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Schedule Of Indiana Affiliated Group Members Form. This is a Indiana form and can be use in Department Of Revenue Statewide.
Tags: Schedule Of Indiana Affiliated Group Members, 8-D, Indiana Statewide, Department Of Revenue
State Form 49103
(R4 / 8-10)
Indiana Department of Revenue
Schedule 8-D
Schedule of Indiana Affiliated Group Members
for Period Beginning Month
_______________ Year _______ and Ending Month
_______________ Year ________
This schedule must be enclosed with Form IT-20, Form IT-20S, or Form URT when filing on a consolidated basis.
Complete each column listing all members of an affiliated controlled group included in the Indiana consolidated adjusted
gross income tax or utility receipts tax return. All affiliated companies in the consolidated group are required to use the
identical accounting period.
Check column A if the corporation is a new addition to the Indiana affiliated group. Indicate the amount in column E if any
estimated tax was separately paid by the affiliate under its ID number. Indicate in column F the date the corporation qualified to do business in Indiana.
Affiliated Entities Filing Consolidated Indiana Return
Name/address of each affiliated corporation
Federal ID number
of incorporation
Estimated tax
paid by affiliate
American LegalNet, Inc.
Indiana Department of Revenue
Revised 8-10
Instructions for Schedule 8-D
Who May File a Consolidated Tax Return
An election must be made by an affiliated group wishing to file a consolidated income tax return. The filing of an
annual return, including Schedule 8-D or an acceptable substitute schedule, is deemed an election to so file on
the part of the corporations included in the return. Prior permission from the Department to file a consolidated
return is not necessary. However, an affiliated group must obtain permission in writing from the Department to
discontinue filing on a consolidated basis. In such a case, the group must make a separate application showing
good cause why the filing change should be permitted on or before the date the returns are filed. The request
for permission to discontinue filing consolidated must include the reasons for desiring the discontinuance and
should be addressed to:
Indiana Department of Revenue
Tax Policy Division MS 103
100 North Senate Avenue, Room N248
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2253
Adjusted Gross Income Tax Act
An affiliated group (as defined under I.R.C. Sec. 1504) has the privilege of filing a consolidated adjusted gross
income tax return as provided in I.C. 6-3-4-14. The Indiana consolidated adjusted gross income tax return must
include any member of the affiliated group having income or loss attributed to Indiana during the year.
Utility Receipts Tax Act
Corporations may file a consolidated utility receipts tax return if they are incorporated or qualified to do business
in Indiana, are affiliated as defined in I.C. 6-2.3-6-5, and elect to file a consolidated return at the time the first
annual return is filed. "Affiliated" for utility receipts tax purposes means one corporation owns at least 80% of
the voting stock of another corporation, exclusive of directors' qualifying shares. An "affiliated group" is a group
of such corporations linked together by the 80% ownership of one with another. This definition does not include
an S corporation.
Example: (1) Corporation A owns 80% of the voting stock of Corporation B. Corporation B owns 80% of
Corporation C. Corporations A, B, and C are members of an affiliated group.
(2) Corporation A owns 80% of Corporation B. Corporation A also owns 80% of Corporation C.
Corporations A, B, and C are members of an affiliated group.
Each member of an affiliated group is deemed affiliated with every other member. Brother-sister corporations
(having a common owner which is not a parent corporation but themselves owning no stock in each other) do not
satisfy the 80% ownership requirement and are therefore not permitted to file a consolidated return.
Liability of Each Corporate Member for Returns and Tax
The fact that a certain member corporation is designated and approved to make the consolidated return for the
group will not relieve any member of liability for filing the return and paying tax for the group. The group and each
member thereof is jointly and severally liable. The corporation chosen to file the affiliated group's first consolidated
return will continue to file the return and pay the tax due with the return unless permission is granted by the
Department to change filing members.
Enclose completed Schedule 8-D when filing a consolidated tax return with Form IT-20, Form IT-20S, or Form URT.
American LegalNet, Inc.