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Summary Sheet Form. This is a Maine form and can be use in District Court Statewide.
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Tags: Summary Sheet, CV-001, Maine Statewide, District Court
This summary sheet and the information contained herein neither replace nor supplement the filing and service of pleadings or other papers as
required by the Maine Rules of Court or by law. This form is required for the use of the Clerk of Court for the purpose of initiating or
updating the civil docket. (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE)
I. County of Filing or District Court Jurisdiction:
II. CAUSE OF ACTION (Cite the primary civil statutes under which you are filing, if any.) Pro se plaintiffs: If unsure, leave blank.
Initial Complaint
Third-Party Complaint
Cross-Claim or Counterclaim
If Reinstated or Reopened case, give original Docket Number
(If filing a second or subsequent Money Judgment Disclosure, give docket number of first disclosure)
MOST DEFINITIVE NATURE OF ACTION. (Place an X in one box only )
Pro se plaintiffs: If unsure, leave blank.
Personal Injury Tort
Other Forfeitures/Property Libels
Property Negligence
Auto Negligence
Medical Malpractice
Product Liability
Declaratory/Equitable Relief
General Injunctive Relief
Declaratory Judgment
Land Use Enforcement (80K)
Administrative Warrant
HIV Testing
Arbitration Awards
Domestic Torts
Other Negligence
Other Personal Injury Tort
Non-Personal Injury Tort
Other Equitable Relief
Constitutional/Civil Rights
Constitutional/Civil Rights
Statutory Actions
Unfair Trade Practices
Appointment of Receiver
Shareholders' Derivative Actions
Foreign Deposition
Pre-action Discovery
Common Law Habeas Corpus
Auto Negligence
Other Negligence
Other Non-Personal Injury Tort
Freedom of Access
Other Statutory Actions
Miscellaneous Civil
Drug Forfeitures
Prisoner Transfers
Foreign Judgments
Minor Settlements
Other Civil
Money Judgment
Money Judgment Request Disclosure
Non-DHS Protective Custody
Title Actions
Quiet Title
Eminent Domain
Governmental Body (80B)
Foreclosure (ADR exempt)
Foreclosure (Diversion eligible)
Foreclosure - Other
Misc. Real Estate
Equitable Remedies
Mechanics Lien
Adverse Possession
Abandoned Roads
Other Real Estate
APPEALS (AP) (To be filed in Superior Court) (ADR exempt)
Administrative Agency (80C)
Other Appeals
VI. M.R.Civ.P. 16B Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR):
I certify that pursuant to M.R.Civ.P. 16B(b), this case is exempt from a required ADR process because:
It falls within an exemption listed above (i.e., an appeal or an action for non-payment of a note in a secured transaction).
The plaintiff or defendant is incarcerated in a local, state or federal facility.
The parties have participated in a statutory prelitigation screening process with
_ _________
The parties have participated in a formal ADR process with
_________ (name of neutral)
on ___
________ _
This is a Personal Injury action in which the plaintiff’s likely damages will not exceed $30,000, and the plaintiff requests an
exemption from ADR.
American LegalNet, Inc.
VII. (a)
PLAINTIFFS (Name & Address including county)
Counterclaim or Cross-Claim Plaintiffs
The plaintiff is a prisoner in a local, state or federal facility.
(b) Attorneys (Name, Bar number, Firm name, Address, Telephone Number) If all counsel listed do NOT represent all plaintiffs,
(If pro se plaintiff, leave blank)
specify who the listed attorney(s) represent.
VIII. (a)
DEFENDANTS (Name & Address including county)
Counterclaim or
Cross-Claim Defendants
The defendant is a prisoner in a local, state or federal facility.
(b) Attorneys (Name, Bar number, Firm name, Address, Telephone Number)
(If known)
If all counsel listed do NOT represent all
defendants, specify who the listed attorney(s)
Assigned Judge/Justice
Docket Number
Name of Lead Attorney of Record or Pro se Party
Signature of Attorney or Pro se Party
CV-001, Rev. 08/09
American LegalNet, Inc.
County of Filing / District Court Jurisdiction.
For Superior Court cases enter the county name where this complaint is being filed. For District Court cases
enter the location of the District Court where this complaint is being filed.
Cause of Action.
Report the civil statute directly related to the primary cause of action and give a brief description of the cause.
If the cause of action is not statutorily based enter N/A. Pro se plaintiffs: If unsure, leave blank.
Nature of Filing. Place an “X” in the appropriate box.
Initial Complaint. Check this box if the complaint is being filed as an original proceeding. A filing fee is
Third-Party Complaint. Check this box if the original defendant is filing an action against a third party, not
part of the original proceeding. A filing fee is required.
Cross-Claim or Counterclaim. Check this box if an original defendant is filing a cross-claim against another
original defendant or if an original defendant if filing a counterclaim against a party not part of the original
Reinstated or Reopened. Check this box for cases reinstated or reopened in the court. Use the reopening date
as the filing date. Indicate the docket number of the original proceeding. This should be filled in for Money
Judgment second or subsequent Disclosures, or for post-judgment motions.
Title to Real Estate
Place an “X” in the box if this case is not designated as Real Estate action but Title to Real Estate is involved.
Most Definitive Nature of Action.
Place an "X" in the appropriate box. If the cause fits more than one nature of action, select the category that
best describes the primary cause of action. Pro se plaintiffs: If unsure, leave blank.
Place an “X” in the appropriate box if the case is exempt from alternative dispute resolution as required by
M.R.Civ.P. 16B.
(a) Plaintiffs, Third-Party or Counterclaim or Cross-Claim Plaintiffs.
Enter names (first, middle initial, last) of all plaintiffs and their address including county of residency. If the
plaintiff is a government agency, use only the full name or standard abbreviations. If the plaintiff is
an official within a government agency, identify first the agency and then the official, giving both name and title.
If there are several plaintiffs, list as many plaintiffs as possible and list the additional plaintiffs on an attachment
and note “(see attachment)”.
(b) Plaintiff’s Attorney. Enter firm name, attorney of record, attorney of record bar number, address and
telephone number. If there are several attorneys, list as many as possible and list the additional attorneys on
an attachment, noting in this section "(see attachment)". If more than one attorney is listed for a party, a lead
attorney must be designated. If all counsel listed do NOT represent all plaintiffs, specify who the listed
attorney(s) represent. If Pro se plaintiff, leave blank.
(a) Defendants
Enter names (first, middle initial, last) of all defendants and their address including county of residency. If
the defendant is a government agency, use only the full name or standard abbreviations. If the defendant is an
official within a government agency, identify first the agency and then the official, giving both name and title.
If there are several defendants, list as many defendants as possible and list the additional defendants on an
attachment and note “(see attachment)”.
(b) Defendant’s Attorney. Enter firm name, attorney of record, attorney of record bar number, address and
telephone number. If there are several attorneys, list as many as possible and list the additional attorneys on
an attachment, noting in this section "(see attachment)". If more than one attorney is listed for a party, a lead
attorney must be designated.
If all counsel listed do NOT represent all defendants, specify who the listed attorney(s) represent.
Related Cases.
This section is used to reference relating pending cases if any. If there are related pending cases, insert the
docket numbers and the corresponding justices name when appropriate for such cases.
Date, Attorney or Pro se Party Name and Signature.
Date the summary sheet. Type or print the name of the lead attorney of record or the name of the pro se
party. The attorney signing the filing document should sign the summary sheet. The pro se party filing the
document must sign the summary sheet. The information on the cover sheet is subject to the requirements of
M.R.Civ.P. 11.
CV-001 Instructions Rev. 01/02
American LegalNet, Inc.