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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA IN RE: ____________________ PETITION FOR ADMISSION TO PRACTICE TO THE HONORABLE, THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA The petition of _________________________with respect represents that: I. Petitioner resides at _________________________________, in the City of ___________________, Parish of _________________, State of Louisiana. II. Petitioner's office address is ____________________________, in the City of ___________________, Parish of _________________, State of Louisiana. III. Petitioner's general education consists of elementary and secondary school education and ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________. IV. Petitioner's legal education consists of _____________________________ _______________________________________________. V. Petitioner was admitted to practice before the Supreme Court and all of the inferior courts of Louisiana on __________________. Other courts before which petitioner has been admitted to practice, together with the dates of admission are: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________. American LegalNet, Inc. VI. Petitioner is qualified to practice before this Court, is of good moral character, and is not subject to any pending disbarment or professional discipline procedure in any other court. (If the applicant has been convicted of a felony or has previously been subject to any disciplinary proceedings, full information about the conviction or about the disciplinary proceedings, including the charges and the result will be given.) VII. As required by Local Rule LR83.2.2, petitioner annexes hereto the certificates of two qualified persons as to petitioner's character. VIII. As required by the Administrative Procedures for Electronic Filing, petitioner annexes hereto a registration form for the court's electronic case filing system. WHEREFORE, the petitioner pray that he/she may be duly admitted to practice before this Honorable Court. _______________________________ Signature _______________________________ Name Typed _______________________________ Address _______________________________ City/State/Zip Code _______________________________ Telephone _______________________________ Louisiana Bar Number 2 American LegalNet, Inc. CERTIFICATE I, ______________________, a member in good standing of the Bar of this court, do hereby certify that I have known_____________________________, the petitioner herein, for more than ......... years (here specify in what way: personally, professionally, through business contacts, etc.):___________________, and know him/her to be a person of good moral character. I recommend him/her to the court for admission to its Bar. ________________________________ Signature CERTIFICATE I, ______________________, a member in good standing of the Bar of this court, do hereby certify that I have known_____________________________, the petitioner herein, for more than ____________years (here specify in what way: personally, professionally, through business contacts, etc.):___________________, and know him/her to be a person of good moral character. I recommend him/her to the court for admission to its Bar. _______________________________ Signature 3 American LegalNet, Inc.