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Petition For Admission To Practice Form. This is a Iowa form and can be use in USDC Southern Federal.
Tags: Petition For Admission To Practice, Iowa Federal, USDC Southern
UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF IOWA ADMISSIONS The Petition for Admission to Practice shall contain the signature of: (1) at least one Judge of the District Court of Iowa, Iowa Court of Appeals, or a Justice of the Supreme Court of Iowa (may not be signed by an Associate District Judge or Magistrate); and (2)one member in good standing of the bar of the Southern District of Iowa. This Court requires all admitted attorneys to become registered with this Court's Case Management/Electronic Case Filing System (CM/ECF). The two page Attorney Registration Form is added to the back of the Petition for Admission to Practice form. Please download the attached pdf file, complete both forms and send them with your attorney admission fee of $176.00 to the address below. Please make your check or money order payable to "Clerk, U.S. District Court" and send it, along with your statement re: legal education, to: Clerk, U. S. District Court P.O. Box 9344 Des Moines, IA 50309 Please list, on a separate sheet of paper, the legal education course(s), seminar(s) or conference(s) attended, dates attended, location, subject(s) covered, and the number of hours you claim meet the requirements. Recent graduates may use applicable courses taken in law school. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT NAMES UNDER ALL SIGNATURES. Please include the address to which you would like your certificate mailed. Any questions may be addressed to the Clerk's Office at (515) 284-6430. Please take time to review our Local Rules (specifically LR 83.1 Lawyers) and the Electronic Case Filing Procedures Manual. Please visit our website at for information about open houses to learn about our courtroom technology. Please check the court calender for specific dates. American LegalNet, Inc. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF IOWA Petition for Admission to Practice State of Iowa County of I, Iowa, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I am currently in good standing as an attorney admitted to practice in the courts of the State of Iowa and apply now to be admitted to practice in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Iowa; and that I have completed a minimum of six (6) hours of legal education in the federal practice area within the last two years, as shown by my statement submitted with this application. (Telephone Number) & (Fax Number) (Signature of Applicant) (Print Name) (Attorney/Bar ID) (full name of applicant) , of , (E-mail address) (Street/City/State) ____________________________________________ before Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) to by the said me this day of , 20 . (Notary) State of Iowa County of I, Constitution of the United States. Oath of Applicant , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that as an attorney and as a counselor of this court, I will conduct myself uprightly and according to law, and that I will support the (Signature of Applicant) (Print Name) Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) to by the said me this day of , 20 . before (Notary) Certification I do hereby certify that I am acquainted with of , Iowa; that (s)he is a member of the Bar of the Supreme Court of the State of Iowa, in good standing, and is a person of good moral character, and I hereby recommend him/her for admission as a member of the Bar of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Iowa. Signed Signed , 20 , 20 . Justice or Judge, Court of Iowa (Print Name) . Member of the Bar, U.S. District Court, Southern District of Iowa (Print Name) American LegalNet, Inc. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF IOWA ELECTRONIC CASE FILING SYSTEM ATTORNEY REGISTRATION FORM PLEASE TYPE This form shall be used to register for accounts on the court's CASE MANAGEMENT/ELECTRONIC FILES (CM/ECF) systems in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Iowa. Registered attorney and other participantswill have privileges both s to electronically subm documents and to view and retrieve it electronic docket sheets and docum as availablefor cases assigned ents to the CM/ECF systems. The following information is required for registration: First/Middle/Last Name: _____________________________________________________________ Attorney/Bar ID: ________________________________________________________________________ Firm Name: __________________________________________________________________________________ Firm Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ Voice Phone Number: ______________________________________________ FAX Phone Number: _______________________________________________ Internet E-Mail Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Additional E-Mail Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Name of Federal Court Bar(s) you belong to: _______________________________________________________________ Does your E-mail Software support HTML messages? Yes______ No _______ No _______ Do you currently have a login for CM/ECF for another U.S. District Court? Yes ______ If you currently have a login and password, and wish to use the same in this U.S. District Court, please list them here: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ By submitting this registration form, the undersigned agrees to abide by the following rules: 1. 2. The systems are for use only in cases designated by the U.S Courts for the Southern District of Iowa. The systems may . be used to file and view electronic documents, docket sheets and notices. Each attorney desiring to file pleadings or other papers electronically must complete and sign an Attorney Registration Form. An attorney/participant's password issued by the court, combined with the user's identification (login), serves as and constitutes the attorney/participant' s signature. Therefore, an attorney/par ticipant m ust protect and secure the password issued by the court. If there is any reason to suspect the password has been compromised in any way, such as resignation or reassignm ent of the person with authority to use the password, it is the duty and responsibility of the attorney/participant to notify the court immediately. The court will immediately delete the password from the electronic filing system and issue a new password. Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11, every pleading, motion and other p