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IN THE JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT OF COUNTY, KANSAS ) Plaintiff ) v. ) Case No. ) Defendant ) 60-245a: SUBPOENA OF NONPARTY BUSINESS RECORDS (1) You are commanded to produce the business records listed below, or a copy of them, by delivering them by mail or otherwise to attorney222s name , attorney for the requesting party, at attorney222s address (within 14 days after service of this subpoena) (on or before , 20 ). Failure to comply with this subpoena may be deemed a contempt of the court. (2) Records to be produced: (3) You may object to the production of any or all of the records listed above by serving a written objection on attorney222s name , attorney for the requesting party, at attorney222s address (within 14 days after service of this subpoena) (on or before , 20 ). If you serve an objection, the records need not be produced except on order of the court. (4) The records described in this subpoena must be accompanied by a completed copy of the attached declaration or an affidavit of a custodian of the records. You also must file the declaration or an affidavit with the court. (5) If the business has none of the records described in this subpoena, or only part of the records, the custodian may state that in the declaration or affidavit, and the custodian must send the records in the custodian222s possession and must identify in the declaration or affidavit the requested records not in the custodian222s possession. When more than one person has knowledge of the facts required to be stated in the declaration or affidavit, more than one declaration or affidavit may be made. American LegalNet, Inc. (6) You may demand from the party causing this subpoena to be issued the reasonable costs of copying the records. If you demand the costs, you need not produce the records until the costs are advanced. (7) The records will not be returned unless you request the return in writing. Clerk of the District Court Dated , 20 . CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that a copy of the above Subpoena was served on (name) on the day of , 20 , as follows: . (Signature of attorney) (Name), Attorney for (party) Bar Registration Number Address Telephone [Facsimile number] [Email address] American LegalNet, Inc.