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Motion To Set For Trial On Merits Form. This is a Louisiana form and can be use in Orleans Local Parish.
Tags: Motion To Set For Trial On Merits, 85, Louisiana Local Parish, Orleans
FORM 85 - Rev. 3/000 STATE OF LOUISIANA CIVIL DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PARISH OF ORLEANS No. DIV. DOCKET versus MOTION TO SET FOR TRIAL ON THE MERITS , Attorney for who certifies that Trial Counsel have conferred on the day of , 20 and the case is ready for trial in accordance with Rule 10, Section I reprinted on the reverse side hereof,moves the Court to set this case for trial. Mover further certifies that a copy hereof has been Mailed to all counsel of record before submission to the Court. JURY 9 NON-JURY 9 Signature of Mover Address ESTIMATED TIME FOR TRIAL Zip Code Telephone No. NOTICE OF TRIAL IT IS ORDERED by the Court that this case be: set for a pre-trial conference on , 20 , at M.set for trial on the merits at M. on the day of , 20 , 20 JUDGE THE ATTORNEY SUBMITTING THIS MOTION IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE BELOW OR IN THE REVERSE SIDE: 1) The name of each party to this law suit and their status, i.e., defendant, Third Party, Plaintiff 2) The name, address and phone number of each attorney representing each party. I certify that a copy of this notice has been Mailed to each attorney or party in proper Person. Minute Clerk >>>> 2 RULE 10, SECTION INo case shall be placed upon any docket for trial, except by order of the court, granted uponmotion by a party, suggesting to the Court that all issues propounded in the principal andincidental demands have been joined; that cases which should be consolidated have beenconsolidated; that all exceptions have been disposed of, motions for summary judgementheard; all discovery completed; and that the case is ready for trial on its merits. Said motionshall be signed by the attorney for the mover who shall certify that trial counsel for all partieshave conferred, in person, to confirm the foregoing have been accomplished. No conferenceis required with any party appearing pro se. Any attorney residing outside the greater NewOrleans area may confer by phone. Forms of this motion are available and will be suppliedby the Clerk of Court upon request.