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IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR _______________ COUNTY IN RE THE CHANGE OF NAME OF: CASE NO. ORIGINAL NOTICE Petitioner TO THE SPOUSE OF THE ABOVE NAMED PETITIONER: You are notified that a petition has been filed in the office of the clerk of this court seeking a legal name change for the above mentioned party. A copy of this petition (and any documents filed with it) is attached to this notice. The petitioner is self-represented in this action. This case has been filed in a county that uses electronic filing. Therefore, unless the attached Petition and Original Notice contains a hearing date for your appearance, or unless you obtain an exemption from the court, you must file your response by way of a motion, consent, or other answer electronically within 20 days after the service of this original notice upon you and within a reasonable amount of time thereafter you must file your motion, consent, or answer with the Clerk of Court. If you do not, the requested name change may be granted without your consent as demanded in the petition. You must register through the Iowa Judicial Branch website at and obtain a log in and password for the purposes of filing and viewing documents on your case and receiving service and notices from the court. For general rules and information on electronic filing, Refer to the Iowa Court Rules Chapter 16 Pertaining to the Use of the Electronic Document Management System: For court rules on the protection of personal privacy in court filings, refer to Division VI of Iowa Court Rules Chapter 16: If you require the assistance of auxiliary aids or services to participate in court because of a disability, immediately call your district ADA coordinator at 515-286-3394. (If you are hearing impaired, call Relay Iowa TTY at 1-800-735-2942). Disability coordinators cannot provide legal advice. American LegalNet, Inc.