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EDKY 302 Statement of Redactions of Transcript UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF KENTUCKY Division at Criminal Civil Case No. , et al. v. , et al. DEFENDANT(S) PLAINTIFF(S) INSTRUCTIONS 1. Indicate the Transcript, Docket Entry number and date of filing. 2. List the items to be redacted by page number and line. 3. Send this Statement to the court reporter. Prepare a separate Statement of Redaction and Transcript Redaction Certificate for each transcript. 4. DO NOT file this Statement with the Clerk. 5. Promptly file the form EDKy 303, Transcript Redaction Certificate with the Clerk. STATEMENT OF REDACTIONS OF TRANSCRIPT Name of party for whom this Statement is prepared: To Court Reporter: The Transcript was filed on at Docket Entry number . Please make the following partial redaction to the transcript: Social Security Number (only last four digits of number should be used.) Social Security Number page(s) line(s) redaction: xxx-xx Social Security Number page(s) line(s) redaction: xxx-xx Social Security Number page(s) line(s) redaction: xxx-xx Social Security Number page(s) line(s) redaction: xxx-xx Financial account number (only last four digits of number should be used.) Financial account number page(s) line(s) redaction: xxxxx Financial account number page(s) line(s) redaction: xxxxx Financial account number page(s) line(s) redaction: xxxxx Financial account number page(s) line(s) redaction: xxxxx Date of Birth (only the year should be used.) Date of birth page(s) line(s) Date of birth page(s) line(s) Date of birth page(s) line(s) Date of birth page(s) line(s) redaction: xx/xx redaction: xx/xx redaction: xx/xx redaction: xx/xx American LegalNet, Inc. Names of minor children (only the initials of the child should be used.) Name of minor child page(s) line(s) redaction Name of minor child page(s) line(s) redaction Name of minor child page(s) line(s) redaction Name of minor child page(s) line(s) redaction xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xxx xxx xxx xxx Criminal cases only - the home address (only the city and state should be listed.) Home address page(s) line(s) redaction xxxxxxxxxxxxxx , Home address page(s) line(s) redaction xxxxxxxxxxxxxx , Home address page(s) line(s) redaction xxxxxxxxxxxxxx , Home address page(s) line(s) redaction xxxxxxxxxxxxxx , Counsel is reminded that leave of court is required for redaction of information other than the personal identifiers specified in Joint General Order 04-01. /s/ Counsel for: Email address of counsel: American LegalNet, Inc.