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Utility Receipts Tax Payment Form. This is a Indiana form and can be use in Department Of Revenue Statewide.
Tags: Utility Receipts Tax Payment, URT-Q, Indiana Statewide, Department Of Revenue
Indiana Department of Revenue
Indiana Utility Receipts Tax Returns
This form can be used for remitting the required quarterly estimated tax payments for the current calendar year (or taxable fiscal year) or
for remitting your extension payment. Do not use Form URT-Q(w) to remit any other income tax payments. The annual Utility Receipts
Tax Return, Form URT, is available as a separate form.
If a taxpayer’s annual tax liability exceeds $2,500, the taxpayer is required to file quarterly estimated payments and remit 25% of the
estimated annual tax due on each quarterly return. Assistance and preprinted quarterly payment coupons may be obtained by calling the
Tax Administration at 317-233-4015.
If the taxpayer’s annual liability exceeds $40,000, the taxpayer is required to pay the quarterly estimated tax liability by electronic funds
transfer (EFT). If the payment is made by EFT, the taxpayer is not required to file an estimated return. The EFT registration form, EFT-1,
can be obtained on the Department’s Web site ( Questions concerning the EFT registration process can be
directed to departmental personnel by calling (317) 615-2695.
Completing Form URT-Q(w) for Quarterly Payments
Completing Form URT-Q(w) for an Extension Payment
The quarterly estimated utility receipts tax return with payment is
due on the 20th day of the 4th, 6th, 9th, and 12th months of the
taxable year (regardless of whether you’re filing on a calendar-year
or fiscal-year basis).
The extension payment is due on the 15th day of the 4th month
following the close of the tax year.
Compute 25% of the annual estimated utility receipts tax or the
exact amount of tax for the quarter. You may reduce the quarterly
estimated payment by the amount of your overpayment of tax from
a prior year that was applied to your estimated account. Enter the
net amount on the appropriate remittance form. An authorized officer must sign and date each remittance form. Mail payment by
your quarterly return due date. The utility receipts tax rate is 1.4%,
effective Jan. 1, 2003.
This Web version of Form URT-Q can be used to make an extension
payment. It is to be used when a payment is due and additional time
is necessary for filing the annual utility receipts tax return. A penalty
for late payment will not be imposed if at least 90% of the annual
tax due is paid by the original due date and the remaining balance,
plus interest, is paid in full by the extended due date. Also, a copy
of the federal extension of time to file form must be enclosed with
the annual return when filed.
The U.S. Postal Service postmark date is used to determine if a
return is timely. Please be aware of the local postal service’s
hours of mail pickup.
Refer to Commissioner’s Directive #18
( for more information.
An annual URT reporting form with instructions is available at:
Payments must be made with U.S. funds.
Please do not send cash or include check
stubs when mailing your payments.
Taxpayer Name
Form URT-Q(w)
Street Address
Federal ID Number
State Form
Utility Receipts Tax Payment
Zip Code
Voucher - Check box to show which payment you are making:
Signature of Officer
1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Extension Payment
Calendar or Fiscal Year Ending
Due Date
Daytime Phone #
Make check payable to the Indiana Department of Revenue.
Estimated Utility Receipts Tax Due.
American LegalNet, Inc.