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Incorporated Civic Rev. 8/2018, Replace 6/2017 Page 1 of 4 $50.00 Fee / $10.00 Filing Fee - Check Payable: Treasurer , State of Maine The law requires the application to be submitted at least 24 Hours prior to the function, however a longer notice is appreciated to allow additional time for processing . 1. Full Name of Applicant: (Cor porate Name) Co rporate Address: Street Address City/Town State Zip Code Authorized Corporate Office: Address: Street Address Town/City State Zip Code Telephone Number: Fax: Email Address : INFORMATION PERTAINING TO SPECIAL EVENTS OR GATHERINGS 2. Title and Purpose of Event: Date of Event : Time: From: AM/PM To: AM/PM Multi D ay Event : Start Date End Date (one per year) Time: From: AM/PM To: AM/PM Inside Outside Event ( attach diagram of area ) Location of Event: Number of Persons Attending: Type of building to be occupied: Area to be licensed: Payments to the Division of liquor licensing & enforcement by check subject to penalty provided by Section 3 - B of Title 28A, MRS The Division of Liquor Licensing & Enforcement is hereby authorized to obtain and examine all books, records and tax returns pertaining to the business, for which this liquor license is requested, and also such books, records and returns during the year in which any liquor license is in effect. Dated at: on , 20 Town/City, State Month/Day This applica tion must be signed by a duly authorized officer of the corpor ation executing the application . Please obtain approval by Municipal Officer (s) or County Commissioners before filing with the Division. NAME OF CORPORATION BY: CORPORA RE TITLE PRINTED N AME & TITLE DIVISION USE ONLY License No: Registered Non - Profit : Yes No Deposit Date: By: Amt. Deposited: Cash Ck Mo : Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations Division of Liquor Licensing and Enforcement Application for License for Incorporated Civic Organization American LegalNet, Inc. Incorporated Civic Rev. 8/2018, Replace 6/2017 Page 2 of 4 If said event or gathering is located in an unincorporated place, the application must be approved by the County Commissioners of the County wherein the event or gathering is to take place and the above approval form may be changed in accordance with the f act. Please enclose a copy of the receipt from the County Commissioners. Submit Forms To: Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations Division of Liquor Licensing and Enforcement 8 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333 (regular mai l) 10 Water Street, Hallowell, ME 04347 (overnight address) Telephone Inquiries: (207) 624 - 7220 Fax Number: (207) 287 - 3434 Email Inquiries: For Municipal Approval Only TO STATE OF MAINE MUNICIPAL OFFICERS & COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: Hereby certify that we have complied with Section 653 of Title 28 - A Maine Revised Statutes and hereby approve said application. STATE OF MAINE Dated at: , Maine City/Town (County) On: Date The undersigned being : Municipal Offices Coun ty Commissioners of the City Town Plantation Unincorporated Place of: , Maine Signature Print American LegalNet, Inc. Incorporated Civic Rev. 8/2018, Replace 6/2017 Page 3 of 4 Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations Division of Liquor Licensing & Enforcement 8 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333 - 0008 10 Water Street, Hallowell, ME 04347 Tel: (207) 624 - 7220 Fax: (207) 287 - 3434 Email Inquiries: MaineL INCORPORATED CIVIC DIAGRAM In an effort to clearly define your license premise and the area that consumption and storage of liquor is allowed. The Division requires all applicants to submit a diagram of the premise to be licensed in addit ion to a completed license application. Diagrams should be submitted on this form and should be as accurate as possible. Be sure to label the areas of your diagram that you are requesting approval. For Office Use Only: Date Filed: Date Issued: Issued By: Approved Not Approved American LegalNet, Inc. Incorporated Civic Rev. 8/2018, Replace 6/2017 Page 4 of 4 The Law 2471071. INCORPORATED CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS 1 . Issuance of licenses. The bureau may issue licenses under this section for the sale of spirits, wine and malt liquor to be consumed on the premises to incorporated civic organizations, as defined in section 2, subsection 15, paragraph I. [ 1997, c. 373, 24796 (AMD) .] 2 . Up to 5 licensed events per year; one event per license. An incorporated civic organization ma y obtain up to 5 licenses under this section per calendar year. Each license authorizes the licensee to sell or serve liquor at only one public event o r public gathering which is sponsored by the licensee. [ 1987, c. 151, 2472 (RPR) .] 3 . Length of licenses. One license issued under this section to each incorporated civic organization is valid for up to 7 consecutive days . The other 4 licenses for which the incorporated civic organization is eligible are valid for one day each . The bureau may not issue separ ate licenses under this section to the same incorporated civic organization for events or gatherings held on consecutive days. [ 1997, c. 373, 24797 (AMD) .] 4 . Application. An incorporated civic organization shall file an application for a license. The app lication includes the following: A. Title and purpose of the event; [1987, c. 45, Pt. A, 2474 (NEW).] B. Date, time and duration; [1987, c. 45, Pt. A, 2474 (NEW).] C. Location; [1987, c. 45, Pt. A, 2474 (NEW).] D. Approximate number of persons to be accommodated ; [1987, c. 45, Pt. A, 2474 (NEW).] E. Name and address of the sponsoring civic organization and the name and title of the officer making the application; [1987, c. 45, Pt. A, 2474 (NEW).] F. If food is to be served, the name and address of food caterer, if ot her than the licensee; and [1987, c. 45, Pt. A, 2474 (NEW).] G. Approval by the municipal officers of the municipality in which the proposed licensed premises are located, which, notwithstanding section 653, may be granted without notice or a public hearing . [1987, c. 45, Pt. A, 2474 (NEW).] [ 1987, c. 45, Pt. A, 2474 (NEW) .] 5 . Ruling on application. The bureau shall approve or deny the application and immediately notify the applicant of its decision. The bureau shall advise the applicant that the license may be revoked and suspended under chapter 33. [ 1997, c. 373, 24798 (AMD) .] 6 . Server requirements. A manufacturer licensed by the bureau under section 1355 - A, a certificate of approval holder or a wholesaler who provides malt liquor, wine, fortified wine or spirits for the public event or gathering being sponsored may serve its product at the event. An incorporated civic organization issued a license in accordance with this section shall provide the names of persons not licensed under chapter 51, 55 or 59 who will be serving alcoholic beverages at the event . In the event that a server from that list is unavailable, a licensed manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, small winery or small brewery that has provided a lcoholic beverages to be served at the event may provide serving assistance. [ 2015, c. 2, 24717 (COR) .] SECTION HISTORY 1987, c. 45, 247A4 (NEW). 1987, c. 151, 2472 (AMD). 1997, c. 373, 24724796 - 98 (AMD). 2009, c. 102, 2471 (AMD). 2011, c. 629, 24719 (AMD). RR 2015, c. 2, 24717 (COR). 2015, c. 214, 2476 (AMD). American LegalNet, Inc.