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Petition On Appeal (Cross-Appeal) (Child In Need Of Assistance And Termination Cases) Form. This is a Iowa form and can be use in Supreme Court Statewide.
Tags: Petition On Appeal (Cross-Appeal) (Child In Need Of Assistance And Termination Cases), Rule 6.751 Form 4, Iowa Statewide, Supreme Court
Rule 6.751 — Form 4
July 2003
Supreme Court No. __________________
Juvenile Court No. __________________
_______________________, CHILD(REN)
County ____________________________________
Judge _________________________________________
The names of the parties involved in this appeal and their designations in juvenile court are shown below in column A.
Their respective attorneys’ names, law firms, addresses, and telephone numbers are shown below in column B.
Column A
Column B
1. This Petition on Appeal is filed on behalf of ________________________________, the mother/father/child/
State/Intervenor/other ____________________________, in the above-identified
child in need of assistance
termination of parental rights
proceeding, with respect to child(ren)
Child(ren)’s Name(s)
Date(s) of Birth
2. (If applicable), parental rights were terminated by the juvenile court pursuant to Iowa Code section(s) 232.116
(________________) as to the mother and Iowa Code section(s) 232.116 (______________) as to the father.
(Insert specific subsection(s))
(Insert specific subsection(s))
If appealing from a CINA order, indicate as to the mother on what statutory ground(s) the child(ren) was adjudicated in
need of assistance (_____________________________) and indicate as to the father on what statutory ground(s) the
(Insert specific subsection(s))
child(ren) was adjudicated in need of assistance (___________________________________)
(Insert specific subsection(s))
American LegalNet, Inc.
3. Appellant’s attorney, _____________________, is/is not the attorney who represented appellant at trial.
4. Are there any other pending appeals involving the child(ren)? _________________________________________
If so, list:
Case Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
Supreme Court No.: __________________________________________________________________________
Type of Appeal: (e.g., appeal from adjudication/disposition, dissolution) _________________________________
5. The relevant dates regarding this appeal are the following:
a. Date of adjudication _______________________________________________________________________
b. Date of last removal (excluding any trial period at home of less than 30 days)
c. Date of disposition ________________________________________________________________________
d. Date(s) of any review hearings _______________________________________________________________
e. Date of any permanency hearing ______________________________________________________________
f. Date(s) termination petition filed/amended _____________________________________________________
g. Date(s) of termination hearing _______________________________________________________________
h. Date(s) of child in need of assistance order(s) from which appeal was taken ____________________________
i. Date of termination or dismissal order from which appeal was taken __________________________________
j. Date of post-termination order from which appeal was taken ________________________________________
k. Date notice of appeal filed __________________________________________________________________
l. Any other date(s)/hearing(s) material to appeal __________________________________________________
6. Nature of case and relief sought: The appellant seeks a reversal of the juvenile court order:
a. terminating the parental rights of _____________________________________ with respect to the child(ren)
_________________________________________; OR
(Insert name(s))
b. dismissing a petition to terminate the parental rights of ________________________________ with respect to
the child(ren), ___________________________________________; OR
(Insert name(s))
c. If seeking reversal or modification of a CINA order, specify the relief requested:
d. OTHER (specify) _________________________________________________________________________
7. State the material facts as they relate to the issues presented for appeal:
American LegalNet, Inc.
8. State the legal issues presented for appeal, including a statement of how the issues arose and how they were preserved for appeal:
The issue statement should be concise in nature setting forth specific legal questions. General conclusions, such as
“the trial court’s ruling is not supported by law or the facts” are not acceptable. Include supporting legal authority for
each issue raised, including authority contrary to appellant’s case, if known.
a. Issue I:
Was error preserved? ________________ yes ______________ no. If yes, state how:
Supporting legal authority for Issue I:
b. Issue II:
Was error preserved? ________________ yes _______________ no. If yes, state how:
Supporting legal authority of Issue II:
(Additional issues may be added)
American LegalNet, Inc.
9. I hereby certify I will request within 30 days after the filing of the notice of appeal that the clerk of the trial court
transmit immediately to the clerk of the supreme court:
(For appeals from child in need of assistance proceedings)
a. The child in need of assistance court file, including all exhibits.
b. Any transcript of a child in need of assistance hearing from which an appeal has been taken.
(For appeals from termination proceedings)
a. The termination of parental rights court file, including all exhibits.
b. Those portions of the child in need of assistance court file, either received as exhibits or judicially noticed in the
termination proceedings.
c. The transcript of the termination hearing.
(For appeals from post-termination proceedings)
a. The order, judgment, or decree terminating parental rights.
b. The post-termination order from which the appeal was taken.
c. Any motion(s), resistance(s), or transcript(s) related to the post-termination order from which the appeal was taken.
The undersigned requests that the appellate court issue an opinion reversing the order of the juvenile court in this matter, or, in the alternative, enter an order setting this case for full briefing.
Attorney for appellant.
Name, address, telephone.
(For appeals from child in need of assistance proceedings):
(1) a copy of the order or judgment from which the appeal has been taken; and
(2) a copy of any rulings on a motion for new trial as provided in Iowa R. Civ. P. 1.1007 or a motion as provided in
Iowa R. Civ. P. 1.904(2).
(For appeals from termination orders):
(1) a copy of the petition (and any amendments) for termination of parental rights filed in the juvenile court proceedings;
(2) a copy of the order, judgment, or decree terminating parental rights or dismissing the termination petition; and
(3) a copy of any rulings on a motion for new trial as provided in Iowa R. Civ. P. 1.1007 or a motion as provided in
Iowa R. Civ. P. 1.904(2).
(For appeals from post-termination orders):
(1) a copy of the order, judgment, or decree terminating parental rights;
(2) a copy of the post-termination order from which the appeal was taken; and
(3) any motion(s) or resistance(s) related to the post-termination order from which the appeal was taken.
I certify that on the ___________________________ day of _____________________________, 20 _____, I served
this document by ( _______ mailing) ( _______ personally delivering) a copy to the clerk of the district court and to all
parties or attorneys whose names and addresses are shown below.
American LegalNet, Inc.
I further certify that on the _________________________ day of _________________________, 20 _____, I filed
this Petition on Appeal by ( _______ mailing) ( _______ personally delivering) eighteen copies of it to the Clerk of the
Iowa Supreme Court, Iowa Judicial Branch Building, 1111 East Court Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa 50319.
Signature of person filing and serving petition.
Name, address, telephone.
Persons served:
American LegalNet, Inc.