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Catering Permit 3 /201 9 Replace 8 /2018 Page 1 of 5 NOTICE If you are a Class A Restaurant, Restaurant/Lounge, Lounge, Hotel, Club, or Bed & Breakfast you have the ability to perform catered events ONLY under the below circumstances. Events open to the public ; the event MUST be sponsored by a Non - Profit (the entity requesting your services that is listed under question number 16 of the application). This Non - profit must be registered as a 503C and verifiable with Maine Secretary of Sta te. Whether the event is a ticketed event or not it is considered as being open to the public and would still require a Non - Profit as the sponsor. - OR - Private events such as weddings, birthday parties, office parties, etc. where the public is NOT invited is the other alternative to applying for catering permits. All other events or inquiries as to whether you have the capability of catering the requested function should be discussed with a liquor inspector to determine if possible. Only Qualifi ed Caterers may cater events open to the public regardless of who is requesting the services. State of Maine Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations Division of Liquor Licensing and Enforcement 8 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333 - 0008 Telephone: (207) 624 - 7220 Fax: (207) 287 - 3434 Email: American LegalNet, Inc. Catering Permit 3 /201 9 Replace 8 /2018 Page 2 of 5 State of Maine Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations Division of Liquor Licensing and Enforcement 8 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333 - 0008 Telephone: (207) 624 - 7220 Fax: (207) 287 - 3434 Email: Application f or a Cater ing Permit $10.00 (per day) Check Payable: Treasurer State of Maine The law requires the application to be submitted at least 24 Hours prior to the function, however a longer notice is appreciated to allow additional time for processing. 1. License No.: D BA Name: 2. Name of Licensee: 3. Mailing Address: 4. Town/ City: State: Z ip Code: 5. T elephone: Fax: 6. Email Address: 7. Title of Function : 8. Purpose of Func t ion : 9. Is this a public or a private event? 10. Location of Function : 11. Physical Address of Function : 12. Town/Cit y: State: Zip Code: Indoor Event Outside Event (IF OUTSIDE AREA, DIAGRAM MUST BE INCLUDED) 13. Describe specific indoor and/or outdoor area to be licensed: 14. Date of Function : Time - From: To: 15. Number of Persons Attending: 16. Name of Person/ Entity requesting your contracted services : Address: Town/City: State: Zip Code: Telephone Number: Email address: DIVISION USE ONLY Permit No: Class: By: Deposit Date: Amt. Deposited: Cash Ck Mo : American LegalNet, Inc. Catering Permit 3 /201 9 Replace 8 /2018 Page 3 of 5 Outdoor Catering Restrictions: 1. There must be a stanchion or fence completely enclosing the area. 2. 3. There must be sufficient employees at the event to control and monitor the area. (Note: By law, liquor can only be served from 5:00 am to 1:00 am of the next day, Sunday through Saturday. Function times can not deviate from this statutory requirement.) Date Signature of Licensee or Corporate Officer Print Name of Licensee or Corporate Officer For Municipal Approval Only TO STATE OF MAINE MUNICIPAL OFFICERS & COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: Hereby certify that we have complied with Section 653 of Title 28 - A Maine Revised Statutes and hereby approve said application. Dated at: , Maine ss City/Town (County) On: Date The undersigned being: Munici pal Offices County Commissioners of the City Town Plantation Unincorporated Place of: , Maine Once issued, this permit is not assignable and is valid only for use by the licensee named in this application and for the date, time, and location listed in this application. This permit is issued subject to Maine liquor laws, Title 28 - A ve Rules. Penalties for failure to comply with the laws and rules are provided in Chapter 33 of Title 28 - A. The Division of Liquor Licensing & Enforcement is hereby authorized to obtain and examine all books, records and tax returns pertaining to the bus iness, for which this liquor license is requested, and also such books, records and returns during the year in which any liquor license is in effect. Payments to the Division of liquor licensing & enforcement by check subject to penalty provided by Sectio n 3 - B of Title 28A, MRS Signature of Officials Printed Name and Title American LegalNet, Inc. Catering Permit 3 /201 9 Replace 8 /2018 Page 4 of 5 CA TERING PERMIT DIAGRAM In an effort to clearly define your license premise and the area that consumption and storage of liquor is allowed. Diagrams should be submitted on this form and should be as accurate as possible. Be sure to label the areas of your diagram that you are req uesting approval. Submit completed forms to: Division of Liquor Licensing and Enforcement 8 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333 - 0008 (Regular mail) 10 Wate r Street, Hallowell, ME 04347 (O vernight mail) Telephone inquiries: 207 - 624 - 7220 Fax line: 207 - 287 - 3434 Email inquiries: FOR USE ONLY BY DIVISION OF LIQUOR LICENSING & ENFORCEMENT RESTRICTIONS: PERMIT NUMBER : [ ] APPROVED DATED : [ ] NOT APPROVED ISSUED BY: American LegalNet, Inc. Catering Permit 3 /201 9 Replace 8 /2018 Page 5 of 5 The Law 2471052. OFF - PREMISE CATERING AT PLANNED EVENTS OR GATHERINGS 1 . Off - premise catering license for sale of liquor off - premise. Class A restaurants, Class A lounges, Class A restaurant/lounges, hotels, bed and breakfasts and clubs licensed to sell spirits, wine and malt liquor may apply for an additional license to conduct off - premises catering of spirits, wine and malt liquor at planned events or gatherings to be held at loca tions other than the licensee's premises under this section. [ 1999, c. 236, 2473 (AMD) .] 2 . Fee. The license fee for the off - premise catering license is $10 per calendar day of the event or gathering. [ 1987, c. 342, 24776 (AMD) .] 3 . Sponsor. The off - prem ise sales license authorizes the licensee to sell liquor only at: A. Public events or public gatherings sponsored by a charitable, nonprofit organization or civic group ; and [1987, c. 45, Pt. A, 2474 (NEW).] B. Private events or private gatherings sponsored by an individual person, organization or association of persons . [1987, c. 45, Pt. A, 2474 (NEW).] [ 1987, c. 45, Pt. A, 2474 (NEW) .] 4 . Application. The licensee must apply for an off - premises catering license by filing a written application with the bureau at least 24 hours before the event or gathering . The application must include the following: A. Title and purpose of the event; [1987, c. 45, Pt. A, 2474 (NEW).] B. Date, time and duration; [1987, c. 45, Pt. A, 2474 (NEW).] C. Location; [1987, c. 45, Pt. A, 247 4 (NEW).] D. Approximate number of persons to be accommodated; [1987, c. 45, Pt. A, 2474 (NEW).] E. Name and address of sponsoring person, organization or association; [1987, c. 45, Pt. A, 2474 (NEW).] F. If food is to be served, the name and address of food caterer, if other than the licensee; and [1987, c. 45, Pt. A, 2474 (NEW).] G. Approval by the municipal officers , or a municipal official designated by the municipal officers, of the municipality in which the proposed additional licensed premises are located , which, notwithstanding section 653, may be granted without public notice . The bureau shall accept approval required under this paragraph in electronic form submitted by the applicant or directly by t he municipality to the bureau. [2017, c. 260, 2471 (AMD). ] [ 2017, c. 260, 2471 (AMD) .] 5 . Ruling on application. Upon receipt of the application, the bureau may immediately approve or deny the application. The bureau shall advise the applicant that the license and the off - premise sales license may be revoked an d suspended under chapter 33. [ 1997, c. 373, 24784 (AMD) .] 6 . Local option questions. The bureau may not grant approval for the sale of liquor at events to be held in areas where the voters have voted in the negative concerning the pertinent local option questions.