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STATE OF MAINE DISTRICT COURT Location Docket No. _Plaintiff v. Defendant STATEMENT OF CLAIM (Small Claims) M.R.S.C.P. 3(a) Briefly describe your claim, including relevant dates: The plaintiff requests a judgment against the defendant in the amount of $ plus costs. If you are asking for an order to repair or return property, or to refund money, or to reform or rescind an agreement, state your request: Date: The address of the court is: Signature Attorney for Plaintiff: Address: Telephone: Plaintiff Telephone: Defendant Telephone: ****************************************************************************************** IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PARTIES To the plaintiff and the defendant: You will be notified of the hearing date and time of this case by the clerk of the court. The notice of hearing will be sent to you by regular mail at the address given above unless you notify the clerk of a different address. If the above address is incorrect or if your address changes, you must promptly notify the clerk in writing. Your failure to notify the clerk of an address change will mean that you may not receive notice of the hearing. IF THE PLAINTIFF FAILS TO APPEAR AT THE HEARING, THE CASE WILL BE DISMISSED. IF THE DEFENDANT FAILS TO APPEAR, A DEFAULT JUDGMENT MAY BE ENTERED AGAINST THE DEFENDANT FOR THE RELIEF SOUGHT BY THE PLAINTIFF. SC-001, Rev. 06/14 American LegalNet, Inc. STATE OF MAINE County I have this day made service of the Statement of Claim upon the defendant by delivering a copy of the Statement to the defendant in hand at by leaving a copy of the Statement with age and discretion at the defendant's dwelling house or usual place of abode located at , a person of suitable Date: Service: Travel Postage Total $ $ $ Deputy Sheriff SC-001, Rev. 06/14 American LegalNet, Inc.