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Rule To Evict Form. This is a Louisiana form and can be use in East Baton Rouge Local Parish.
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Tags: Rule To Evict, Louisiana Local Parish, East Baton Rouge
DATE: ___________________ _________________________________________________ PLAINTIFF VS CITY OF BATON ROUGE _________________________________________________ DEFENDANT STATE OF LOUISIANA SUIT NO.___________________ DIV.______ BATON ROUGE CITY COURT RULE TO EVICT (INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete every applicable line.) NOW INTO COURT comes Mover, _________________________________________________, who respectfully represents that: 1. Mover is the (check applicable description) ______owner ______lessor ______manager* ____agent*, duly authorized to act on behalf of the owner or lessor, of the premises located within the Parish of East Baton Rouge at __________________________________________________________________________Apt./Unit No. _________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ (Name of complex where defendant lives, apartment number, street address, city, state) * (If a manager or agent, have you filed an affidavit with the Civil Division that provides authority to act in that capacity? ____yes ____no) VERIFIED ______ City Court Use Only 2. Made defendant herein is __________________________________________________, who is the present occupant of the premises described in the preceding paragraph. 3. Mover represents that he has a Lease/Rental Agreement as specified below with the above named defendant, that said defendant has broken the terms of said agreement. Rental Amount $___________________ Per day/ Per Week/ Per Month/ Per Year (Circle One) Maximum City Court Jurisdictional Amount by lease type: Lease by the day: $150 per day Lease by the Week: $500 per week Lease by the Month: $3,000 per month Lease by the Year: $36,000 annually Civil Rule to Evict (4-18-16) American LegalNet, Inc. 4. Pursuant to Article 4701 and 4731 of the Louisiana Code of Civil Procedure, Mover requests that the defendant be evicted from these premises due to one or more of the following grounds: _____ the term of the lease has expired; _____ nonpayment of rent; _____ other reason (explain): __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 5. Mover states that the following action has occurred with respect to the eviction notice contained in the lease: (Please check action that applies) [Please check ground(s) that apply] _____ 5 day Notice of eviction has been given. ( ) Notice to Vacate hand delivered to Defendant ( ) Notice to Vacate posted on door of premises with witness present ( ) Notice to Vacate mailed with certified return receipt _____ Notice of eviction waived (please highlight provision in lease). 6. Mover requests that a rule to show cause issue herein to the defendant to show why he/she should not be ordered to deliver possession of the premises to the lessor or owner. ORDER Considering the foregoing Rule to Evict: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that a rule be issued herein to the defendant to show cause on the_______ day of ____________________, 20_____, at 10:00 A.M., Room 309, why he/she should not be ordered to deliver possession of the premises described herein to the lessor or owner. Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on this ________ day of ______________, 20_____. _________________________________________________ Deputy Clerk Baton Rouge City Court Elzie Alford, Jr., Clerk of Court/Judicial Administrator Respectfully Submitted: (Sign your name) (Print your name) _____________________________ _____________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ American LegalNet, Inc. (Attorney Bar Roll No.) __________________________________ (Your Address) (City, State, Zip) _______________________________________ (Telephone No.) (Fax No.) _____________________________________________ Civil Rule to Evict (4-18-16)