Certification Of Attorney And Clerk (Default)
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Certification Of Attorney And Clerk (Default) Form. This is a Louisiana form and can be use in Orleans Local Parish.
Tags: Certification Of Attorney And Clerk (Default), Louisiana Local Parish, Orleans
FIRST CITY COURT OF THE CITY OF NEW ORLEANS STATE OF LOUISIANA CIVIL COURTS BUILDING 421 LOYOLA AVE., ROOM 201 NEW ORLEANS, LA. Case # versus Section CERTIFICATION OF ATTORNEY On information and belief, the undersigned attorney for plaintiff in the abovecaptioned matter, and pursuant to the Code of Civil Procedure Article 1702:1, certifiesthat: (a) Defendant was served personally domiciliary on . (b) Plaintiffs claim is a suit on open account promissory note , revolving charge contract installment contract . (c) Attached hereto are invoices , statement of account , promissory note , contract , and plaintiffs affidavit of correctness (and non-military service) are required. (d) Plaintiff makes a claim for attorneys fees pursuant to LSA -R.S. 9:2781. A copy of the demand letter and return receipt are attached indicating fifteen (15 days having elapsed after defendants receipt of plaintiffs demand and prior to suit being filed. DATE ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF C E R T I F I C A T I O N O F C L E R K I certify that I have examined the record in the above captioned matter and as of thisdate no answer, exception or opposition has been filed by any other party hereto. DATE CLERK OF COURT