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Application For Direct Payment Authorization Form. This is a Indiana form and can be use in Department Of Revenue Statewide.
Tags: Application For Direct Payment Authorization, DP-1, Indiana Statewide, Department Of Revenue
Form DP-1
SF# 22917
(R5/ 10-11)
Indiana Department of Revenue
Application for Direct Payment Authorization
A separate application is required for each business location.
Federal Identification Number
Indiana Taxpayer Identification Number (TID#)
Location Number
Owner Name, Legal Partnership, Corporate Name or Other Entity Name: If Sole Proprietor (Last Name First)
Mailing Address: Street
Zip Code
Description of Tangible Personal Property
to be Purchased Under Direct Payment Permit
I hereby certify that the above statements are correct to the best of my knowledge and that I am duly authorized to sign this
application. In consideration for issuance of this direct payment permit, I agree that I will report and pay Indiana use tax
when due, directly to the Indiana Department of Revenue on any nonexempt transaction where a Direct Payment Certificate
was issued and sales tax was not paid.
Printed Name
Information Regarding Direct Payment Permits
To apply for a direct payment permit you must be registered with
the Indiana Department of Revenue as a retail merchant to collect
sales and use tax. A registered retail merchant may apply for a direct
payment permit enabling the merchant to remit use tax directly to
the state, rather than paying sales tax to their suppliers.
Direct payment permits are issued only when the following conditions are established:
1. The taxpayer regularly buys substantial quantities of tangible
personal property that may be used for either an exempt or nonexempt purpose.
2. There is no reasonable way the exempt or nonexempt use can
be determined at the time of purchase.
3. Adequate records will be maintained by the taxpayer showing
the ultimate uses of all tangible personal property purchased and
the amount of use tax remitted.
4. IC 6-2.5-9-3 imposes a personal liability on any employee,
officer, or other person responsible for remittance of use tax to
the Department.
Each business location must apply for and receive a separate direct
payment authorization. A consolidated sales tax filing number may
not be used as a direct payment authorization.
Direct payment authorization may not be used for purchase of
utilities, motor vehicles required to be licensed for highway use,
or for property purchased in Indiana for storage in Indiana and
subsequent use outside Indiana as provided by the exception
contained in IC 6-2.5-3-1 and 2.
Direct payment permits do not certify that the issuer is entitled
to an exemption and may not be issued to flat bid (lump sum)
Holders of direct payment permits are required to file a copy of
their direct payment permit with their supplier in lieu of an exemption certificate.
The tax due must be reported and paid monthly as use tax on Form
For more information regarding Indiana Direct Payment Permits
contact the Department at (317) 233-4015, option 5, or you may
e-mail the Department at:
Mail completed form(s) to: Indiana Department of Revenue
PO Box 6197
Indianapolis, IN 46206-6197
Fax completed form(s) to the Department at: (317) 615-2690
American LegalNet, Inc.