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NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS Please enter the change of address set forth below in the records of: Case Name Case No. Check Appropriate Role Of Party The Address Change Will Affect: Debtor Creditor Name Of Party - (type or print) Old Address Information: Old Street Address, Rural Route or Post Office Box - (type or print) Old City, State and Zip Code - (type or print) New Address Information: New Street Address, Rural Route or Post Office Box - (type or print) New City, State and Zip Code - (type or print) Dated: Signature of Person Authorizing Address Change Signature of Joint Debtor, if applicable INSTRUCTIONS This form must be electronically filed by authorized ECF Filers. All other parties must complete the form and cause it to be mailed or delivered to the appropriate Bankruptcy Clerk's Office: Bankruptcy Clerk's Office 401 N. Market Rm 167 Wichita KS 67202 Revised 11/04/05 Bankruptcy Clerk's Office 500 State Ave Rm 161 Kansas City KS 66101 Bankruptcy Clerk's Office 444 SE Quincy Rm 240 Topeka KS 66683 American LegalNet, Inc.