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24th Judicial District Court for the Parish of Jefferson No.: _________________ Division: "_______" STATE OF LOUISIANA ________________________________________________________ vs. _______________________________________________________ ORDER OF TRANSFER Under Civil Rule II, Section 5(c) IT IS ORDERED BY THE COURT that the above numbered and entitled matter be transferred to the docket of the Honorable ____________________________________________, Judge, Division "_______" of the 24th Judicial District Court, in and for the Parish of Jefferson, State of Louisiana, for all further proceedings and final disposition. Gretna, Louisiana. This __________ day of _______________________________, 20_____. _____________________________________________________ JUDGE, (DIVISION "_______") 24TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: On this ________ day of ____________________________, 20 _______. _________________________________________________ JUDGE, (DIVISION "_______") 24TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT (FILE ORDER OF TRANSFER IN RECORD BEARING HIGHEST NUMBER AND TITLE THEREOF. MAIL COPY TO EACH ATTORNEY OF RECORD.) ATTORNEY: _______________________________________________ Attorney's Signature ATTORNEY'S NAME: ______________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP: __________________________________________ **A** American LegalNet, Inc.