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Sheriff Sale Information Sheet Form. This is a Louisiana form and can be use in Orleans Local Parish.
Tags: Sheriff Sale Information Sheet, Louisiana Local Parish, Orleans
Sheriff Sale Information Sheet PAUL R VALTEAU, JR., CIVIL SHERIFF ORLEANS PARISH 421 Loyola Avenue, Suite 403 Civil Courts Bldg, New Orleans, LA 70112 Phone: (504) 523-6143 FAX: (504) 525-4912 Web: E-Mail: CASE Number: _______________________________ In conjunction with your seizure of immovable property, this office requires that you provide the following: 1. $1,200.00 deposit; $200 for each additional piece of property beyond the first. 2. Copy of petition. (Uncertified is acceptable) 3. Acquisition information (COB and folio) (COI) (MOB and folio) (MOI) __________________________. Entry Numbers and Notarial Archives are helpful but not required. 4. Copy of Mortgage/Judgment. (Uncertified is acceptable) 5. Names to be run on Mortgage and Conveyance Certificates. List every form of the names which you wish to run. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ (Note: We recommend that you run assumptors, assumptees, subsequent/prior vendees necessary to fully reveal all encumbrances on the property. Please provide complete marital status for females.) We recommend that you NOT run guarantors, limited partners, stockholders, etc., unless they are in the chain of title. 6. Municipal Number(s): ________________________________________________________________ Please answer the following questions: a. Is any of the property located in a parish other than Orleans? YES NO b. Is any part of the property rental property? YES NO If so, do you want rent notices sent to tenants? YES NO If yes, provide names of tenants, unit numbers, rental amounts, and due dates. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Please Note: The Civil Sheriffs Office does not have rent collectors. Rent Notices will be issued upon request. Tenants are expected to forward rent amounts to the sheriff, but it is the plaintiffs responsibility to monitor rent collections. 7. List any special instructions or non-defendant parties you wish to be served: _________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Specify terms of sale: a. 10% down, balance within 30 days. b. All Cash at moment of adjudication. (The plaintiff is also required to pay the full purchase price at the moment of adjudication if 100% Cash is required) c. Other: _____________________________________________________________________ 9. Are you seizing the whole interest or only a partial interest: WHOLE PARTIAL If partial, what fraction: _______________ 10. Are you aware of any Federal Tax Liens? YES NO If yes, have you notified the IRS? YES NO 11. What is/are the defendant(s) social security number(s)? ____________________________________ 12. Has/Have the defendant(s) alienated the property since your mortgage? YES NO If yes, who are the vendees? __________________________________________________________ 13. Do you want to use the short ad or the long ad? SHORT LONG 14. If multiple properties are being foreclosed on a single mortgage, do you want to sell them separately or in globo? SEPARATELY IN GLOBO (see 616 So. 2d 648 and 623 So. 2d 143) 15. Are you aware of any superior mortgages/judgments? YES NO If yes, please supply us with payouts. ___________________________________________________ TIP: Please assist by clearing prescribed or paid encumbrances off the certificate. __________________________________ _________________________________ ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF (signature) Phone Number __________________________________ _________________________________ BAR ROLL NUMBER Email Address (optional) Revised: August 7, 2001