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Section 401 WQC Regional General Permit Notification Form. This is a Indiana form and can be use in Department Of Enviromental Management Statewide.
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Tags: Section 401 WQC Regional General Permit Notification, 51937, Indiana Statewide, Department Of Enviromental Management
State Form 51937 (R3 / 8-08)
1. Familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions and read the instructions before filling out this form.
2. All applicable sections of this two page form must be completed.
Date Received:
Contact person:
Contact person:
Address (number and street, city, state and ZIP code):
Address (number and street, city, state and ZIP code):
Telephone number:
Telephone number:
E-mail address:
E-mail address:
Nearest Town:
Quad Name:
Project Address and Driving Directions:
Acreage on the site by wetland type(s): ________ emergent ________ scrub-shrub
Date of Wetland Delineation? ______/______/______
________ forested
Date of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers jurisdiction correspondence? ______/______/______
Activity Description:
Purpose of project:
FOR LAKE IMPACT; (acceptable fill defined in instructions)
Linear feet of shoreline impact (example - seawall): ______________
Type of fill below the Ordinary High Water Mark: ________________________________________
Does the shoreline or open water area have vegetation present?
Open water fill beyond shoreline: (examples - boat well, underwater beach)
Volume (cubic yds.): _________
Acres: _________
Type of fill: ____________________________________
Acres: _________
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FOR STREAM IMPACT: (acceptable fill defined in instructions)
Total linear feet of stream impact (examples - bank stabilization, bridge construction or culvert placement, seawall work): ______________
Type of fill below the Ordinary High Water Mark: _________________________________________
Proposed Start Date of work in the Stream (MM/DD/YY): _________
Channel width in feet (see instructions): _________
Volume (cubic yds.): _________
Proposed End Date of work in the Stream (MM/DD/YY): _________
Channel depth in feet (see instructions): _________
For stream crossings, type of structure proposed to be installed (examples: three-sided or four-sided culvert, bridge, pipe): ____________________________
For stream crossings, width of culvert structure/diameter of pipe to be installed (feet): _________
Open water fill that projects beyond the streambank:
Length of culvert structure/pipe (feet): _________
Type of fill: ____________________________________
Acre(s) of impact: _________
FOR WETLAND IMPACT: (acceptable fill defined in instructions)
Type of fill: _______________________________________
Acre(s) of impact: _________ emergent
_________ scrub-shrub
_________ forested
I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this notification form and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, such information is true and
accurate. I certify that I have the authority to undertake and will undertake the activities exactly as described in this notification form. I am aware that there are
penalties for submitting false information. I understand that any changes in project design subsequent to IDEM's granting of authorization to discharge to a
Water of the U.S. are not authorized, and that I may be subject to civil and criminal penalties for proceeding without proper authorization. I agree to allow
representatives of IDEM to enter and inspect the project site. I understand that the granting of other permits by local, state, or federal agencies does not
release me from the requirement of obtaining the authorization requested herein before commencing the project.
Signature of applicant:
Printed name of applicant:
Enclose copies of the following documents (ALL enclosures must be
on 8.5” by 11” paper):
Location map
Mail this form and attachments via certified mail to:
Drawings of existing site and proposed project
Cross sections of proposed activities showing extent of fill waterward
(for seawall, shoreline, and streambank stabilization impacts)
Cross sections of proposed activities showing the bankfull width or
Ordinary High Water Mark of the stream (for stream encapsulation
At least three photos of the site, labeled
Copy of wetland delineation report (for projects with wetland impacts)
Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Water Quality
Section 401 WQC/State Isolated Wetlands Program
MC 65-42 IGCN 1255
100 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2251
Copies of all correspondence from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(for projects with wetland impacts)
Copies of all correspondence from the Indiana Department of Natural
Resources, Division of Nature Preserves
Please note:
Send this form and the attachments via certified mail to IDEM at the above referenced address. IDEM will not notify you when this form is received.
IDEM will review this form and all attachments for completeness and accuracy. You will not be contacted by IDEM unless problems are identified
with your application. IDEM may require additional information to verify that the project meets all conditions of the Regional General Permit and the
Section 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC). If you are not contacted by IDEM within thirty (30) days of the date IDEM receives this notification form,
your project is authorized, subject to the terms and conditions of the Section 401 Water Quality Certification and its conditions. You will not receive a
written confirmation of authorization.
Read all the terms and conditions of this IDEM Regional General Permit Notification Form, including all U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and IDEM
conditions. The terms and conditions of this general permit as instituted by IDEM are included as part of the instructions. Do not submit this notification
form or commence work on the proposed project until you understand and are familiar with the limitations and restrictions of the IDEM Regional General
Permit Notification Form.
Consult this webpage for more information:
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The applicant shall deposit any dredged material in a contained upland disposal area to prevent sediment runoff to any waterbody. The discharge of
return water from upland contained disposal areas is not authorized by this general permit. Such discharges are regulated by the IDEM’s National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permitting Program.
This general permit does not authorize the discharge of storm water or the discharge of pollutants (such as sediment) associated with storm water.
This general permit incorporates the conditions at 327 IAC 15-5-7 as general conditions of this Water Quality Certification (WQC). Compliance with
the general permits at 327 IAC 15-5, or 327 IAC 15-6 (commonly referred to as a Rule 5 and Rule 6, respectively) is sufficient to demonstrate
compliance with this condition of the WQC.
The permittee shall allow the commissioner or an authorized representative of the IDEM commissioner (including an authorized contractor), upon the
presentation of credentials to:
a) Enter upon the permittee’s property;
b) Have access to and copy at reasonable times any records that must be kept under the conditions of these permits or this certification;
c) Inspect, at reasonable times, any monitoring or operational equipment or method; collection, treatment, pollution management or discharge
facility or device; practices required by this certification; and any mitigation site; and
d) Sample or monitor any discharge of pollutants or any mitigation site.
This granting of WQC does not relieve the permittee from the responsibility of obtaining any other permits or authorizations that may be required for
this project or related activities from the IDEM or any other agency or person.
This WQC does not:
a) Authorize impacts or activities outside the scope of this certification;
b) Authorize any injury to permittees or private property or invasion of other private rights, or any infringement of federal, state or local laws or
c) Convey any property rights of any sort, or any exclusive privileges;
d) Preempt any duty to obtain federal, state or local permits or authorizations required by law for the execution of the project or related activities; or
e) Authorize changes in the plan design detailed in the notification form.
This general permit cannot authorize point source discharges of pollutants other than clean fill and uncontaminated dredged material.
This general permit cannot authorize activities on or in any of the State’s waters that have been designated by the Water Pollution Control Board as:
salmonid waters (cold water streams), Outstanding State and/or National Resource Waters, and Exceptional Use waters.
This general permit cannot authorize activities on or in any critical wetland or critical special aquatic site.
This general permit cannot authorize activities on or in any non-salmonid stream between April 1 and June 30 unless the IDNR has granted a waiver
for that activity. Contact information for the IDNR-Division of Fish and Wildlife is as follows:
IDNR - Division of Fish and Wildlife
Attn: Environmental Supervisor
402 W. Washington St., Room W273
Indianapolis, IN 46204
FAX: (317) 232-8150
You must submit, with this notification form, correspondence from the IDNR, Division of Nature Preserves, which states that no state endangered,
threatened, or rare species is documented on a permanent or seasonal basis within a ½ (0.50) mile radius of the proposed project site by the Indiana
Natural Heritage Data Center. Alternately, you may provide written documentation from the IDNR, Division of Nature Preserves, which states that the
proposed activities will not constitute a violation of state laws protecting state endangered, threatened, or rare species if they are documented on a
permanent or seasonal basis within a ½ (0.50) mile radius of the proposed project site. Additional information regarding how to request Indiana
Natural Heritage Data, including fees, required information, and timeframes, is available at the following website: . Contact information for the IDNR-Division of Nature Preserves is as follows:
IDNR - Division of Nature Preserves
Attn: Ronald Hellmich
402 W. Washington St., Room W267
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Fax # 317-233-0133
This general permit does not authorize activities associated with the establishment of a mitigation bank.
Multiple impacts associated with the same project may be included on the same notification form. However, the cumulative acreage and linear
footage of effect on Waters of the U.S. must be equal to or less than the most restrictive thresholds of the notification form. (Threshold limits of the
notification form are listed in conditions 16-21.) For example, a road project may include several stream crossings. If the cumulative effect of these
crossings is less than 0.10 acre and 300 linear feet and each crossing meets the other requirements of the notification form, then the activities can be
authorized by the general permit. If, however, the cumulative effect of these crossings is greater than 0.10 acre or 300 linear feet, then the activities
are not authorized by this general permit and an individual site-specific WQC is required.
In order to verify that a given project will qualify under the terms and conditions of this general permit, IDEM may require additional information from
the applicant. If the applicant fails to provide any information requested by IDEM, then the project is not authorized.
The IDEM, for any project that qualifies under the terms and conditions of this general permit, may choose to require an individual site-specific WQC
if it determines that the project would have more than minimal impacts to water quality, either viewed individually or collectively with other projects
that may affect the same waterbody affected by the proposed project.
The permittee must submit the notification form at least 30 days prior to the commencement of the proposed activity.
The notification form is for activities proposing permanent impacts of one-tenth (0.10) of an acre or less of Waters of the U.S. Proposed
impacts to Waters of the U.S. exceeding 0.10 acre cannot be authorized by this general permit and will require an individual site-specific WQC.
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This notification form is for activities that will not permanently change the sinuosity, flow path, velocity, cross sectional area under the bank full
elevation or the slope of any stream. Proposed activities that will permanently change the sinuosity, flow path, velocity, cross sectional area under
the bank full elevation, or the slope of the stream cannot be authorized by this general permit and will require an individual site-specific WQC.
This notification form is for activities proposing permanent impacts to 300 linear feet or less of streambank or lake shoreline. Proposed impacts to
streambanks or shorelines in excess of 300 linear feet cannot be authorized by this general permit and will require an individual site-specific WQC.
In the case of streambank stabilization activities or new lake and reservoir shoreline stabilization activities, the permittee must demonstrate that the
streambank or shoreline in question is unstable.
Projects that propose stream encapsulation activities meet the following limitations:
a) Must be for the purpose of constructing a crossing;
b) Must not exceed 150 feet;
c) The cross sectional area of the encapsulation is at least twenty percent (20%) larger than the bank full area of the stream immediately up and
downstream of the encapsulation;
d) The cross sectional area of the encapsulation is in the form of a single opening (double culverts are not authorized unless at least one of the
culverts meets the cross sectional area requirement);
e) Encapsulations either have no bottom (e.g., three sided culvert) or are twenty percent (20%) imbedded into the streambed (note that the area
imbedded must be subtracted from the cross sectional area for the cross section area requirement above); and
The slope of the bed within the encapsulation matches the slope of the bed both immediately upstream and downstream.
Projects proposing an encapsulation activity that do not meet the aforementioned limitations cannot be authorized by this general permit and will
require an individual site-specific WQC.
The activities proposed in the notification form cannot result in a permanent secondary effect to Waters of the U.S. (e.g., dredging, excavation,
damming, creation of in-channel ponds) that, when combined with the primary effect, exceeds the area and length thresholds in previous conditions.
Projects that result in permanent secondary effects to Waters of the U.S. that, when combined with the primary effect, exceeds the aforementioned
area and length thresholds, cannot be authorized by this general permit and will require an individual site-specific WQC.
Instructions for Completing the IDEM Regional General Permit Notification Form
Please read these instructions carefully before completing the notification form. Sections labeled as mandatory must be completed accurately and completely
in order for IDEM to process this notification form. IDEM will reject your notification form should you fail to complete all mandatory sections of the form.
DO NOT use this form if your project will impact ANY isolated wetlands. Consult with IDEM staff to determine the correct application form for use with your
If you have any questions or are unsure if your project qualifies for or requires this authorization, contact IDEM:
Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Water Quality
Section 401 Water Quality Certification/State Isolated Wetlands Program
MC 65-42 IGCN 1255
100 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2251
Telephone: (317) 233-8488
Print clearly or type.
Attach additional information on 8.5" x 11" sheets or folded 11” x17” sheets only
MANDATORY: Provide the applicant's name, address, email address, and telephone number. Applicants MUST provide a contact name.
OPTIONAL: Provide the agent's address and telephone information (an agent is anyone representing the applicant on the project, such as an
attorney or consultant). Applicants are not required to have an agent. This information should be included if a person other than the applicant is
submitting the form and that person is designated as the contact point for questions regarding the proposed project.
MANDATORY: Complete all blocks within this section. Most information required in this section can be obtained from the United States Geological Survey
(USGS) 7.5-Minute Series Topographic Quadrangle maps, your local Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) office, or similar computer desktop mapping
software. An address or descriptive location must be provided in order to allow for compliance inspections of the project.
MANDATORY: This section provides information on the types of aquatic resources present on the project site PRIOR TO any proposed impacts.
Check the appropriate box as to whether or not lakes, streams, or wetlands are present on the site. For wetlands, provide the acreage of each
wetland type – your wetland delineation report will state the acreage of each wetland type delineated on the site.
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For wetlands, acreages and types must be confirmed with a wetland delineation conducted in accordance with the 1987 U.S. Corps of Engineers
Wetland Delineation Manual. Please attach a copy of this delineation and letter of confirmation from the U.S. Corps of Engineers for all projects that
will impact wetlands. Correspondence from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers confirming that the Waters in question are regulated under the Clean
Water Act must be provided. Any letter or email from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that describes the extent of Waters of the U.S. on the site
will be considered acceptable by IDEM. Common examples include: a jurisdictional determination verification letter, a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Public Notice, an “RGP pending” letter.
MANDATORY: Complete both “Activity Description” and “Purpose of Project” blocks within this section. Attach additional sheets if needed. Activity
description refers to WHAT you intend to do – examples include filling a certain acreage of wetland, placing a certain quantity of riprap into a
stream, constructing bridge piers, or installing a specific type of culvert. Project description refers to WHY you need to do this activity – to create a
driveway, to stabilize a streambank, to install a bridge or culvert in a stream to access a site, to develop a site for commercial use, for example.
When calculating stream impacts, all areas that are affected by placement of fill, bank armoring, piping, installing culverts, excavation, or any other
activity must be counted. Any proposed project involving the creation of dams or in-channel pools CANNOT use this notification form.
When calculating impacts, all areas within lakes, rivers, streams and the like must be counted. This includes areas under new bridge piers, footprints
of underwater beaches, and footprints of boat ramps, as examples.
The Ordinary High Water Mark means that line on the shore of a waterbody established by the fluctuations of water and indicated by physical
characteristics such as clear, natural line impressed on the bank, shelving, changes in the character of soil, natural destruction of terrestrial
vegetation, the presence of litter and debris, or other appropriate means that consider the characteristics of the surrounding areas.
Channel width means the average distance from one bank of the stream to the other bank measured on the level at the bankfull stage elevation.
IDEM will accept the Ordinary High Water Mark as a surrogate measurement for the bankfull stage elevation.
Channel depth means the average distance from the bankfull stage elevation to the deepest part of the channel (thalwag). IDEM will accept the
Ordinary High Water Mark as a surrogate measurement for the bankfull stage elevation.
Bankfull stage elevation means the elevation where any additional increase in stage elevation would result in water leaving the channel and entering
the floodplain. The bankfull discharge is the same as the effective discharge. Determining the bankfull stage elevation from field indicators is also
acceptable. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has provided tools for determining the bankfull stage elevation through the Watershed
Assessment of River Stability and Sediment Supply (WARSSS) website at IDEM will also accept the
Ordinary High Water Mark as a surrogate measurement for the bankfull stage elevation. Note that IDEM does not require that a responsible party
survey the bankfull stage elevation, but rather requires that width and depth measurements be taken relative to this elevation.
Acceptable fill material must be clean earthen fill that is free from any hazardous waste or regulated solid waste. Examples: clean earthen fill dirt,
glacial stone, riprap, sand, freshly poured concrete.
MANDATORY: The name and signature must match the name of the applicant on the first page. Notification forms signed by any person other than the
applicant will not be approved.
NOTE - The listed supplemental information must be provided in order to verify that your project qualifies for the terms and conditions of this regional general
You may wish to hire a private environmental consultant to assist you with the completion of this form, assessing impact totals, and the
creation of all required submittals (maps, photos, plans, cross-sections, IDNR and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers correspondence, etc.).
Upon request, IDEM can provide you with a list of private environmental consultants that work in Indiana. If you are proposing impacts to
wetlands, you will need to hire an environmental consultant to complete a wetland delineation for your property.
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