUIFER means a geological formation, group of formations, or part of a formation that is capable of yielding a
significant amount of water to a well or spring.
AREA OF REVIEW means the area surrounding an injection well which is described according to the criteria set forth in
40 CFR Section 146.06.
American LegalNet, Inc.
AREA PERMIT means a UIC permit applicable to all or certain wells within a geographic area, rather than to a specified
well, under 40 CFR Section 122.37.
ATTAINMENT AREA means, for any air pollutant, an area which has been designated under Section 107 of the Clean Air
Act as having ambient air quality levels better than any national primary or secondary ambient air quality standard for that
pollutant. Standards have been set for sulfur oxides, particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, ozone, lead,
and hydrocarbons. For purposes of the Glossary, "attainment area" also refers to "unclassifiable area," which means, for
any pollutants, an area designated under Section 107 as unclassifiable with respect to that pollutant due to insufficient
BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP) means schedule of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance
procedures, and other management practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of waters of the United States. BMP's
include treatment requirements, operation procedures, and practices to control plant site runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge
or waste disposal, or drainage from raw material storage.
BIOLOGICAL MONITORING TEST means any test which includes the use of aquatic algal, invertebrate, or vertebrate
species to measure acute or chronic toxicity, and any biological or chemical measure of bioaccumulation.
BYPASS means the intentional diversion of wastes from any portion of a treatment facility.
CONCENTRATED ANIMAL FEEDING OPERATION means an animal feeding operation which meets the criteria set
forth in either (A) or (B) below or which the Director designates as such on a case-by-case basis:
A. More than the numbers of animals specified in any of the following categories are confined:
1. 1,000 slaughter or feeder cattle,
2. 700 mature dairy cattle (whether milked or dry cows),
3. 2,500 swine each weighing over 25 kilograms (approximately 55 pounds),
4. 500 horses,
5. 10,000 sheep or lambs,
6. 55,000 turkeys,
7. 100,000 laying hens or broilers (if the facility has a continuous overflow watering),
8. 30,000 laying hens or broilers (if the facility has a liquid manure handling system),
9. 5,000 ducks, or
10. 1,000 animal units; or
B. More than the following numbers and types of animals are confined:
1. 300 slaughter or feeder cattle,
2. 200 mature dairy cattle (whether milked or dry cows),
3. 750 swine each weighing over 25 kilograms (approximately 55 pounds),
4. 150 horses,
5. 3,000 sheep or lambs,
6. 16,500 turkeys,
7. 30,000 laying hens or broilers (if the facility has a continuous overflow watering),
8. 9,000 laying hens or broilers (if the facility has a liquid manure handling system),
9. 1,500 ducks, or
10. 300 animal units; AND
Either one of the following conditions are met: Pollutants are discharged into the waters of the
United States through a manmade ditch, flushing system or other similar manmade device
( "manmade" means constructed by man and used for the purpose of transporting waste); or
Pollutants are discharged directly into the waters of the United States which originate outside of
and pass over, across, or through the facility or otherwise come into direct contact with the
animals confined in the operation.
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Provided, however, that no animal feeding operation is a concentrated animal feeding operation as
defined above if such animal feeding operation discharges only in the event of a 25 year, 24 hour
storm event.
CONCENTRATED AQUATIC ANIMAL PRODUCTION FACILITY means a hatchery, fish farm, or other facility
which contains, grows or holds aquatic animals in either of the following categories, or which the Director
designates as such on a case-by-case basis:
A. Cold water fish species or other cold water aquatic animals including, but not limited to, the
Salimonidae family of fish (e.g., trout and salmon) in ponds, raceways or other similar structures which
discharge at least 30 days per year but does not include:
1. Facilities which produce less than 9,090 harvest weight kilograms (approximately 20,000
pounds) of aquatic animals per year; and
2. Facilities which feed less than 2,272 kilograms (approximately 5,000 pounds) of food during
the calendar month of maximum feeding.
B. Warm water fish species or other warm water aquatic animals including, but not limited to, the
Ameiuridae, Cetrarchidae, and Cyprinidae families of fish (e.g., respectively, catfish, sunfish, and
minnows) in ponds, raceways, or other similar structures which discharge at least 30 days per year, but
does not include:
1. Closed ponds which discharge only during periods of excess runoff; or
2. Facilities which produce less than 45,454 harvest weight kilograms (approximately 100,000
pounds) of aquatic animals per year.
CONTACT COOLING WATER means water used to reduce temperature which comes into contact with a raw
material, intermediate product, waste product other than heat, or finished product.
CONTAINER means any portable device in which a material is stored, transported, treated, disposed of, or
otherwise handled.
CONTIGUOUS ZONE means the entire zone established by the United States under article 24 of the convention of
the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone.
CWA means the Clean Water Act (formally referred to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act) Pub. L. 92-500, as
amended by Pub. L. 95-217 and Pub. L. 95-576, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.
DIKE means any embankment or ridge of either natural or manmade materials used to prevent the movement of
liquids, sludges, solids, or other materials.
DIRECT DISCHARGE means the discharge of a pollutant as defined below.
DIRECTOR means the EPA Regional Administrator or the State Director as the context requires.
A. Any addition of any pollutant or combination of pollutants to waters of the United States from any point
source; or
B. Any addition of any pollutant or combination of pollutants to the waters of the contiguous zone or the
ocean from any point source other than a vessel or other floating craft which is being used as a means of
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This definition includes discharges into waters of the United States from: Surface runoff which is collected or
channeled by man; Discharges through pipes, sewers or other conveyances owned by a State, municipality, or other
person which do not lead to POTW's; and Discharges through pipes, sewers, or other conveyances, leading into
privately owned treatment works. This term does not include an addition of pollutants by any indirect discharger.
DISPOSAL (in the RCRA program) means the discharge, deposit, injection, dumping, spilling, leaking, or placing of
any hazardous waste into or on any land or water so that the hazardous waste or any constituent of it may enter the
environment or be emitted into the air or discharged into any waters, including ground water.
DISPOSAL FACILITY means a facility or part of a facility at which hazardous waste is intentionally placed into or
on land or water, and at which hazardous waste will remain after closure.
EFFLUENT LIMITATION means any restriction imposed by the Director on quantities, discharge rates, and
concentrations of pollutants which are discharged from point sources into waters of the United States, the waters of
the contiguous zone, or the ocean.
EFFLUENT LIMITATION GUIDELINE means a regulation published by the Administrator under Section 304(b)
of the Clean Water Act to adopt or revise effluent limitations.
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA) means the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
EPA IDENTIFICATION NUMBER means the number assigned by EPA to each generator, transporter, and facility.
EXEMPTED AQUIFER means an aquifer or its portion that meets the criteria in the definition of USDW, but which
has been exempted according to the procedures in 40 CFR Section 122.35(b).
EXISTING HWM FACILITY means a Hazardous Waste Management facility which was in operation, or for which
construction had commenced, on or before October 21, 1976. Construction had commenced if (A) the owner or
operator had obtained all necessary Federal, State, and local preconstruction approvals or permits, and either (B1) a
continuous on-site, physical construction program had begun, or (B2) the owner or operator had entered into
contractual obligations, which could not be canceled or modified without substantial loss, for construction of the
facility to be completed within a reasonable time.
(NOTE: This definition reflects the literal language of the statute. However, EPA believes that
amendments to RCRA now in conference will shortly be enacted and will change the date for determining
when a facility is an "existing facility" to one no earlier than May of 1980; indications are the conferees are
considering October 30, 1980. Accordingly, EPA encourages every owner or operator of a facility which
was built or under construction as of the promulgation date of the RCRA program regulations to file Part A
of its permit application so that it can be quickly processed for interim status when the change in the law
takes effect. When those amendments are enacted, EPA will amend this definition.)
EXISTING SOURCE or EXISTING DISCHARGER (in the NPDES program) means any source which is not a new
source or a new discharger.
EXISTING INJECTION WELL means an injection well other than a new injection well.
FACILITY means any HWM facility, UIC underground injection well, NPDES point source, PSD stationary source,
or any other facility or activity (including land or appurtenances thereto) that is subject to regulation under the
RCRA, UIC, NPDES, or PSD programs.
FLUID means material or substance which flows or moves whether in a semisolid, liquid, sludge, gas, or any other
form or state.
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GENERATOR means any person by site, whose act or process produces hazardous waste identified or listed in 40
CFR Part 261.
GROUNDWATER means water below the land surfaces in a zone of saturation.
HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE means any of the substances designated under 40 CFR Part 116 pursuant to Section
311 of CWA. (NOTE: These substances are listed in Table 2c-4 of the instructions to Form 2C.)
HAZARDOUS WASTE means a hazardous waste as defined in 40 CFR Section 261.3 published May 19, 1980.
HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY (HWM facility) means all contiguous land, structures,
appurtenances, and improvements on the land, used for treating, storing, or disposing of hazardous wastes. A
facility may consist of several treatment, storage, or disposal operational units (for example, one or more landfills,
surface impoundments, or combinations of them).
IN OPERATION means a facility which is treating, storing, or disposing, of hazardous waste.
INCINERATOR (in the RCRA program) means an enclosed device using controlled flame combustion, the primary
purpose of which is to thermally break down hazardous waste. Examples of incinerators are rotary kiln, fluidized
bed, and liquid injection incinerators.
INDIRECT DISCHARGER means a nondomestic discharger introducing pollutants to a publicly owned treatment
INJECTION WELL means a well into which fluids are being injected.
INTERIM AUTHORIZATION means approval by EPA of a State hazardous waste program which has met the
requirements of Section 3006(c) of RCRA and applicable requirements of 40 CFR Part 123, Subparts A, B, and F.
LANDFILL means a disposal facility or part of a facility where hazardous waste is placed in or on land and which is
not a land treatment facility, a surface impoundment, or an injection well.
LAND TREATMENT FACILITY (in the RCRA program) means a facility or part of a facility at which hazardous
waste is applied onto or incorporated into the soil surface; such facilities are disposal facilities if the waste will
remain after closure.
LISTED STATE means a State listed by the Administrator under Section 1422 of SDWA as needing a State UIC
MGD means millions of gallons per day.
MUNICIPALITY means a city, village, town, borough, county, parish, district, association, or other public body
created by or under State law and having jurisdiction over disposal of sewage, industrial wastes, or other wastes, or
an Indian tribe or an authorized Indian tribal organization, or a designated and approved management agency
under Section 208 of CWA.
issuing, modifying, revoking and reissuing, terminating, monitoring, and enforcing permits and imposing and
enforcing pretreatment requirements under Sections 307, 318, 402, and 405 of CWA. The term includes an
approved program.
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NEW DISCHARGER means any building, structure, facility, or installation: (A) From which there is or may be a
new or additional discharge of pollutants at a site at which on October 18, 1972, it had never discharged pollutants;
(B) Which has never received a finally effective NPDES permit for discharges at that site; and (C) Which is not a
"new source." This definition includes an indirect discharger which commences discharging into the waters of the
United States. It also includes any existing mobile point source, such as an offshore oil drilling rig, seafood
processing vessel, or aggregate plant that begins discharging at a location for which it does not have an existing
NEW HWM FACILITY means any Hazardous Waste Management facility which began operation or for which
construction commenced after October 21, 1976.
NEW INJECTION WELL means a well which begins injection after a UIC program for the State in which the well
is located is approved.
NEW SOURCE (in the NPDES program) means any building, structure, facility, or installation, from which there is
or may be a discharge of pollutants, the construction of which commenced:
A. After promulgation of standards of performance under Section 306 of CWA which are applicable to
such source; or
B. After proposal of standards of performance in accordance with Section 306 of CWA which are
applicable to such source, but only if the standards are promulgated in accordance with Section 306 within
120 days of their proposal.
NON-CONTACT COOLING WATER means water used to reduce temperature which does not come into direct
contact with any raw material, intermediate product, waste product (other than heat), or finished product.
OFF-SITE means any site which is not "on-site."
ON-SITE means on the same or geographically contiguous property which may be divided by public or private
right(s)-of-way, provided the entrance and exit between the properties is at a cross-roads intersection, and access is
by crossing as opposed to going along, the right(s)-of-way. Non-contiguous properties owned by the same person,
but connected by a right-of-way which the person controls and to which the public does not have access, is also
considered on-site property.
OPEN BURNING means the combustion of any material without the following characteristics:
A. Control of combustion air to maintain adequate temperature for efficient combustion;
B. Containment of the combustion-reaction in an enclosed device to provide sufficient residence time and
mixing for complete combustion; and
C. Control of emission of the gaseous combustion products.
(See also "incinerator" and "thermal treatment").
OPERATOR means the person responsible for the overall operation of a facility.
OUTFALL means a point source.
OWNER means the person who owns a facility or part of a facility.
PERMIT means an authorization, license, or equivalent control document issued by EPA or an approved State to
implement the requirements of 40 CFR Parts 122, 123, and 124.
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PHYSICAL CONSTRUCTION (in the RCRA program) means excavation, movement of earth, erection of forms or
structures, or similar activity to prepare a HWM facility to accept hazardous waste.
PILE means any non containerized accumulation of solid, non flowing hazardous waste that is used for treatment
POINT SOURCE means any discernible, confined, and discrete conveyance, including but not limited to any pipe,
ditch, channel, tunnel, conduit, well, discrete fissure, container, rolling stock, concentrated animal feeding operation,
vessel or other floating craft from which pollutants are or may be discharged. This term does not include return
flows from irrigated agriculture.
POLLUTANT means dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, filter backwash, sewage, garbage, sewage
sludge, munitions, chemical waste, biological materials, radioactive materials (except those regulated under the
Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended [42 U.S.C. Section 2011 et. seq.]), heat, wrecked or discarded equipment,
rocks, sand, cellar dirt and industrial, municipal, and agriculture waste discharged into water. It does not mean:
A. Sewage from vessels; or
B. Water, gas, or other material which is injected into a well to facilitate production of oil or gas, or water
derived in association with oil and gas production and disposed of in a well, if the well used either to
facilitate production or for disposal purposes is approved by authority of the State in which the well is
located, and if the State determines that the injection or disposal will not result in the degradation of ground
or surface water resources.
(NOTE: Radioactive materials covered by the Atomic Energy Act are those encompassed in its definition of
source, byproduct, or special nuclear materials. Examples of materials not covered include radium and
accelerator produced isotopes. See Train v. Colorado Public Interest Research Group, Inc., 426 U.S. 1
PREVENTION OF SIGNIFICANT DETERIORATION (PSD) means the national permitting program under 40
CFR 52.21 to prevent emissions of certain pollutants regulated under the Clean Air Act from significantly
deteriorating air quality in attainment areas.
PRIMARY INDUSTRY CATEGORY means any industry category listed in the NRDC Settlement Agreement
(Natural Resources Defense Council v. Train, 8 ERC 2120 [D.D.C. 1976], modified 12 ERC 1833 [D.D.C. 1979]).
PRIVATELY OWNED TREATMENT WORKS means any device or system which is: (A) Used to treat wastes
from any facility whose operator is not the operator of the treatment works; and (B) Not a POTW.
PROCESS WASTEWATER means any water which, during manufacturing or processing, comes into direct contact
with or results from the production or use of any raw material, intermediate product, finished product, byproduct, or
waste product.
PUBLICLY OWNED TREATMENT WORKS or POTW means nay device or system used in the treatment
(including recycling and reclamation) of municipal sewage or industrial wastes of a liquid nature which is owned by
a State or a municipality. This definition includes any sewers, pipes, or other conveyances only if they convey
wastewater to a POTW providing treatment.
RENT means use of another's property in return for regular payment.
RCRA means the Solid Waste Disposal Act as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976
(Pub. L. 94-580, as amended by Pub. L. 95-609, 42 U.S.C. Section 6901 et seq.).
crushed and broken stone, gravel, and riprap (see 40 CFR Part 436, Subpart B, and the effluent limitations
guidelines for these facilities).
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SDWA means the Safe Drinking Water Act (Pub. L. 95-523, as amended by Pub. L. 95-1900, 42 U.S.C. Section 300
[f] et. seq.).
SECONDARY INDUSTRY CATEGORY means any industry category which is not a primary industry category.
SEWAGE FROM VESSELS means human body wastes and the wastes from toilets and other receptacles intended
to receive or retain body wastes that are discharged from vessels and regulated under Section 312 of CWA, except
that with respect to commercial vessels on the Great Lakes this term includes gray water. For the purposes of this
definition, "graywater" means galley, bath, and shower water.
SEWAGE SLUDGE means the solids, residues, and precipitate separated from or created in sewage by the unit
processes of a POTW. "Sewage" as used in this definition means any wastes, including wastes from humans,
households, commercial establishments, industries, and storm water runoff, that are discharged to or otherwise enter
a publicly owned treatment works.
SILVICULTURAL POINT SOURCE means any discernable, confined, and discrete conveyance related to rock
crushing, gravel washing, log sorting, or log storage facilities, which are operated in connection with silvicultural
activities and from which pollutants are discharged into waters of the United States. This term does not include nonpoint source floricultural activities such as nursery operations, site preparation, reforestation and subsequent cultural
treatment, thinning, prescribed burning, pest and fire control, harvesting operations, surface drainage, or road
construction and maintenance from which there is natural runoff. However, some of these activities (such as stream
crossing for roads) may involve point source discharges of dredged or fill material which may require a CWA
Section 401 permit. "Log sorting and log storage facilities" are facilities whose discharges result from the holding of
unprocessed wood, e.g., logs or roundwood with bark or after removal of bark in self-contained bodies of water (mill
ponds or log ponds) or stored on land where water is applied intentionally on the logs (wet decking). (See 40 CFR
Part 429, Subpart J, and the effluent limitations guidelines for these facilities.)
STATE means any of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Guam, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin
Islands, American Samoa, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (except in the case of RCRA), and the
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (except in the case of CWA).
STATIONARY SOURCE (in the PSD program) means any building, structure, facility or installation which emits
or may emit any air pollutant regulated under the Clean Air Act. "Building, structure, facility, or installation" means
any grouping of pollutant-emitting activities which are located on one or more contiguous or adjacent properties and
which are owned or operated by the same person (or by persons under common control).
STORAGE (in the RCRA program) means the holding of hazardous waste for a temporary period at the end of
which the hazardous waste is treated, disposed, or stored elsewhere.
STORM WATER RUNOFF means water discharged as a result of rain, snow, or other precipitation.
SURFACE IMPOUNDMENT or IMPOUNDMENT means a facility or part of a facility which is a natural
topographic depression, manmade excavation, or diked area formed primarily of earthen materials (although it may
be lined with manmade materials), which is designed to hold an accumulation of liquid wastes or wastes containing
free liquids, and which is not an injection well. Examples of surface impoundments are holding, storage, settling,
and aeration pits, ponds, and lagoons.
TANK (in the RCRA program) means a stationary device, designed to contain an accumulation of hazardous waste
which is constructed primarily of non-earthen materials (e.g., wood, concrete, steel, plastic) which provide structural
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THERMAL TREATMENT (in the RCRA program) means the treatment of hazardous wastes in a device which uses
elevated temperature as the primary means to change the chemical, physical, or biological character or composition
of the hazardous waste. Examples of thermal treatment processes are incineration, molten salt, pyrolysis,
calcination, wet air oxidation, and microwave discharge. (See also "incinerator" and "open burning.")
TOTALLY ENCLOSED TREATMENT FACILITY (in the RCRA program) means a facility for the treatment of
hazardous waste which is directly connected to an industrial production process and which is constructed and
operated in a manner which prevents the release of any hazardous waste or constituent thereof into the environment
during treatment. An example is a pipe in which waste acid is neutralized.
TOXIC POLLUTANT means any pollutant listed as toxic under Section 307 (a)(1) of CWA.
TRANSPORTER (in the RCRA program) means a person engaged in the off-site transportation of hazardous waste
by air, rail, highway, or water.
TREATMENT (in the RCRA program) means any method, technique, or process, including neutralization, designed
to change the physical, chemical, or biological character or composition of any hazardous waste so as to neutralize
such waste, or so as to recover energy or material resources from the waste, or so as to render such waste
nonhazardous, or less hazardous; safer to transport, store, or dispose of; or amenable for recovery, amenable for
storage, or reduced in volume.
UNDERGROUND INJECTION means well injection.
UNDERGROUND SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER or USDW means an aquifer or its portion which is not an
exempted aquifer and:
A. Which supplies drinking water for human consumption; or
B. In which the groundwater contains fewer than 10,000 mg/l total dissolved solids.
UPSET means an exceptional incident in which there is unintentional and temporary noncompliance with
technology-based permit effluent limitations because of factors beyond the reasonable control of the permittee. An
upset does not include noncompliance to the extent caused by operational error, improperly designed treatment
facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventative maintenance, or careless or improper operation.
A. All waters which are currently used, were used in the past, or may be susceptible to use in interstate or
foreign commerce, including all waters which are subject to the ebb and flow of the tide;
B. All interstate waters, including interstate wetlands;
C. All other waters such as intrastate lakes, rivers, streams (including intermittent streams), mud flats,
sand flats, wetlands, sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa lakes, and natural ponds, the use,
degradation, or destruction of which would or could affect interstate or foreign commerce including
any such waters:
1. Which are or could be used by interstate or foreign travelers for recreational or other purposes,
2. From which fish or shellfish are or could be taken and sold in interstate and foreign commerce,
3. Which are used or could be used for industrial purposes by industries in interstate commerce;
D. All impoundments of water otherwise defined as waters of the United States under this definition;
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E. Tributaries of waters identified in paragraphs (A) - (D) above;
F. The territorial sea; and
G. Wetlands adjacent to waters (other than waters that are themselves wetlands) identified in
paragraphs (A) - (F) of this definition.
Waste treatment systems, including treatment ponds or lagoons designed to meet requirement of CWA (other than
cooling ponds as defined in 40 CFR Section 423.11(m) which also meet the requirement of this definition) are not
waters of the United States. This exclusion applies only to manmade bodies of water which neither were originally
created in waters of the United States (such as a disposal area in wetlands) nor resulted from the impoundments
waters of the United States.
WELL INJECTION or UNDERGROUND INJECTION means the subsurface emplacement of fluids through a
bored, drilled, or driven well; or through a dug well, where the depth of the dug well is greater than the largest
surface dimension.
WETLANDS means those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and
duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances, do support, a prevalence of vegetation
adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas.
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Form 2D
List of outfalls showing the outfall number, Lat./Long., and receiving stream
List of outfalls showing the outfall number, the operation(s) contributing flow to that outfall, average flow
from that outfall, a description of the treatment applied to the wastewater generated from that outfall
with the corresponding code from Table 2D-1 of the application. the
Line drawing showing the flow of water into, through and out of the various processes that
generate the wastewater.
List of intermittent or seasonal discharges per outfall which includes:
a. The outfall number
b. A description of the process contributing the wastewater flow
c. The frequency of the flow in days/week and months/year
d. The flow rate long term average and daily maximum
e. The total volume of flow long term average and daily maximum
f. The duration of the discharge in days
The production rate which is applicable to a process which is subject to an effluent guideline that is
calculated based on the production rate. The production rate is expressed in the quantity per day, the
units of measurement, the product which is produced, and the affected outfalls.
The applicant must provide analytical results for all pollutants listed in Group A of Table 2D-2 of the
application. The applicant must provide analytical results for