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en-USADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTSen-USRECORDS UNITen-US1001 VANDALAY DRIVEen-USFRANKFORT, KENTUCKY 40601en-US502-573-1682 or 800-928-6381en-USrecords@kycourts.neten-USThe process to obtain the information contained in CourtNet is as follows:en-USIndividuals þ en-USRequesting a record on yourself requires a $25.00 fee en-US(check or money order)en-US. If you do not receive a response þ in 30 days contact us at the number listed above. en-US þ en-USRequesting a record on individuals requires a $25.00 fee en-US(check or money order)en-US.en-USen-USen-US If en-USyou suspect information contained on the record is incorrect, or have any questions, please contact the Records Unit at en-US(502) 573-1682 or (800) 928-6381.en-USPLEASE en-USPRINT OR TYPEen-US THE INDIVIDUAL'S INFORMATION en-USCLEARLYen-US. þ SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: DLN: þ NAME: þ MAIDEN NAME(S) AND/OR ALIAS: þ DATE OF BIRTH: þ STREET ADDRESS/P.O. BOX: þ CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE: en-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USIndividual's Signatureen-USen-USCompanyen-USen-USRequestor/Contact Personen-USen-USAddressen-USen-USCity, State, Zipen-USen-USDateen-USen-USE-mail addressen-USen-USTelephone Numberen-USAOC-RU-004en-USRev. 7-18en-USPage 1 of en-US en-US Employment en-US Criminal Investigation þ Screening Housing Applicants þ Volunteer/Care over Juvenile þ Licensing þ Other (please explain) en-USen-US American LegalNet, Inc.