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Change Of Registered Agent And Or Registered Office Form. This is a Maine form and can be use in Limited Partnership Secretary Of State.
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Tags: Change Of Registered Agent And Or Registered Office, MLPA-3, Maine Secretary Of State, Limited Partnership
Filing Fee $35.00 for each limited partnership listed
Deputy Secretary of State
A True Copy When Attested By Signature
Deputy Secretary of State
(Name of Limited Partnership)
Pursuant to 31 MRSA §1315, the undersigned limited partnership executes and delivers the following Change of Registered Agent and/or
Registered Office:
("X" all boxes that apply)
change of registered office
change of registered agent and registered office
change of registered agent
change in name of current registered agent
The name and registered office of the registered agent appearing on the record in the Secretary of State's office:
(name of current registered agent)
(street, city, state and zip code)
Complete this Item as follows based on your selection in Item First:
The address of the new registered office (provide address information only);
The name and registered office of the new registered agent, who must be an individual Maine resident or a
foreign or domestic business entity** or a nonprofit corporation authorized to do business or carry on
activities in Maine (provide name and address information);
The name of the new registered agent, who must be an individual Maine resident or a foreign or domestic
business entity** or a nonprofit corporation authorized to do business or carry on activities in Maine (provide
name and address information); OR
The new name of the current registered agent (provide name only).
(name of new registered agent or new name of current registered agent)
(physical location, not P.O. Box – street, city, state and zip code)
(mailing address if different from above)
Form No. MLPA-3 (1 of 3)
American LegalNet, Inc.
The undersigned registered agent of the following limited partnership(s), who has changed the address of the registered
office OR who has changed his or her name, states that a notice of the change has been promptly mailed or otherwise
delivered to a general partner of each limited partnership affected by the change indicated in Item Third A or D:
Name of Limited Partnership
Names of additional limited partnerships attached as Exhibit ___, and made a part hereof.
The following must be signed by the proper person as designated on the next page.*
DATED _________________________
*By ___________________________________________________
(type or print name and capacity)
Form No. MLPA-3 (2 of 3)
American LegalNet, Inc.
Acceptance of Appointment of New Registered Agent
The undersigned hereby accepts the appointment as registered agent for the above-named limited partnership.
(type or print name)
For a Registered Agent which is an entity:
Name of Business entity** or Nonprofit Corporation: __________________________________________________________________
By ________________________________________________
(authorized signature)
(type or print name and capacity)
If this document changes the Registered Agent and the new Registered Agent does not sign, Form MLPA-18
(31 MRSA §1314.2) must accompany this document.
*This statement MUST be signed as follows:
if Item First, A. was selected, then by the Registered Agent (31 MRSA §1324.1.N) OR
if Item First, B. or C. was selected, by at least one general partner (31 MRSA
§1324.1.J) OR
if Item First, D. was selected, then by the Registered Agent (31 MRSA §1324.1.N)
The execution of this statement constitutes an oath or affirmation under the penalties of false swearing under
17-A MRSA §453.
**Business entity is defined as a business corporation, limited partnership or limited liability company.
Please remit your payment made payable to the Maine Secretary of State.
Submit completed form to:
Secretary of State
Division of Corporations, UCC and Commissions
101 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0101
Telephone Inquiries: (207) 624-7752
Email Inquiries:
Form No. MLPA-3 (3 of 3) Rev. 7/1/2007
American LegalNet, Inc.