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en-USKRS 533.010(12) permits a district court to order a defendant to submit to probation monitoring by a private agency when en-USthe court deems it in the best interest of the defendant and the public to do so. A district court may refer a defendant en-USen-USen-USagency or volunteers. en-USTo receive referrals from the district court, the private agency hereby agrees that it will:en-US1. Be an independent contractor and not an agent, servant, oen-USr employee of the court; en-USen-US the agency has been en-USen-USen-USen-USector or trustee, anyone related en-USen-US for which the agency has been approved to provide services; en-US4. Maintain liability insurance in an amount equal to a minimum of $1 millien-USon dollars and provide proof thereof to the en-USen-US (proof of insurance attached hereto)en-US;en-US5. Accept pro bono referrals from the district court on a proportional basis with all other private probation coen-USmpanies en-US providing approved services to a district court;en-US6. Provide the district court on an annual basis a written schedule of fees to be charged, includen-USing a sliding scale en-USen-USen-US(current schedule of fees attached hereto)en-US;en-US7. Assess fees in strict conformity with the fee schedule submitted to and approved by the district court;en-US8. Report to the district court on a monthly basis all pro bono cases referred to such agency by the court and whethen-USer en-USen-US9. Maintain accurate and complete accounts of all monies received from the defendant, in accordance with pen-USroper en-US accounting practices and procedures, and provide any such accounting upon request by the court;en-USen-USliance with his or en-US her terms of probation or conditional discharge; en-USen-USen-USen-US (en-UScurrent policies or proceduresen-US en-USattached heretoen-US);en-USen-UStativesen-US who supervise defendants, and provide proof thereof to the district court on an annual basis, with copy of same en-USen-USen-US); en-USen-USen-USPage 1 of 2en-USen-USen-US Probation Agency en-USRequirements and Agreement lexet justitia COMMONWEALTHOFKENTUCKY COURTOFJUSTICE District No. en-US � American LegalNet, Inc. Page 2 of 213. Not prepare, tender, or present warrants, orders, or motions to the district court concerning any defendant under grounds for the district court to deny or rescind approval for my agency to provide services to the district court. Name of private probation monitoring agency (Printed)Name (Printed)Title (Printed) , 2 SignatureDate NOTE: and 12 should be mailed to:Division of Legal Services1001 Vandalay Drive American LegalNet, Inc.