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Lessee Information Form. This is a Kentucky form and can be use in Workers Comp.
Tags: Lessee Information Form, EL-2, Kentucky Workers Comp,
1. Employee Leasing Company Name:________________________________________________________
2. Lessee Name:__________________________________________________________________________
3. DBA:_________________________________________________________________________________
4. Principal Address:_______________________________________________________________________
5. KY. Address (if applicable):________________________________________________________________
6. FEIN OR SSN:__________________________________________________________________________
7. Type of Entity:
Proprietorship - Partnership - Corporation
8. Effective date of workers' compensation coverage under employee leasing company:___________________
Policy No:________________________ issued by:_____________________________________________
9. Termination of coverage date:_______________________________________________________________
This information page must be completed for every Kentucky Lessee whose workers' compensation
insurance coverage for leased employees, as required by KRS342.340 and KRS 342.640, is provided
by an insurance policy in the name of the Employee Leasing Company or related entity. The
completed form(s) must be filed wjthin ninety (90) days of initial registration of the Employee
Leasing Company and updated every six (6) months. Filing shall be perfected upon receipt at the
following address: Division of Security & Compliance, Kentucky Office of Workers’ Claims,
Prevention Park, 657 Chamberlin Ave., Frankfort, KY 40601.
American LegalNet, Inc.