Request For Subpoenas (Criminal Action)
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Request For Subpoenas (Criminal Action) Form. This is a Louisiana form and can be use in District Court Federal.
Tags: Request For Subpoenas (Criminal Action), Louisiana Federal, District Court
UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA VERSUS CRIMINAL ACTION NUMBER SECTION REQUEST FOR SUBPOENAS Please issue signed subpoenas as noted below, pursuant to Rule 17 (a), (c) or (f) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. I hereby certify that the number of subpoenas requested is in accordance with the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. SUBPOENAS TO TESTIFY AND/OR PRODUCE DOCUMENTS, DATA OR OTHER set(s) for Rule 17(a) trial or hearing scheduled on DATE OF TRIAL/ HEARING set(s) for Rule 17(c) to appear and produce documents, data, or other objects in court before trial or hearing DATE OF TRIAL/ HEARING SUBPOENAS TO TESTIFY AND/OR PRODUCE DOCUMENTS AT A COURT ORDERED DEPOSITION set(s) for Rule 17(f) deposition scheduled on DATE OF DEPOSITION at PLACE OF DEPOSITION Attorney's Signature, Bar Number, Address, and Party Represented Revised: 05/08/2014 American LegalNet, Inc.