Pretrial Order (Division A)
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Pretrial Order (Division A) Form. This is a Louisiana form and can be use in Orleans Local Parish.
Tags: Pretrial Order (Division A), Louisiana Local Parish, Orleans
CIVIL DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PARISH OF ORLEANS STATE OF LOUISIANA DIVISION "A" NO. VERSUS PRE-TRIAL ORDER Plaintiff MUST submit a written settlement offer to all counsel within 20 days of rece
ipt of thisnotice. Failure to do so may result in the imposition of penalties. Within 20 days of receipt of plaintiffs settlement offer, defendant MUST submit a writtenresponse. Failure to do so may result in the imposition of penalties. Failure to appear for trial may result in the dismissal of the case. Any counsel requesting a continuance of the assigned trial date, even if unopposed, MUST file awritten motion for continuance. The Motion to Continue MUST include a brief explanation as to whythe continuance is being requested and MUST state whether or not opposing counsel objects to thecontinuance. DISCOVERY CUT-OFF DATES AND TRIAL DATE 1) All supplemental and amending pleadings must be filed by: 2) Plaintiffs witness lists, including experts, are due by: 3) Defendants witness lists, including experts, are due by: 4) All discovery, including the exchange of all reports, and the taking of all
depositions must be completed by: .5) All contradictory motions, including Motions in Limine, must be filed by
: to be heard on .6) Jury Trial/Non - jury trial set for at m. Special jury charges and Jury Interrogatories are due the morning of tri
al.7) It is mandatory that all counsel shall confer in person or by phone at, least two (2) days pri
or to trial (Saturdays and Sundays included) to confect stipulations, narrow the
issues and discuss settlement of this case. NOTICE: a) Received in person . b) Mailed to/ served on:
New Orleans, Louisiana this day of , 20__. Carolyn W. Gill-Jefferson Judge