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U RT Commonwealth of Kentucky Court of Justice KRS 403.745; 456.070 OF JUS TI County MOTION FOR EXPUNGEMENT OF EMERGENCY/TEMPORARY ORDER OF Division PROTECTION C E AOC- 275.18 Rev. 1-16 Page 1 of 1 Doc. Code: EXPG COM M O CO NW E A LT H O F K E lex et justitia Case No. Court ____________________ NT U C KY ____________________ PETITIONER First Middle Last VS. RESPONDENT First Middle Last The movant, _________________________________________________________, seeks expungement of the records of this case pursuant to KRS 456.070 or KRS 403.745. In support of this motion, movant states that: 1. q 2. q 3. q The petition in this case did not result in the issuance of a domestic violence/non-temporary interpersonal order; Six (6) months have elapsed since the case was dismissed; and During the six (6) months preceding this request, the respondent has not been bound by an order of protection issued for the protection of any person. WHEREFORE, the movant requests this court to order expunged all records in this case in the custody of the court and any such records, including law enforcement records, in the custody of any other agency or official. ________________________________, 2_______ Date ____________________________________________ Signature ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Address and Telephone Number of Movant NOTIFICATION OF EXPUNGEMENT HEARING This case is set for a hearing on _________________________________ at the hour of _________ q a.m. q p.m. at the ________________________________ q District q Circuit Court. Dated this __________ day of ___________________________________, 2_________. _______________________________________ Clerk By: _____________________________________ D.C. Copies to: Court file Petitioner Respondent American LegalNet, Inc.