Transcript Request
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Transcript Request Form. This is a Kentucky form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
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Tags: Transcript Request, Kentucky Federal, Bankruptcy Court
U.S. Bankruptcy Court Eastern District of Kentucky Transcript Request Form PLEASE COMPLETE FORM 1. Date: 4. Mailing Address: 2. Name: 5. City: 3. Phone Number: 6. State/Zip: 7. Case/Adversary Number: 8. Case Name: 9. Judge Assigned: 10. Date of Proceeding: 11. Location of Proceeding: 12. Transcript Requested (Specify portion(s) for which transcript is requested): Entire Hearing: Ruling of the Court: Other: 13. Category (See Maximum Transcript Fee Rates as set by the Judicial Conference of the US on KYEB website for explanation of transcript order types below.) Please check one: 14. Comments/Special Instructions: Ordinary Expedited Hourly 14 Day Daily Realtime 16. Select transcriptionist from list/indicate below: 15. Request transcript be emailed to: 17. Signature: 18. Date: COMPLETE and DOCKET TO CM/ECF Court will forward request to transcriptionist indicated above. Questions? Call or email Kelly at 859-233-2608 Ext. 135 or American LegalNet, Inc.