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Financial Statement For Offer In Compromise Form. This is a Indiana form and can be use in Department Of Revenue Statewide.
Tags: Financial Statement For Offer In Compromise, FS-OIC, Indiana Statewide, Department Of Revenue
Indiana Department of Revenue
Offer in Compromise
What is required to apply for an Offer in Compromise?
• Complete a Financial Statement, form FS-OIC.
• Must be current with all tax filings.
• Any Bankruptcy filings must have already been discharged or dismissed.
Who may qualify for an Offer in Compromise?
• Taxpayers who are facing financial difficulties due to:
Terminal and/or critical medical illness within the immediate family.
Personal devastation resulting from a natural disaster or an uncontrollable event.
What the Offer in Compromise can not do for you....
• Cancel your outstanding liabilities with no payment.
• Leave your liabilities on hold indefinitely.
• Release a professional license, permit, or tax lien on any type of property until the full amount due, or
compromised amount if agreed to, is paid in full.
• Intervene when a legal action has been filed, such as wage garnishment, bank account levy, collection
suit, or court ordered appearance.
What the Offer in Compromise can do for you?
• The Department can agree to settle for a lesser amount with a compromise agreement that is signed by
all parties involved.
• Accept a one-time lump sum payment to satisfy your liabilities in full.
• Accept a short payment plan with a down payment to satisfy your liabilities in full.
Attention: Your application can be rejected for the following reasons:
Advanced collection proceedings: If a legal action has been filed (i.e. levy of wages and/or bank
account, collection suit, or appearance in court).
Past and/or Present income levels.
Information listed on the Financial Statement: Failure to provide verification of all income, accounts,
and expenses must be submitted for the current month and previous three (3) months.
Failure to submit the following required documentation:
A Letter of Circumstance answering in detail what prevented you from paying the taxes when
they were due and what is preventing you from paying the full amount now.
A medical statement from your physician detailing the diagnosis and prognosis of your and/or a
family members medical condition(s), if applicable.
Incomplete, illegible, and/or unsigned Financial Statement.
Bankruptcy Discharge or Dismissal notice, if applicable.
If an Offer in Compromise has been submitted and/or agreed to by the IRS, a copy of the
application and documentation from the IRS showing their decision. This documentation must
include the amount due, amount offered, and the amount accepted.
If you are a current or recently out-of-state resident, copies of the state tax return filed for the
last three (3) years that was filed.
American LegalNet, Inc.
Copies of the federal tax return filed for the last three (3) years, including all pertinent schedules
If a corporation:
■ The last three (3) years of corporate returns or financial statements.
■ Proof of borrowing power.
■ Each owner/officer must provide a completed Financial Statement.
Any required tax filings not on file with the Department, both individual and business.
Offer in Compromise instructions:
• All pertinent information must be completed on the Financial Statement
• If a payment plan is being requested, a specific down payment and monthly payment amount must be
• Please note: the down payment must be received with the Offer in Compromise.
Please note: If accepted into the Offer in Compromise program, you will be required to sign a legal and
binding Compromise Agreement. If all parties have agreed to a payment plan for the compromised amount,
your case may be reviewed periodically and you will be required to update all information previously submitted
to this office. You must file all future returns on time and any amount due must be paid timely. Failure to
do so will result with your payment plan being cancelled, your case closed, and normal collection pursuit
Contact us at:
Office of the Taxpayer Advocate
Indiana Department of Revenue
P.O. Box 6155
Indianapolis, Indiana 46206-6155
(317) 232-4692
American LegalNet, Inc.
Indiana Department of Revenue
Offer In Compromise
SF# 50112
Financial Statement for Offer in Compromise
Please refer to pages 1 and 2 of this document to determine your eligibility and the requirements for this program. Your failure to follow all instructions provided and submitting all required documentation will result with your application being rejected. You will be
notified within 15 to 20 working days, or less, if you have been accepted into or rejected from the Offer in Compromise program.
Personal Information
Spouse’s Name
Social Security Number:
Spouse’s Social Security Number
City, State, Zip:
City, State, Zip:
Home Telephone Number: (
Cell Phone: (
Home Telephone Number: (
Cell Phone: (
Date of Birth:
Date of Birth:
Please list the name, age and relationship of all dependents who live with you.
Employment Information
Your Employer’s Name:
Spouse’s Employer’s Name:
Years Employed:
Years Employed:
City, State, Zip:
City, State, Zip:
Phone Number: (
Phone Number: (
Bank Account(s) Information
Please include all checking, savings, credit union accounts, Certificates of Deposit,
and list safety deposit boxes held by you, your spouse and dependents.
Type of Account
Financial Institution Name
Account Number
Present Balance
American LegalNet, Inc.
Schedule 1
Monthly Income Information
Your net pay...............................................................................................................................$ _____________
Your spouse’s net pay................................................................................................................$ _____________
Rents paid to you (list property rent is being derived from)......................................................$ _____________
Pensions.....................................................................................................................................$ _____________
Social Security Benefits.............................................................................................................$ _____________
Social Security Disability..........................................................................................................$ _____________
Profit from your business (must attach federal Schecule C, E, F or any other pertinent schedules) . ..$ _____________
Commissions..............................................................................................................................$ _____________
Alimony/Child support received................................................................................................$ _____________
Welfare/Food stamp assistance.................................................................................................$ _____________
Other income (please list source) . ............................................................................................$ _____________
Total Monthly Income ............................................................................................................$ _____________
Schedule 2
Monthly Expenses Information
Rent ...........................................................................................................................................$ _____________
Mortgage ...................................................................................................................................$ _____________
Alimony/Child support paid .....................................................................................................$ _____________
Groceries ...................................................................................................................................$ _____________
Electricity . ................................................................................................................................$ _____________
Heat (oil, gas, etc.) ....................................................................................................................$ _____________
Water/Sewer ..............................................................................................................................$ _____________
Telephone ..................................................................................................................................$ _____________
Transportation (gasoline, bus fare, etc.) . ..................................................................................$ _____________
Medical Expenses (physician’s bills, medication not paid by insurance) ................................$ _____________
Insurance Cost Automobile ..................................................................................... $________________
Health/Hospitalization .................................................................... $________________
Life . ................................................................................................ $________________
Homeowner’s/Renter’s ................................................................... $________________
Total cost of insurance (auto, health, life, home, rental, etc.)....................................................$ _____________
Total cost of credit card payments (list card information on Schedule 3).................................$ _____________
Total loan payments (list loan information on schedule 4)........................................................$ _____________
Other expenses (please itemize and explain below) . ............................................................$ _____________
Total Monthly Expenses .........................................................................................................$ _____________
Other Expenses
Itemized Monthly Expenses and Explanations (attach additional sheets as needed)
American LegalNet, Inc.
Schedule 3
Credit Card Information
List all credit card, lines of credit, and check overdraft protection held by you, your spouse, and/or your dependents (attach additonal
sheet as needed)
Credit Limit
Schedule 4
Expiration Date
Loan Information
List all loans that are currently outstanding
Name of Financial Institution
Amount of Payment Balance Due
Schedule 5
Balance Due
Motor Vehicle Information
Financed Through
Current Value
Schedule 6 Real Estate Information
Financed Through
Current Value
Other assets
List other items that you, your spouse, and/or your dependents own or are currently buying (i.e. stocks,
bonds, boats, furniture, jewelry, mechanics tools, RV, etc…
American LegalNet, Inc.
If you are currently living with another individual, family or friend, and are paying no monthly expenses,
that individual must read and understand the statement below and then sign and date this form.
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that the named individual(s) on this Financial Statement are currently
residing with me and pay no monthly living expenses.
Printed Name
Additional Information
Offer In Compromise Information
List below your offer in compromise and the payment thereof.
Compromise amount: $
Paid in full within:
Down Payment:
Monthly Payment: $
Please explain how you determined these figures:
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that this statement of assets and liabilities and all other information included in this document or attached thereto are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I authorize the Indiana Department of
Revenue to verify any and all facts included in this document.
Your Signature
Spouse’s Signature
American LegalNet, Inc.