Notice To Sell Movable Or Immovable Property At Private Sale
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Notice To Sell Movable Or Immovable Property At Private Sale Form. This is a Louisiana form and can be use in Orleans Local Parish.
Tags: Notice To Sell Movable Or Immovable Property At Private Sale, 86, Louisiana Local Parish, Orleans
Form 86 STATE OF LOUISIANA CIVIL DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PARISH OF ORLEANS NOTICE TO SELL MOVABLE OR IMMOVABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE NO. DIVISION DOCKET SUCCESSION OF Whereas the of the above Estate, has madeapplication to the Court for the sale at private sale of the movable or immovable propertyhereinafter described, to-wit: (DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY) UPON THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS, TO-WIT: Notice is hereby given to all parties whom it may concern, including the heirs and creditors of the decedentherein, and of this estate, be ordered to make any opposition which they have or may have to suchapplication, at any time, prior to the issuance of the order or judgment authorizing, approving andhomologating such application and that such order or judgment may be issued after the expiration of seven(7) days, from the date of the last publication of such notice, all in accordance with law.Attorney: Publication: T.P. DALE N. ATKINS, ClerkAddress: Telephone No.: