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STATE OF MAINE DISTRICT COURT Location Docket No. In re:________________________________ Minor PETITION FOR: (Check one) TERMINATION OF GUARDIANSHIP REMOVAL OF GUARDIAN RESIGNATION OF GUARDIAN 18-A MRS �� 1-310, 5-206-212 1. Petitioner Information: Name: Legal residence: Mailing address: Telephone: ______ 2. Petitioner is: a. A person interested in the welfare of the minor pursuant to 18-A M.R.S. � 5-212 because I am: _________________________________________________________ b. The minor. 3. Minor's Information: Name: Legal residence: Mailing address: Telephone: ________________________ 4. Petitioner believes: (check where applicable) (a) The guardianship should be terminated for the following reason(s): _________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ (b) The guardian should be removed for the following reason(s): ________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ (c) The resignation of the guardian should be accepted for the following reason(s): _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Is a new or continuing guardianship required? Yes No. If yes, explain what you are proposing and what steps you have taken to accomplish this. Please note that if a new or continuing guardianship is required, a new petition for the appointment of a guardian or successor guardian must accompany this petition. GS-007, Rev. 07/16 Page 1 of 3 American LegalNet, Inc. 6. At the time of the guardian's appointment, was an attorney or a guardian ad litem appointed for the minor? Yes No If yes, identify the attorney or guardian ad litem below: Name: Mailing address: Telephone: 7. Will the minor attend the hearing? Yes ___________________________________ No If no, state the reason why not: 8. Is an appointment of a guardian ad litem or attorney required? Yes No If no, state on what basis said appointment is believed unnecessary. 9. Does the minor reside in the county in which the initial appointment was made? Yes No If no, identify both the county of current residence and the county in which the appointment was made: 10. Names and current addresses of all persons who must be notified, including the minor if applicable, and stating the relationship of each such person to the minor. (Indicate if waivers of notice have been or are to be filed.) NAME ADDRESS RELATIONSHIP WAIVERS ________________________________________________________________________Yes No ________________________________________________________________________Yes No ________________________________________________________________________Yes No ________________________________________________________________________Yes No 11. REQUEST FOR ORDER OR ORDERS: I request a judicial finding and order that this guardianship be terminated GS-007, Rev. 07/16 Page 2 of 3 American LegalNet, Inc. I request a judicial finding and order that the current guardian be removed. I request a judicial finding and order that the current guardian's resignation be accepted. Under the penalty of perjury, I, the undersigned, state that all of the foregoing facts and statements are complete and accurate as far as I know or am informed. Dated: ____________________ ______________________________ Signature of Petitioner or Attorney Attorney for Petitioner(s), if any: Name and Maine Bar Registration Number Address Phone Number Attorney for Other Party, if any: __________________________________ (Signature of Attorney and Maine Bar Registration Number) Name Address Phone Number GS-007, Rev. 07/16 Page 3 of 3 American LegalNet, Inc.