Notice To Appear
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Notice To Appear Form. This is a Indiana form and can be use in Protective Order Statewide.
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Tags: Notice To Appear, PO-0106, Indiana Statewide, Protective Order
STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF ________ ) ) SS: ) IN THE ________________COURT_____ ( ______________ DIVISION, ROOM ___) _______________________, ) Petitioner ) vs. ) _______________________, ) Respondent ) CASE NO._________________________ NOTICE TO APPEAR The Petitioner having filed a petition for an Order for Protection, the Court now finds the conditions in Indiana Code § 34-26-5 have been met, and sets this matter for Hearing as follows: TO: DATE OF HEARING: TIME OF HEARING: LOCATION OF HEARING: _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Please bring all documents and witnesses relating to this case with you to Court on your hearing date. ___ THE SHERIFF OF_________________________COUNTY, INDIANA, IS ORDERED to personally serve this notice upon Respondent and make due return. DATE:__________ Recommended for approval by, if applicable: _____________________________________ ____________, COMMISSIONER/REFEREE Approved and ordered by: _____________________________________ ________________, JUDGE/MAGISTRATE ******IMPORTANT NOTICE****** IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND THE HEARING IN THIS CASE, THE JUDGE MAY HEAR THE CASE IN YOUR ABSENCE AND ORDER ADDITIONAL RELIEF THAT MAY INCLUDE: · EVICTION/EXCLUSION FROM A RESIDENCE; · RESTRICTING POSSESSION OF PERSONAL PROPERTY; · RESTRICTING PARENTING TIME; · AWARDING CHILD SUPPORT; AND, · PROHIBITING POSSESSION OF FIREARMS, AMMUNITION, OR DEADLY WEAPONS. American LegalNet, Inc. TCM-PO-0106 Approved 07/02 Rev. by State Ct. Admin. 07/14