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UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,CASE NO.PLAINTIFF,vs.REGISTRY NO.DEFENDANT. PETITION FOR RETURN OF CASH BONDresiding atComes nowwho deposes and says as follows:1. That on, he/she deposited with the Clerk, U.S. District Court for theDistrict of Kansas, the sum of $2. The condition of the recognizance having been met, your Petitioner prays that an Order be entereddirecting that RALPH L. DeLOACH, CLERK of said Court, return the sum of $to Petitioner. (Petitioner Signature)day ofSubscribed and sworn to before me this (Notary Public/Deputy Clerk Signature)Verified as correct amount thisday of (Deputy Clerk Signature) ORDERIt appearing to the Court that the facts contained in the foregoing Petition are true, the same having beenverified by the Clerk of Court.IT IS ORDERED that RALPH L. DeLOACH, CLERK refund to the above Petitioner from the RegistryFunds of this Court the sum of $Dated thisday of United States District Judge,.,.,.IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTFOR THE DISTRICT OF KANSASas surety on recognizance of the above-named defendant.. American LegalNet, Inc.