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KANSAS SECRETARY OF STATE Professional Association en-USArticles of Incorporationen-USInstructionsen-USGENERAL FILING en-USINSTRUCTIONS en-USDPAen-US51-04en-USInst.en-USK.S.A. 17-2709, 17-6002en-USRev. 1/17/19 tc en-USPlease proceed to form.en-USAll information on the articles of incorporation en-USmust be completeen-US and accompanied by en-USthe en-UScorrect filing feeen-US or the document will en-USnoten-US be en-USaccepted for filing.en-USen-USstatus, annual report due date and contact en-USaddresses by going to en-USwww.sos.ks.goven-US. en-USen-USFiling feeen-USen-US$90en-US. en-USen-USPaymenten-USPlease submit payment by check, money order, or credit card. Checks and money orders need to be en-USmade payable to the Secretary of State. Forms received without the appropriate fee will not be accepted en-USen-USPlease do not send cash.en-US en-USNOTICE: en-USen-USVisa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are accepted. To use a credit card, please provide en-USthe following information:en-USCredit card number en-USBilling zip code Expiration date en-USen-USDaytime phone and en-UScontact personen-USen-USen-USen-USen-US$20 in additionen-USen-USname, daytime phone number, credit card number, credit card expiration date and billing zip code.en-USFax documents and payment information to en-USBusiness Services, 785-296-4570en-US. Faxed documents will en-USen-USen-US-en-USen-USen-USNo duplicate copiesen-USPlease do not send duplicate copies of your document. The original is processed, and returned to you by en-USmail.en-USen-USNo emailen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USPublic informationen-USen-USwithout cost. Please consider this when providing information on our forms. Instructions and payment en-USinformation are not public information and are shredded after use. American LegalNet, Inc. en-USNote:en-US en-USen-USeach of the incorporators is duly licensed to practice that profession and that the proposed corporate name has been approved. en-USWhen two or more types of professions are to be rendered by such corporation, as shown in the articles of incorporation, a en-USen-USen-USQuestion on Formen-US1. Corporation nameen-USPursuant to K.S.A. 17-2711, the corporate name shall end with the word 223chartered224 or 223professional en-USassociation224 or the abbreviation 223P.A.224en-US2. Resident agenten-USen-USbehalf of the business entity. This does not necessarily mean that the agent himself/herself is being en-USsued, but that he/she has the authority and responsibility to accept service of process on behalf of the en-USbusiness entity.en-USen-USen-US5. Professional purposeen-USen-US6. Stocken-USThe number of shares can only be a numerical value.en-US7. Incorporator(s)en-USIncorporators may be one or more natural persons, each of whom is licensed to render the same type of en-USprofessional service within this state.en-US8. Directorsen-USen-USen-US10. Signature(s)en-USen-USfrom the state regulatory board.en-USEffective date:en-USen-USen-USen-USen-USSecretary of State, please add the following information at the bottom of the DPA form under Item 10: en-US223Effective Date: //.224 en-USDPA FORM en-USINSTRUCTIONS en-USDPAen-USI Please Do Not en-USStapleen-USInst.en-USK.S.A. 17-2709, 17-6002en-USRev. 1/17/19 tc American LegalNet, Inc. en-USNote: en-USen-USincorporators is duly licensed to practice that profession and that the proposed corporate name has been approved. 1. � Name of corporation en-USen-USen-US 2. � Name of resident en-USagent and address of en-USen-USKansasen-USen-USen-USen-USMust be a Kansas street en-USaddress. A P.O. Box or Rural en-USRoute/Box is unacceptable.en-USen-USen-USen-USNameen-USStreet Addressen-USCityen-USStateen-USKSen-USZip 3. � Mailing address en-USAddress will be used to send en-USen-USen-USAttention Nameen-USAddressen-USCityen-USStateen-USZipen-USCountry 4. � Tax closing month en-US 5. � State the professional en-USpurposeen-USen-USen-US 6. � Total number of en-USshares corporation is en-USauthorized to issueen-USen-USen-USen-USSharesen-USStocken-USClassen-USPar Valueen-US/ea.en-USSharesen-USStocken-USClassen-USPar Valueen-US/ea.en-USSharesen-USStocken-USClassen-USWithout Nominal or Par Valueen-USSharesen-USStocken-USClassen-USWithout Nominal or Par Valueen-USIf applicable, state any designations, powers, rights, limitations, or restrictions applicable to any class or any special grant of authority to be en-USgiven to the board of directors.en-USTHIS SPACE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY. en-US1 / 2en-USK.S.A. 17-2709, 17-6002en-USRev. 1/17/19 tc en-USPlease continue to next page. KANSAS SECRETARY OF STATE Professional Association en-USArticles of Incorporation � � 120 S.W. 10th Avenue � � en-USDPAen-US51-04 American LegalNet, Inc. 7. � Name and mailing en-USaddress of each en-USincorporatoren-USen-USen-USen-USDo not leave blank. If en-USadditional space is needed, en-USplease provide attachment.en-USen-USen-USon accompanying state en-USen-USNameen-USAddressen-USCityen-USStateen-USZipen-USCountryen-USNameen-USAddressen-USCityen-USStateen-USZipen-USCountryen-USNameen-USAddressen-USCityen-USStateen-USZipen-USCountry 8. � Name and mailing en-USaddress of each en-USmember of board of en-USdirectors en-USen-USen-USen-USThis must be completed en-USen-USterminates once document en-USen-USis needed, please provide en-USattachment.en-USNameen-USAddressen-USCityen-USStateen-USZipen-USCountryen-USNameen-USAddressen-USCityen-USStateen-USZipen-USCountryen-USNameen-USAddressen-USCityen-USStateen-USZipen-USCountry 9. � Duration of corporation en-USen-USen-USPerpetual existence en-USen-USen-USExistence will expire onen-USMonthen-USDayen-USYearen-US10. � en-USI/We declare under penalty of perjury pursuant to the laws of the state of Kansas that the foregoing is true and en-UScorrect. en-USen-US17-7909en-USen-USSignatures must correspond exactly to names of incorporators listed in item 7.en-USSignature of Incorporator en-USen-USen-USen-USSignature of Incorporator en-USen-USen-USen-USSignature of Incorporator en-USen-USen-USen-US2 / 2en-USK.S.A. 17-2709, 17-6002en-USRev. 1/17/19 tc en-USPlease review to ensure completion. American LegalNet, Inc.