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Case No. Court County Judge Division þ Child support ordered IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF: þ Date of Hearing , 2 Petitioner/Joint PetitionerRespondent/Joint Petitioner þ This cause, having been heard on oral testimony in open cou FINDINGS OF FACT 1. þ Date of Marriage , 2 Place of Marria ge 2. þ Ages of Parties: Petitioner Respondent 3. þ Occupation(s) of Parties: Petitioner Respondent 4. þ Addresses of Parties: Pe titioner Respondent þ þ 5. þ Petition states ground for Disso lution of Marriage þ Date summoned , 2. Entry of Appearance , 2 þ Responsive Pleading Notice of Hearing given , 2 þ Previous marriages: Petitioner Respondent þ How terminated: Petitioner Respondent 7. þ At the time action commenced þ proved by . 8. þ Military Status proved 9. þ Parties separated and lived apart 60 days Date of Separation , 10. þ Conciliation effo rts: þ Marriage is irretrievably broken 11. þ Is there a written agreement Is agreement unconscionable DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGEFINDINGS OF FACT ANDCONCLUSIONS OF LAW AOC-245 þ Doc. Code: FCRev. 8-16Page 1 of 2Commonwealth of KentuckyCourt of Justice Chapter 403 lexet justitia COMMONWEALTHOFKENTUCKY COURTOFJUSTICE American LegalNet, Inc. 12.Children:Name(s)Age(s)Address(es) 13.(Complete if applicable) The wife is is not pregnant. 14.Best interest of children to be served by awarding custody to in the amount of $ Reasonable child support to be paid by If Child support is ordered, the Petitioner222s social security number is & Respondent222s social security number is . (MANDATORY) JUDGE/COMMISSIONER: IF CHILD SUPPORT IS ORDERED PLEASE CHECK BOX AT TOP OF PAGE 1. As no good cause has been shown, $shall be withheld per week, month, pay period from petitioner222s/respondent222s wages and made payable to . Visitation 15.Marital Property 16.Contribution of each party to acquisition: Petitioner Respondent 17.Reasonable Maintenance to Amount $ Duration Party receiving maintenance: Is unable to support himself through appropriate employment or is the custodian of a child whose condition or circumstances make it appropriate that the custodian not be required to seek employment outside the home. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW From the foregoing it is concluded as a matter of law that the parties are properly before the Court, that ithas been established that the marriage is irretrievably broken, and that judgment should be entered accordingly,and it is so recommended (including): . , 2 Dated: Judge/CommissionerAOC-245Rev. 8-16Page 2 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc.