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24th Judicial District Court for the Parish of Jefferson No.: _________________ Division: "_______" STATE OF LOUISIANA ________________________________________________________ vs. _______________________________________________________ ORDER OF CONSOLIDATION Under Civil Rule II, Section 6(c) On Motion of ____________________________________________________, IT IS ORDERED BY THE COURT that the above numbered and entitled cause be and the same is hereby consolidated for trial with the matter(s) entitled: _________________________________________ vs. ________________________________________ Case No. _______________________ of the docket of the 24th Judicial District Court, Parish of Jefferson, State of Louisiana. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED BY THE COURT that all records shall be kept separate and all pleadings shall bear the number of and be filed in the record to which they pertain, except a motion to set the cases for trial, which may bear all numbers. Gretna, Louisiana. This _________ day of ______________________________, 20 ________. _________________________________________________ JUDGE, 24TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT (FILE ORIGINAL IN RECORD BEARING THE LOWEST NUMBER AND TITLE; PLACE COPY IN EACH RECORD COVERED IN CONSOLIDATION. MAIL COPY TO EACH ATTORNEY OF RECORD.) ATTORNEY: _______________________________________________ Attorney's Signature ATTORNEY'S NAME: ______________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP: __________________________________________ American LegalNet, Inc. **B**