Counsels Certification Of Diligent Search
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Counsels Certification Of Diligent Search Form. This is a Iowa form and can be use in Supreme Court Statewide.
Tags: Counsels Certification Of Diligent Search, Rule 6.751 Form 6, Iowa Statewide, Supreme Court
Rule 6.751 — Form 6
July 2003
IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR ______________________________ COUNTY
Juvenile No. ________________________
_______________________, CHILD(REN)
1. I, ________________________, was counsel for (__________________________) in the above-captioned case.
2. Since the time of filing of the order for (briefly describe) _____________________________________________,
I have attempted to ascertain the whereabouts of my client:
a) to discuss the merits of an appeal.
b) to retain his/her signature on the Notice of Appeal.
3. I have made the following efforts:
a. Sent a letter with proper postage affixed to the last-known address of my client and:
_____ received no response.
_____ the letter has been returned to me.
b. Ascertained through the main post office in ________________________ that my client has not filed a
forwarding address.
c. Telephoned my client with no response.
d. Checked with the ______________________ telephone company, and there is no new telephone listing
on file for my client.
e. Undertaken the following additional inquiry into the whereabouts of my client:
4. I am unable to determine the whereabouts of my client.
I hereby certify that the above stated facts are true and correct.
Dated this ________ day of ___________________, 20 _____
Name, address, telephone.
Counsel for ________________________________________.
American LegalNet, Inc.