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Petition For Protective Order (Protection From Abuse) Form. This is a Kansas form and can be use in 4th Judicial District Local District Court.
Tags: Petition For Protective Order (Protection From Abuse), Kansas Local District Court, 4th Judicial District
Case No. _______________
(Pursuant to K.S.A. 60-3101, et seq.)
1. I live in the City of _________________, in the County of __________________, Kansas.
2. I have filed __________ (give number) petitions for protection from abuse in the past twelve
months. The dates of these petitions are _________________________________. These
petitions were filed in the counties of
(State which petitions, if any, involved abuse of a minor child)
3. I am seeking protection for: (check all that apply)
_____ myself
_____ my minor children (under age 18)
_____ minor children who live with me
4. The defendant and I: (answer all that apply if you are asking for protection for yourself)
_____ are currently in a dating relationship
_____ were formerly in a dating relationship
_____ currently live together in the same residence
_____ formerly lived together in the same residence
_____ have never lived together in the same residence
_____ have had a child in common
(If you are alleging that you and the defendant are or were in a dating relationship, briefly
describe that relationship, including the date the relationship ended)
The residence is: (answer if you want the judge to order the defendant to move)
_____ a) jointly owned or rented and jointly occupied by defendant and me
_____ b) owned or rented by me
_____ c) owned or rented by someone else (explain)
_____ d) owned or rented by me and someone else (explain)_________________________
_____ e) owned or rented by defendant only
_____ f) a home in which I have no property interest, but the defendant is my spouse
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_____ g) not applicable because the defendant and I do not live together.
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5. The minor child(ren): (check all that apply if you are asking for protection for minor
_____ is currently in a dating relationship with the defendant
_____ was formerly in a dating relationship with the defendant
_____ currently lives with the defendant and has since ___________
_____ currently lives with me and has since _________
_____ formerly lived with the defendant
_____ has never lived with the defendant
_____ has had a child in common with the defendant
(If you are alleging that the minor child and the defendant are or were in a dating
relationship, briefly describe that relationship):
6. The following legal actions have been filed between me and the defendant or involving the
minor children: (check case type, give county filed in, and give case number and date filed, if
_____ divorce/custody
_____ paternity
_____ child in need of care
_____ action seeking protective order
_____ other
7. These minor children are involved in this matter:
Date of Birth
Mother’s Name
Father’s Name
If you are requesting custody of a minor child who is also a child of the defendant, you
must complete and attach an additional form concerning jurisdiction (UCCJEA form).
8. I am seeking protection from abuse because the defendant,
(name of person you are seeking protection from) has: (check all that apply)
_____ caused me bodily injury or attempted to cause me bodily injury
_____ placed me in fear of imminent bodily injury by threatening me
_____ caused the minor children bodily injury or attempted to cause them bodily injury
_____ placed the minor children in fear of imminent bodily injury
_____ engaged in any of the following acts with a minor under 16 years of age who is not
the spouse of the defendant: sexual intercourse or lewd fondling or touching of the
person of either the minor or the defendant
9. The acts complained of occurred on these dates:
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10. (Briefly describe the specific facts about why you are seeking a protection from abuse order):
11. The defendant can be found at: (give all available addresses)
HOME: Street
Phone Number
Times when defendant is usually there
Zip Code
WORK: Street
Phone Number
Times when defendant is usually there
Zip Code
OTHER: Please explain:
Phone Number
Times when defendant is usually there
Zip Code
WHEREFORE, plaintiff requests that the court issue an order of protection restraining defendant
_____ a) abusing, molesting or interfering with the privacy or rights of the plaintiff and the
minor child(ren)
_____ b) entering or coming on or around the premises or the residence of the plaintiff located
(Give address or other description of residence from which defendant is to be excluded.)
I am requesting that my ____ address and ____ telephone number remain confidential for the
following reason: (complete if appropriate)
FURTHER, plaintiff requests that the court also issue the following order(s): (check if
_____ c) defendant immediately move from and not return to the residence located at:
(You must include your address if defendant is ordered to be removed from the residence)
_____ d) law enforcement officers be directed to evict the defendant from the residence located
at: ____________________________________________
_____ e) law enforcement officers be directed to grant any assistance necessary to protect
plaintiff and child(ren) from abuse
Plaintiff further requests that copies of orders be given to the appropriate law enforcement
agencies; that the court issue an ex parte Order of Temporary Custody of the minor child(ren), if
appropriate; that a date, time, and place for a hearing on this matter be set; and that summons be
issued to defendant, notifying the defendant of this action and the relief requested.
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Plaintiff further requests that upon hearing of this cause, the court issue a Final Order of
Protection, enjoining defendant from any acts of abuse against the plaintiff and the plaintiff's
child(ren), and that the court award to plaintiff the following additional relief:
_____ a) suitable alternative housing for plaintiff and minor child(ren)
_____ b) custody of the minor child(ren)
_____ c) child support
_____ d) support of spouse
_____ e) possession of personal property and the assistance of a law enforcement officer in
securing that property, if necessary
_____ f) attorney's fees, if represented by counsel, and costs
_____ g) counseling for defendant
_____ h) other, please specify:
and for such other and further relief, all as appropriate and as the court deems necessary.
Plaintiff's signature
(If attorney represents the plaintiff, the attorney's address and phone number must be provided.)
I understand that by asking the court to file this petition and sign the temporary order, I am
REQUIRED to appear in court for the hearing set on the ___ day of _______, _____, at _______
I understand that if I fail to appear on the date and time specified above, that for my protection,
the court will secure my presence in court with the assistance of law enforcement.
I understand that even if I wish to have this matter dismissed, I must appear personally in court
on the date and time specified, unless I have received a copy of an Order of Dismissal or an
Order of Continuance from the court.
Plaintiff’s signature
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COUNTY OF __________
_____________________________, of lawful age, being first duly sworn states that
(she)/(he) is the plaintiff in the above action; that (she)/(he) has read the foregoing Petition and
knows the contents of it, and that the declarations in it are true and correct to the best of
plaintiff's knowledge and belief.
Plaintiff's signature
SIGNED AND SWORN to (or affirmed) before me on this ___ day of _______________,
Deputy Clerk of the District Court/Notary Public
My Appointment Expires:
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