Declaration Of Signature (Schedule S)
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Declaration Of Signature (Schedule S) Form. This is a Indiana form and can be use in Department Of Revenue Statewide.
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Tags: Declaration Of Signature (Schedule S), INIRP-S, Indiana Statewide, Department Of Revenue
Indiana Department of Revenue
International Registration Plan
Revised 11/99
State Form 48284
Account Name:
IRP Account Number/Fleet Number:
Street Address:
Indiana Telephone Number:
Zip Code:
We cannot process your 20
IRP transactions because you failed to sign one or more of your returns. Sign the
declaration below if you want to authorize the processing of your returns, or check the Return to Sender box if you do not
want us to process your application. select one or the other, but be cautious not to select both.
Taxpayer Declaration
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have reviewed the information contained on my Indiana International Registration Plan application, including all schedules and other attachments, and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true and
complete. I also attest that I have provided proof of financial responsibility prior to affixing my signature below. I understand that my signature below allows the Indiana Department of Revenue to accept and process my IRP application in the
same manner as if it had been signed upon submission.
Signature of Owner or Responsible Officer
Taxpayer Declaration
Return the original documents to sender. I understand that by checking this box my IRP requests will not be
processed until I sign and resubmit the original document(s). I further understand that I may not have IRP apportioned plates and other credentials as anticipated.
Signature of Owner or Responsible Officer
Mail to:
Indiana Department of Revenue
Motor Carrier Services
5252 Decatur Blvd., Suite R
Indianapolis, IN 46241-9524
American LegalNet, Inc.