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Garnishment Interrogatories And Order Form. This is a Louisiana form and can be use in Orleans Local Parish.
Tags: Garnishment Interrogatories And Order, 1011, Louisiana Local Parish, Orleans
Form 1011-A No. ___________________ SECTION DOCKET Filed ________________________________ ________________________________ Deputy Clerk. ________________________________________________________________________
_______________ VS. ________________________________________________________________________
_______________ To the Honorable First City Court for the Parish of Orleans: GARNISHMENT INTERROGATORIES AND ORDER The Supplemental petition ___________________of ____________________________ represents: this Court issued a writ of fieri facias ordering the Constable of the First City Court of this Parish the seizure and possession of all property rights and credits of the defendant __________________________________________ by the order of this Court and to cause to be made in the manner prescribed by law, an amount sufficient to pay and satisfy thesame in the sum of: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and having good reason to believe that third person, is indebted to said defendant or has property or effects in its possession or control belonging to said defendant. THEREFORE, petitioner prays that be made garnishee herein, and ordered to answer under oath, to accompanying interrogatories and after al due and legal proceedings, be condemned to pay the am ofount said Writ and costs, along with aditional cod sts, interest, fees as they may accrue as per judgment. _________________________________________ Attorney for Petitioner ORDER LET THIS SUPPLEMENTAL PETITION BE FILED, AND LET ______________ ____________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ be made garnishee herein, and ordered to answer the accompanying interrogatories, under o writingath, in, with-in 15 days, fro mservice, and as the law directs, as herein prayed for, and let the sum of $ 15.00 be deposited with the Clerk of Court.S as. per R13:3927. New Orleans, Louisiana, this ______________ day of ________________________ 20____ ______________________________________________ D eputy Clerk, FCC INTERROGATORIES TO BE ANSWERED CATEGORICALLY UNDER OATH, IN WRITING, 15 DAYS FRM SERVICE. RETURN TO ROOM 201, 421 LOYOLA AVE, NEW ORLEANS, LA. 1. Are you indebted to the defendant herein in a sum sufficient to satisfy the full amount of said writ? 2. Is the defendant garnished herein in your employ? a. If yeastate what are his wages and how paid, and if there is any money due him for services rendered, not exempt by law from seizure. b. If naystate where and by whom the defendant garnished is presently employed and residing, if known to you. 3. Have you not in your hands, on deposit or under your control, not exempt by law from seizure, any money, rights, credits or effects of any description belonging to defendant herein? If yea, state what it consists of and how much. 4. Have you not since the service of theseinterrog atories, paid or transferred to the defendant herein money, property, crs edit or effects of any description whatever or caused the same to be done, or had any transaction whatever with defendant? If yeas, state in what it consisted. 5. State whether or not there are any judgments or garnishm affecting sents uch wages, salary or compensation and if so, the status thereof? Current Statement: SERVE: Principal $ Interest ............ Atty. Fee . Ct. Costs . Sherff. Comm. Total ........ $ - Payment . BALANCE TO DATE ..$ Sworn and subscribed before me this _____________day of __________________________ 20________.