Motion And Order For Civil Pre Trial Or Status Conference
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Motion And Order For Civil Pre Trial Or Status Conference Form. This is a Louisiana form and can be use in Ouachita Local Parish.
Tags: Motion And Order For Civil Pre Trial Or Status Conference, Louisiana Local Parish, Ouachita
STATE OF LOUISIANA *** PARISH OF OUACHITA FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT __________________ ____________ FILED:_______ __________________ VERSUS NO. __________________ __________________ ____________ DEPUTY CLERK OF COURT MOTION AND ORDER FOR CIVIL PR E-TRIAL/STATUS CONFERENCE On motion of , attorney for ________________________ _____________________ ____, and on certifying to the Court that an examination of this record shows that issue has been joined between all original plaintiffs and original defendants; Mover requests a conference for the purpose of and this matter is a __ Jury __ Non-Jury matter. Available dates of all parties for the next 90 days: Mover certifies that a copy hereof has been mailed to the following counsel or parties of record before submission to the Court: THE ATTORNEY SUBMITTING THIS MOTION IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE BELOW: 1) The name, address, phone number, and fax number of all attorneys; AND 2) The name and status of the party they represent. (If a party is unrepresent ed, please provide their name, address, and phone number.) (If more space is needed, attach a separate page and so note here.) Respectfully submitted, SIGNATURE OF MOVER O R D E R A conference has been scheduled before Judge ________________________ ______ on __________________, 20___, at _______ oclock a.m./p.m. in Judges Chambers, Ouachita Parish Courthouse, 300 St. John Street, Suite 400, Monroe, Louisiana. THUS DONE AND SIGNED this ____ day of ________________, 20___. JUDGE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS: ____ Please notify all counsel via personal service ____ Please notify all counsel via United States Mail