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MOTION AND ORDER FOR EXTENSION OF RETURN DATE Case No. vs. Judicial District Court Parish of TO: SECOND CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEAL SECTION A - MUST BE COMPLETED The following MUST be attached: Copy of Notice of Appeal Copy of Notice of Payment of Costs Have costs been paid? YES NO If so, indicate date paid Date court reporter notified costs paid SECTION B - TO BE COMPLETED BY CLERK (When Extension is needed for record preparation by clerk) Number of Days clerk Requires to Index and Compile Appellate Record: Detailed Reasons for Requesting Extension: Request for Extension from to (The time requested should be calculated by adding the time needed by the Court Reporter to type the transcript, if applicable, to the time needed by the Clerk to complete the record after he has received the transcript from the Court Reporter.) A copy of this motion has been sent to the trial judge CLERK SECTION C - TO BE COMPLETED BY COURT REPORTER (If extension is requested because of delay in transcribing testimony.) Date of transcript of testimony ordered: Approximate length of transcript testimony (in pages): Percentage of transcript of testimony presently completed: Number of days required to complete transcript of testimony: Detailed reasons for requesting extension: Request for Extension from to A copy of this motion has been sent to the trial judge COURT REPORTER ORDER The foregoing request having been considered: IT IS ORDERED that the request is hereby [ ]Denied [ ]Granted, the transcript is due and the return day is hereby extended from , Louisiana this the , 20 to day of , 20 , 20 . JUDGE / CLERK American LegalNet, Inc.