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Order Deferring Infraction Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in Douglas Local County.
Tags: Order Deferring Infraction, Washington Local County, Douglas
County of Douglas,
Case No.
Count 1
Count 2
Count 3
Defendant has not been granted a deferred disposition on a traffic infraction in the last seven years;
The defendant should be granted a deferred disposition on the above infraction.
The Court hereby defers entry of its findings in this matter for one year from the date of this order. The Court
will dismiss the above infraction(s) at said date if Defendant’s record and case file demonstrate compliance
with all terms of this Order. The Court will not extend the time for defendant to pay court costs or otherwise
show compliance with the terms of this Order for any reason. The Court, on its own motion or that of a party,
may set this case for a hearing if it appears the Defendant has committed a new offense in violation of the
terms of this Order.
1. Defendant shall: Pay court costs in the amount of
$120.00 in full today or as agreed in the
Defendant’s time payment agreement not to exceed 90 days. Keep the court advised of current
2. Commit no new violations of the traffic laws in any jurisdiction during the period of this deferral. Any
infraction issued after entry of this order shall be considered a new violation for purposes of this Order.
The filing of any criminal traffic violation with an offense date after entry of this Order shall be
considered a new violation unless the case has been dismissed with prejudice before the review date.
3. If the Court finds that Defendant has violated the terms of this order by committing a new offense, or
otherwise fails or neglects to prove compliance with any term of this Order, the Court shall find the
infraction committed and shall assess the full penalty provided under IRLJ 6.2(d). Defendant may apply
for the opportunity to make time payments or perform community service to satisfy said amount if
Defendant is not delinquent in payment of the court costs assessed by this order, but will not be entitled
to a penalty reduction.
4. If the Defendant fails for any reason to pay court costs in full today or as agreed in the time payment
agreement, the Court shall--without further notice--find the infraction committed, assess the full penalty
provided by IRLJ 6.2(d) plus the $52 penalty for failure to pay or appear, and promptly notify the
Department of Licensing of the Court’s finding and of the failure to pay or appear.
Defendant must pay for, attend, and satisfactorily complete Traffic School (800.776.6874 or 866-2687874) . Proof of completion must be filed with the court no later than
Defendant’s Acknowledgment; I have received a copy of this order and understand I am required to comply
with all of the conditions stated above.
Defendant’s Signature
Douglas County District Deferred Infraction 1 of 1
American LegalNet, Inc.