Small Claims Post Judgment Motion Or Order Requiring Losing Party To Answer Interrogatories Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
Small Claims Post Judgment Motion Or Order Requiring Losing Party To Answer Interrogatories Form. This is a Kentucky form and can be use in Small Claims Statewide.
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Tags: Small Claims Post Judgment Motion Or Order Requiring Losing Party To Answer Interrogatories, 198, Kentucky Statewide, Small Claims
AOC-198 Doc. Code: ORAI Rev. 4-12 Page 1 of 2 Commonwealth of Kentucky Court of Justice CR 7.02 Case No. ____________________ Small ClaimS PoSt-Judgment motion/order requiring loSing Party to anSwer interrogatorieS District Small Claims Court _______________________ County ______________________ ________________________________________________ vs ________________________________________________ Name ________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________ MOTION PLAINTIFF DEFENDANT Comes the above-named plaintiff and moves this Court for a Post-Judgment Order Requiring Losing Party to Answer Interrogatories for the following reasons: 1. Plaintiff obtained a judgment against defendant on _____________________________________, 2________ for the amount of $__________________, including costs. 2. 3. Defendant has failed to pay the above judgment and costs. Defendant has failed to answer and return the Post-Judgment Interrogatories sent _______________________, 2________. WHEREFORE, plaintiff prays that this Court issue an Order Requiring Losing Party to Answer Interrogatories wherein plaintiff can assess which of defendant's assets may be garnished to satisfy the unpaid judgment. Respectfully submitted, ( ) Telephone No. ____________________________ ___________________________________________ Plaintiff ___________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________ NOTICE OF SERVICE Plaintiffcertifiesthatthismotionhasbeenservedontheabove-namedDefendantorDefendant'sAttorneybyfirst class mail, postage prepaid, or hand delivery, on _______________________________________, 2_________. ___________________________________________ Plaintiff American LegalNet, Inc. AOC 198 Rev. 4-12 Page 2 of 2 Doc. Code: ORAI Case No. ________________________ ORDER REQUIRING LOSING PARTY TO ANSWER INTERROGATORIES Based on the above motion, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the above-named defendant will answer and return a copy of the Post-Judgment Interrogatories to the Plaintiff within 30 days from the date of this order or be prepared to appear in court on __________________________________, 2_________, at _____________________ a.m./p.m. at _______________________________________________________ to answer plaintiff's interrogatories. Dated: __________________________________ ___________________________________________ Judge SHERIFF'S RETURN Executed the within ORDER on __________________________, 2________, on ____________________________ by delivering a true copy hereof to _________________________________________________________________. By _________________________________________ Deputy Sheriff American LegalNet, Inc.