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Service Mark Application Form. This is a Kansas form and can be use in Business Entities Secretary Of State.
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Tags: Service Mark Application, SMA, Kansas Secretary Of State, Business Entities
en-USGeneral Informationen-USen-USDifferenceen-USTrade and service marks are commonly referred to as brand names, logos or slogans. en-USTrademarks are used to identify tangible goods. Service marks are used to identify services. en-USThe term 223mark224 is used to refer to both trademarks and service marks.en-USen-USTrade names not en-USregistrableen-US223Trade names224 are terms used only to identify a business organization, rather than to en-USdistinguish the goods or services provided by the business. A company name may be en-USviewed to be merely a trade name, instead of a mark, if it is advertised in such a way that en-USit attracts little attention, is used in close proximity to an address or phone number, or is en-USdominated by the presence of another mark. However, a company name may be registered en-USif it is shown to function as a mark.en-USen-USen-USSince identical or confusingly similar marks may not be registered by more than one person, en-USa person planning to use or register a mark should take steps to determine whether others en-USen-USen-USnot mean that no one else claims priority of rights in the mark. Visit, then en-USclick Business Filing Center, then click Trademark/Service Mark Search.en-USRequirements for Registrationen-USen-USen-USRegistration of marks in Kansas is based on actual use of the mark in Kansas commerce. en-USFor example, before an application can be submitted to the Secretary of State, the en-UStrademark must be used on a product sold or distributed in Kansas, or the service mark en-USmust be used in association with services rendered in Kansas (during advertising or sale). A en-USproposed mark may not be 223reserved224 prior to its actual use in Kansas commerce or before en-USen-USprior to actual use, registration will be refused.en-USen-USen-USdistinctiveen-USOnly distinctive words, names, symbols, devices, or logos are entitled to registration. A en-USdesignation that is primarily a surname, or that is commonly used in describing the product en-USor service, or that directly describes the qualities or characteristics of a product or service is en-USen-USBeverage Online224 would not be entitled to registration when used in association with 223a news en-USand information service for the food processing industry contained in a database224 since such en-USterms would be merely descriptive of such a service. However, sometimes a designation en-USen-UScontinuous and substantially exclusive use. KANSAS SECRETARY OF STATE en-USen-US þ þ þ þ en-USen-US58-01en-US58-02en-USThe following form en-USen-US and en-USaccompanied by en-USen-US or the en-USdocument will en-USnoten-US be accepted for filing. en-USInst.en-USen-USRev. 11/13/18 tc en-USen-USmark status, expiration date, and contact en-USaddress at en-USen-US. en-USContinue. Please Do Not en-US American LegalNet, Inc. en-USInst.en-USen-USRev. 11/13/18 tc en-USContinue. en-USen-USen-USFiling feeen-USen-US$40en-US.en-USen-USen-USPlease enclose a check or money order payable to the Secretary of State. Forms received en-USwithout the appropriate fee will be rejected. en-USen-US en-USen-USen-USen-US 1.en-USen-USThe applicant should be the person who owns the mark and controls the use of the mark en-USen-USen-USliability company, or limited partnership, provide the legal name of the organized entity as en-USshown in its formation document. (e.g., en-USABC Business Company, Inc.en-US)en-USen-US 2.en-USBusiness addressen-USProvide the business address of the applicant.en-USen-US 3.en-USen-USen-USen-USen-USpartnership, or other business entity, identify the type of business organization and the state en-USunder whose laws the entity was incorporated or organized.en-USen-USall general partners.en-USen-US 4.en-USen-USen-USdatabase.en-USen-US 5.en-USen-USDescribe the mark exactly as it appears in the samples of use. The description and the en-USsamples of use provided must match.en-USThe applicant can seek to register only one mark per application; a single application may en-USnot be used to register multiple variations or multiple color combinations.en-USen-US 6.en-USDisclaimeren-USA disclaimer may be included in an original application. Generally, components that are en-USgeneric or descriptive of the goods or services would be disclaimed (e.g., an outline of en-USthe state, a geographic term of origin, or words that are commonly used to describe the en-USgoods or services). An applicant cannot disclaim all elements of the proposed mark. A en-USproperly worded disclaimer might be: en-USNo claim is made to the exclusive right to use of en-US apart from the mark as shown. American LegalNet, Inc. en-USInst.en-USen-USRev. 11/13/18 tc en-USen-US 7a.en-USClass of goodsen-USState the number(s) of the class(es) in which the goods or services belong. For assistance en-USen-USGoods and Services Manual at en-USGoods en-USClass 1: Chemicalsen-USen-USClass 3: Cosmetics and Cleaning Preparationsen-USen-USen-USen-USClass 7: Machineryen-USClass 8: Hand Toolsen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USClass 13: Firearmsen-USen-USen-USen-USClass 17: Rubber Goodsen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-US en-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USClass 37: Building Construction and Repairen-USClass 38: Telecommunicationsen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-US 7b.en-USGoods or servicesen-USFor each class listed on the application, describe clearly and concisely the goods or the en-USservices currently sold or provided by the applicant on or in connection with which the en-USen-USunder the same class heading.en-USen-US 7c.en-USen-US 7d.en-USen-USuseden-USFor each class listed on the application, accurately state the date on which the mark was en-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-US 8.en-USDiscloseen-USen-USen-USen-USen-US 9.en-USen-USen-USsuch as tags or labels attached to goods; or newspapers, brochures or signs advertising en-USen-USis used in each class. en-USContinue. American LegalNet, Inc. en-USen-US 10.en-USen-USThree (3) identical (meaning: three of the same) original specimens supporting the goods/en-USservices described and supporting the manner in which the mark is used must be attached en-USen-USen-USen-US8275224 x 11224. Original specimens that have been altered or defaced in any manner are not en-USacceptable.en-USen-US en-USen-USused with, the goods. A photograph of an actual display that appears in immediate en-USen-USen-USen-USAcceptable specimens include actual materials used in selling or advertising the services, en-USen-UScards and the like. To serve as specimens, advertising materials must contain some en-USunderstandable reference to the services described in the application and contact en-USen-USen-US 11.en-USDeclaration of en-USen-USSee statement on application of applicant claiming ownership of the mark.en-USen-US 12.en-USen-USThe applicant/owner named must sign the application. An application made by a business en-USentity must be signed by an authorized person. Before signing, carefully review the en-USapplication.en-USExamination Processen-USAn application for trade or service mark registration undergoes an examination process similar to the federal registration process. en-USA 223trademark examiner224 reviews the application to ascertain whether the proposed mark is registrable under Kansas law, federal en-USen-USen-USDuring the course of the examination process, the trademark examiner may require the applicant to disclaim an unregistrable en-UScomponent of a mark that is otherwise registrable. The purpose of a disclaimer is to permit the registration of a mark that is en-USregistrable as a whole but contains matter that would not be registrable standing alone. A disclaimer amounts to a statement that, en-USinsofar as the particular registration is concerned, no rights are being asserted in the disclaimed component standing alone, but en-USrights are asserted in the mark as a whole. Generally, components that are generic or descriptive of the goods or services would en-USbe disclaimed (e.g., an outline of the state, a geographic term of origin, or words tha