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2009 Indiana Utility Receipts Tax Return Form. This is a Indiana form and can be use in Department Of Revenue Statewide.
Tags: 2009 Indiana Utility Receipts Tax Return, URT-1, Indiana Statewide, Department Of Revenue
Indiana Department of Revenue
2009 Indiana Utility Receipts Tax Return
Form 51102
State Form
Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2009 or Other Tax Year
___________/_______/2009 and Ending
Check box if name changed.
Check box if amended.
Street Address
Principal Business Activity Code
Federal Identification Number
ZIP Code
Telephone Number
K Check accounting method used:
L Do you have on file a valid extension of time to file your return (federal Form 7004 or an electronic extension of time)?
M Check all boxes that apply to entity:
Initial Return
Final Return
Consolidated Return
Taxable Receipts for Indiana (list utility receipts received during your taxable year)
1. Retail sale of utility services............................................................................................................................................................
2. Judgments or settlements as compensation for lost retail sales. ..................................................................................................
3. Sales to a reseller if utility is used in hotels, mobile home parks, or marinas................................................................................
4. Sales of water or gas to another for rebottling................................................................................................................................
5. Installation, maintenance, repair, equipment, or leasing services provided and charges for removal.........................................
6. All other receipts not segregated between retail and nonretail transactions.................................................................................
7. Total Taxable Receipts (add lines 1 through 6)............................................................................................................................
8. Annual taxpayer deduction ($83.33 per month, not to exceed $1,000 in a taxable year).............................................................
9. Bad debts on utility receipts of an accrual basis taxpayer. ............................................................................................................
10. Depreciation on resource recovery systems prorated for amount attributed to taxable year.......................................................
11. Receipts exempt from taxation if included in taxable receipts for the Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing
Act or IC 6-8.1-15.............................................................................................................................................................................
12. Amount paid on customarily returned empty reusable containers.................................................................................................
13. Receipts from sale of bottled water or gas that was previously taxed...........................................................................................
14. Total Deductions (add lines 8 through 13)....................................................................................................................................
15. Indiana Taxable Utility Receipts (subtract line 14 from line 7)...................................................................................................
Tax and Credits
16. Utility Receipts Tax Due for the Taxable Year: Multiply the amount on line 15 by 1.4% (.014)................................................
17. Sales/Use Tax Due on purchases subject to use tax (from worksheet). ......................................................................................
18. Estimated payments made for utility receipts tax (list quarterly URT-Q payments below)
Qtr. 1___________
Qtr. 2___________
Qtr. 3___________
Qtr. 4___________ Enter Total........
19. Prior year overpayment credit ___________ and this year's extension payment ___________ Enter Total....................
20. Enter name of other tax credit ________________________________________ Code No. a ____ ____ ____
21. Total Payments and Credits (add lines 18 through 20b) ..............................................................................................................
22. Net Tax Due (subtract line 21 from the sum of lines 16 and 17 if line 21 is greater, proceed to lines 23 and 27)........................
23. Penalty for underpayment of estimated tax (from completed Schedule URT-2220).....................................................................
24. Interest: If payment is made after the original due date, add interest (for rates, refer to Department Notice #3)... .....................
25. Penalty for late payment: See instructions. ....................................................................................................................................
26. Total Amount Owed (add lines 22 through 25).............................................................................................................................
27. Overpayment (line 21 minus lines 16, 17, and 23)........................................................ ..................................................................
28. Refund (portion of amount on line 27 to be refunded)......................................................................................................................
29. Overpayment Credit (carry over to the following year's estimated URT account, line 27 minus line 28)...................................
In Bankruptcy
Round all entries
Certification of Signatures and Authorization Section
Under penalties of perjury, I declare I have examined this return, including all accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true,
correct, and complete.
E-mail Address
I authorize the Department to discuss my return with my personal representative
(see page 7)
Paid Preparer: Firm’s Name (or yours if self-employed)
Signature of Officer
Print or Type Name of Officer
Personal Representative’s Name (Print or Type)
Telephone Number
Check One:
Federal ID Number
Social Security Number
Telephone Number
ZIP Code + 4
ZIP Code + 4
Paid Preparer's Signature
Please mail forms to: Indiana Department of Revenue, P.O.Box 7228, Indianapolis, IN 46207-7228
American LegalNet, Inc.
State Form 51252
Indiana Department of Revenue
Underpayment of
Estimated Utility Receipts Tax
Beginning ___________/_______/2009 and Ending __________/_______/_______
The purpose of this schedule is to calculate the penalty for underpayment of utility receipts tax on a quarterly basis. The penalty is 10
percent of the total quarterly underpayments unless an exception to the penalty is met for a quarter in Part II.
Name of Corporation or Organization
Federal Identification Number
Part I - Calculation of Minimum Quarterly Payment
1. Enter utility receipts tax due (line 16 of Form URT-1); if less than $2,500, enter -0- . ................. 1
2. Multiply line 1 by 80% and enter result on line 3.......................................................................... 2
3. Minimum required payment of utility receipts tax liability for the taxable year................................. 3
X .80
4. Enter prior year's utility receipts tax liability (do not reduce by estimated taxes paid) that is
relative to the number of months in the current taxable year....................................................... 4
Part II - Calculation of Quarterly Underpayment or Exception to the Penalty
5. Enter line 3 or line 4, whichever amount is less........................................................................... 5
6. Enter in columns (a) through (d) the quarterly installment
due dates corresponding to the 20th day of the 4th, 6th,
9th, and 12th months of the tax year. ................................... 6
7. Enter the amount of utility receipts tax paid or credited on
or before the due date of the quarterly installment. .............. 7
8. Enter the overpayment, if any, from the preceding column
in excess of any prior shown on line 11. . 8
1st quarter
2nd quarter
3rd quarter
4th quarter
9. Add lines 7 and 8 for each column........................................ 9
10. Divide line 5 by 4 or by the number of quarters in the
taxable year; enter result in columns (a) through (d)............ 10
11. Subtract line 10 from line 9 for each quarter......................... 11
(If the result is a negative figure, you have not met an
exception to the penalty for the quarter.)
Part III - Calculation of Quarterly Underpayment Penalty
12. Enter the overpayment, if any, from the preceding column
in excess of any prior shown on line 15.
13. Add line 7 and line 12 for each column................................. 13
14. Divide line 1 by 4 or by the number of quarters
in the taxable year, but the divisor cannot be less than 1.
Enter the result in each applicable column........................... 14
15. Subtract line 14 from line 13 for each column. If result is a
negative figure, that is the for this quarter.. 15
16. If line 11 shows zero or more for a quarter, the overpay ment exception is met. Enter zero on line 16. Otherwise,
compute 10% penalty on the shown
on line 15 for each column. Enter the penalty, if any, for
the quarter as a positive figure.............................................. 16
17. Add line 16, columns (a) through (d). This is the total underpayment penalty. Enter it here and
carry the amount to Form URT-1, line 23......................................................................................... 17
American LegalNet, Inc.
Instructions for Indiana Utility
Receipts Tax Form URT-1 (8-09)
occasional sale of utility services by a taxpayer that is
not regularly engaged in the trade or business of selling utility services.
The tax is imposed on the taxable gross receipts of an
entity providing the retail sale of utility services for
the taxable year.
Gross receipts from the sale of utility services between
members of a controlled group of corporations or an
affiliated group are exempt if the seller is the producer
of the utility service and the purchaser is the end user,
and the seller and purchaser exist at the same location
or adjacent locations.
General Statement
The tax is an income tax imposed at a rate of 1.4
percent on the taxable gross receipts described below.
All entities are subject to the tax if their taxable gross
receipts exceed $1,000.
Exempt Entities
Gross receipts received by the following entities are
exempt from the utility receipt tax: conservancy districts; regional water, sewage, or solid waste districts;
nonprofit corporations formed solely for the purpose
of supplying water to the public; corporations formed
for the purpose of providing a combination of water
and sewer to the public; county solid waste management districts; joint solid waste management districts;
county onsite waste management districts; and political subdivisions for sewer and sewer service.
Utility services are defined as providing electrical
energy; natural gas (other than propane or liquefied
petroleum gas) used for heat, light, cooling, or power;
water; steam; sewage; or telecommunications.
All entities are subject to the tax if they exceed the
$1,000 limitation mentioned previously. This includes
S corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, and limited liability partnerships.
Taxable Receipts
Taxable Year
Taxable receipts include the retail sale of utility services; judgments or settlements as compensation for lost
retail sales; sales to a reseller if the utility is used in
hotels, mobile home parks, or marinas; sales of water
or gas to another for rebottling; installation, maintenance, repair, equipment, or leasing services provided
and charges for the removal of the equipment; and all
other receipts not segregated between retail and nonretail transactions.
Estimated Payments
If a taxpayer’s annual tax liability exceeds $2,500, the
taxpayer is required to file quarterly estimated payments and remit 25 percent of the estimated annual
tax due on each quarterly return.
If the taxpayer’s annual liability exceeds $40,000, the
taxpayer is required to pay the quarterly estimated tax
liability by electronic funds transfer (EFT). If the payment is made by EFT, the taxpayer is not required to
file an estimated return.
Nontaxable Receipts
The following receipts are excluded from the computation of the utility receipts tax: sales to the U.S.
government; interstate sales to the extent the state is
prohibited from taxing the gross receipts by the Constitution of the United States; collections by a taxpayer
of a tax, fee, or surcharge imposed by a governmental
unit if the tax is imposed solely on the sales at retail
of utility services and if the taxpayer collects the tax
separately; wholesale sales to another generator or
reseller of utilities; holding company receipts from
electric member cooperatives; joint agency receipts
from member municipal electric utilities; refundable
deposits paid by a customer to the taxpayer; or an
You can get the EFT registration form (EFT-1) on the
Department’s Web site at
Questions concerning the EFT registration process
can be directed to departmental personnel by calling
(317) 232-5500.
Estimated payments are due on the 20th day of the
fourth, sixth, ninth, and twelfth months of the taxpayer’s
taxable year.
American LegalNet, Inc.
Annual Returns
If an election is made, the taxpayer must continue to
file consolidated until the Department allows the taxpayer to change the manner in which it files its utility
receipts tax return. All affiliated groups filing consolidated income tax returns with the Department must
enclose Schedule 8-D, Schedule of Indiana Affiliated
Group Members, which is available from the Department at
Form URT-1 should be filed annually by taxpayers
who are subject to the utility receipts tax. The return
is due on the 15th day of the fourth month following
the close of the taxpayer’s taxable year. Check box
A1 at the top of the form if you are filing an amended
Extension of Time to File Payment
Select checkbox #3 in question M, below the address
section, to indicate whether this is a consolidated filing.
The extension payment form URT-Q is used to make
a payment when additional time is necessary for filing
the annual utility receipts tax return. A penalty for
late payment will not be imposed if at least 90 percent
of the tax due is paid by the original due date and the
remaining balance, plus interest, is paid in full by the
extended due date. A copy of the federal extension
of time to file the annual income tax form must be
enclosed with the URT-1 return.
Note: For more detailed information concerning the
utility receipts tax, get Commissioner’s Directive #18
Utility Services Use Tax
Since July 1, 2006, an excise tax known as the utility
services use tax has been imposed on the retail consumption of utility services in Indiana at the rate of
1.4 percent where the utility receipts tax is not paid by
the utility providing the service.
The Department recognizes the Internal Revenue
Service’s application for automatic extension of time
to file (Form 7004) or an electronic extension of time
for filing the annual federal income tax return. If an
extension of time to file applies, you must check box L
on the front of the return. You need not file a separate
copy of Form 7004 with the Department to request an
Indiana extension.
Your entity might be liable for this tax if you purchase
utility services from outside Indiana (or anywhere if
for resale) and become the end user in Indiana of any
part of the purchase. The person who consumes the
utility service is liable for the utility services use tax
based on the price of the purchase. Unless the seller of
the utility service is registered with the Department to
collect the utility services use tax on your behalf, you
are required to remit this tax on Form USU-103. For
more information, get Commissioner’s Directive #32
If an extension payment for Indiana is not due, you
do not need to submit a copy of the federal extension
separately, but you should enclose it with your annual
utility receipts tax return when filing. Returns received
within 30 days after the last date indicated on an
enclosed federal extension will be considered timely
filed. In the event a federal extension is not needed,
you can request an Indiana extension of time to file by
writing to the Indiana Department of Revenue,
Returns Processing Center, Tax Administration,
100 N. Senate Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46204-2253.
Completing Form URT-1
Complete all pertinent information at the top
of the return.
Please use the correct legal name of the corporation
and its current mailing address. For a name change,
check the box at the top of the return and enclose with
the return copies of amended Articles of Incorporation or an Amended Certificate of Authority filed with
the Indiana Secretary of State. The federal identification number shown in the box must be correct.
Consolidated Return of an Affiliated Group
Corporations are considered to be affiliated if at least
80 percent of the voting stock of one corporation is
owned by another corporation. Corporate members of
an affiliated group that are incorporated in Indiana or
authorized to do business in Indiana can file a consolidated utility receipts tax return. An election to file a
consolidated return must be made at the time that the
group files its first return.
American LegalNet, Inc.
Enter your principal business activity code number
in the designated box under the federal identification number. Use the six-digit business activity code,
derived from the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), as reported on the federal income tax return. You can find a listing of these codes
through the Department’s Web site at
Line 11. Deduct the receipts exempt from taxation
under IC 6-8.1-15 and the Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act (4 U.S.C. 116 et seq.).
List the Indiana county for your primary business
location within the state. Enter “O.O.S.” in the county
box for addresses outside Indiana.
Line 13. Enter sales of bottled water or gas to the
extent that the purchase of the water or gas was previously taxed and treated as a retail transaction under
IC 6-2.3-3-6.
Line 12. Enter the amount included in gross receipts
paid by the taxpayer during the period for the return of
an empty container of the type customarily returned
by the buyer of the contents for reuse as a container.
Check all boxes on the front of the return that apply to
the entity. If an extension of time to file applies to you,
check box L.
Line 14. Total deductions. Add lines 8 through 13.
Line 15. Indiana taxable utility receipts. Subtract line
14 from line 7. The amount entered may not be less
than zero (-0-).
Line-by-Line Instructions
Lines 1 through 6. Enter the total taxable receipts by
category for the period from the beginning until the
end of your taxable year. Do not enter any negative
Line 16. Utility receipts tax due. Multiply the amount
on line 15 by 1.4 percent.
Line 7. Add lines 1 through 6.
Line 17. Sales/use tax due. If you are not required to
file Form IT-20, IT-20S, IT-20NP, IT-65, FIT-20, or
ST-103, report any sales or use tax on this line. Use the
worksheet on page 8.
Line 8. Enter the amount of taxpayer deductions.
Each taxable year a taxpayer is entitled to deduct
from their gross receipts an amount equal to $1,000.
This amount is prorated if the taxpayer’s tax period is
shorter than one year. An affiliated group that files a
consolidated return is entitled to only one deduction.
Line 18. List the estimated utility receipts tax payments (Form URT-Q) made for the taxable year.
Line 19. If applicable, enter the amount of utility receipts tax overpayment carried over from a prior taxable period on line (a). Enter on line (b) the amount
of payment made resulting from an extension of time
to file the return for the taxable year. Combine the
amounts and enter the total on line 19c.
Line 9. Enter the bad debts from utility receipts of an
accrual basis taxpayer in the same manner that the
bad debt is calculated under IC 6-2.5-6-9.
Line 10. Enter the amount of depreciation deduction
for an Indiana resource recovery system if a federal
deduction has been claimed. The deduction is allowed
if the resource recovery system processes solid or
hazardous waste. The amount of deduction is prorated
based on the total deduction allowed multiplied by the
percentage attributed to the tax year if the taxpayer is
filing a short-year URT-1 return.
Line 20. Other tax liability credits: Claim other allowable tax liability credits by entering the name of
the credit program. On line 20a, enter the three-digit
credit ID code number, and on line 20b, enter the
amount of your approved credit. As a nonrefundable
tax liability credit, the amount is generally limited to
the tax on line 16. If your claim exceeds the amount of
your tax liability, you must adjust by recalculating the
credit to the amount that you can apply.
Note: The deduction is prohibited if the taxpayer has
been convicted of any criminal violations under IC 13.
American LegalNet, Inc.
Voluntary Remediation Tax Credit
The following two credits are available for reducing
utility receipts tax. A claim for credit must be filed in
coordination with the amount of credit applied, if any,
against other taxes such as the annual adjusted gross
income tax. A detailed explanation or supporting
schedule must be enclosed with the return when
claiming any credit on line 20. Refer to Income Tax
Information Bulletin #59 (
for more information about Indiana tax credits available to taxpayers.
Coal Gasification Technology
Investment Tax Credit
A voluntary remediation state tax credit is available
for qualified investments involving the redevelopment
of a brownfield and environmental remediation. The
Indiana Department of Environmental Management
and the Indiana Development Finance Authority must
determine and certify that the costs incurred in a
voluntary remediation are qualified investments. The
total amount of credits that can be granted in each
state fiscal year is limited to $2 million and must be
claimed in a taxable year that begins before Dec. 31,
2007, excluding carryforwards. Carryover of prior
unused credit can be carried back only one year or
carried forward up to five years.
A credit is available for a qualified investment in an
integrated coal gasification power plant or a fluidized
bed combustion technology that serves Indiana gas
and electric utility consumers. This can include an investment in a facility located in Indiana that converts
coal into synthesis gas that can be used as a substitute
for natural gas.
For additional information, contact the Indiana
Department of Environmental Management, 100 N.
Senate Ave., Room N-1101, Indianapolis, IN 46204.
You can also visit their Web site at
Enter 8 3 6 on line 20a on Form URT-1 if claiming
this credit. Enclose with your return proof of certification and amounts paid.
You must file an application for certification with the
Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC).
If the credit is assigned, it must be approved by the
utility regulatory commission and taken in 10 annual
installments. The amount of credit for a coal gasification power plant is 10 percent of the first $500 million
invested and 5 percent of any amount over that. The
amount of credit for a fluidized bed combustion technology is 7 percent of the first $500 million invested
and 3 percent of any amount over that.
Line 21. Total of all payments and credits. Add the
amounts on lines 18, 19c, and 20b.
Line 22. Net tax due. Enter the difference if the sum of
lines 16 and 17 is greater than line 21. If not, proceed
to line 23 and line 27.
Line 23. Penalty for underpayment of estimated tax.
Complete and attach Schedule URT- 2220.
For more information, contact the Indiana Economic
Development Corporation, One North Capitol, Suite
700, Indianapolis, IN 46204. You can also visit their
Web site at
Note: If a taxpayer’s annual liability exceeds $2,500,
filing quarterly estimated payments to remit 25 percent of the estimated annual tax liability is required.
Line 24. Interest. If payment is made after the original
due date, interest on the late payment is due. To view
a chart of the current interest rates, see Departmental
Notice #3 at
Get Income Tax Information Bulletin #99 at for more information.
Enter 8 0 6 on line 20a on Form URT-1 if claiming
this credit. Enclose a copy of the utility regulatory
commission’s determination and the certificate of
compliance issued by the IEDC with your return.
The rate is updated on or before November 1 to take
effect on January 1 for the coming year.
Line 25. Penalty for late payment. If payment is made
after the original due date, a penalty of 10 percent of
the net tax due (line 22) or $5, whichever is greater, is
American LegalNet, Inc.
Line 26. Total amount owed. Add lines 22 through 25.
Department will communicate primarily with your
designated personal representative.
Line 27. Overpayment. If line 20 is greater than the
sum of lines 16, 17, and 23, enter the difference.
Note: You can decide at any time to revoke the authorization for the Department to be in contact with your
personal representative. To do so, you will need to
tell us that in a signed statement. Include your name,
your Social Security number, and the year of your tax
return. Mail your statement to: Indiana Department of
Revenue, P.O. Box 40, Indianapolis, IN 46206-0040.
Line 28. Refund. Enter the portion of line 27 that you
want refunded.
Line 29. Overpayment credit. Enter the amount on
line 27 that is to be applied to the following taxable
year. Note: The total of lines 28 and 29 cannot exceed
the amount on line 27.
Paid Preparer Information
Fill out this area if a paid preparer completed this tax
Certification of Signatures and
Authorization Section
Be sure to sign, date, and print your name on the return. If a paid preparer completes your return, you can
authorize the Department to discuss your tax return
with the preparer by checking the authorization box
above the signature line.
Note: This area needs to be completed even if the paid
preparer is the same individual designated as your
personal representative.
The paid preparer must provide the following
• The name and address of the firm she represents;
• Her identification number (check one box for
federal ID number, PTIN, or Social Security
• Her telephone number;
• Her complete address; and
• Her signature with date.
An officer of the organization must show her title and
sign and date the tax return. Please enter your daytime
telephone number so we can call you if we have any
questions about your tax return. Also, enter your e-mail
address if you would like us to be able to contact you
by e-mail.
Personal Representative Information
Typically, the Department will contact you if there are
any questions or concerns about your tax return. If
you want the Department to be able to discuss your
tax return with someone else (e.g., the person who
prepared it or a designated person), you must complete this area.
Make sure you keep a copy of your completed return.
First, you must check the “Yes” box that follows the
sentence “I authorize the Department to discuss my
tax return with my personal representative.”
If you need further assistance, contact the Indiana
Department of Revenue, Tax Administration, 100 N.
Senate Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46204-2253, or call
(317) 233-4015.
Mail the return to:
Indiana Department of Revenue
P.O. Box 7228
Indianapolis, IN 46207-7228
Next, enter the following:
• The name of the individual you are designating as
your personal representative;
• The individual’s telephone number; and
• The individual’s complete address.
For other Indiana Department of Revenue Forms:
Internet Address -
Our homepage provides access to forms, information
bulletins and directives, tax publications, e-mail, and
various filing options.
If you complete this area, you are authorizing the
Department to be in contact with your personal
representative other than you concerning information
about this tax return. After your return is filed, the
Tax Forms Order Line - (317) 615-2581
American LegalNet, Inc.
Sales/Use Tax Worksheet
List all purchases made during 2009 from out-of-state companies.
Column A
Column B
Description of personal property purchased from
out-of-state retailer
Column C
Date of Purchase(s)
Purchase Price
Magazine subscriptions:
Mail order purchases:
Internet purchases:
Other purchases:
1. Total purchase price of property subject to the sales/use tax..............................................................
2. Sales/use tax: Multiply line 1 by .07 (7%)............................................................................................
3. Sales tax previously paid on the above items (up to 7% per item)......................................................
4. Total amount due: Subtract line 3 from line 2. Carry to Form URT-1, line 17. If the amount is negative,
enter zero and put no entry on line 17 of the URT-1.............................................................................
Use tax is imposed at the rate of 7 percent upon the
use, storage, or consumption of tangible personal
property in Indiana that was purchased or rented in a
retail transaction, wherever located, and sales tax was
not paid. Examples of taxable items include magazine
subscriptions, office supplies, electronic components,
and rental equipment. Any property purchased free
of tax by use of an exemption certificate or from
out-of-state and converted to a nonexempt use by the
business will be subject to the use tax. Complete the
Sales/Use Tax Worksheet to compute any sales/use tax
liability. For more information regarding use tax, call
(317) 233-4015.
American LegalNet, Inc.